master of the deep

Chapter 310 Vast Cosmos Volume Illusory World (2 more)

Chapter 310 Vast Cosmos Volume Illusory World (Part [-])
Gradually, Lin Fan felt that he seemed to have turned into a snowflake, floating freely in this world of snowflakes, dancing with the wind, like an elf, free-wheeling and unrestrained.

This is a very pleasant feeling, much stronger than those who seek pleasure by taking certain drugs. It makes Lin Fan feel as if he is willing to just turn into a snowflake and fly forever.

However, Lin Fan's mind was extraordinary after all. After an unknown period of time, his consciousness slowly recovered, and then his consciousness incarnation appeared in the world of snowflakes again, his body was spotless, and no snowflakes fell on him. And he has already fully comprehended Snow's original rules.


Lin Fan let out a long breath, Xin Dao's comprehension of the original rules is also risky, a little carelessness may cause his consciousness to dissipate, and then be assimilated by the original rules and become a part of the original rules.

"Having comprehended Snow's original rules, I don't know if it counts as a pass? But since there is such a good place, let's take a look around, maybe you can comprehend other original rules."

Lin Fan did not leave the examination tower, but continued to walk forward, and soon passed through the ice world. The ground was covered with ice blocks like a mirror, and there were icebergs piled up all around. There were even floating icebergs in the sky. The huge ice cubes are completely a world of ice.

Obviously, this is a world full of the original rules of ice, which can help to understand the original rules of ice, but Lin Fan has already comprehended the original rules of ice, so when he entered this world, his His body exuded the aura of the original rules of ice, and then his body turned into a human-shaped ice cube.

However, Lin Fan didn't stay here. When he walked out of this ice world, his body returned to normal from the shape of an ice cube, but there was an extra breath of ice emitting from it.

Moving forward, Lin Fan successively passed through the world of wind, world of rain, and world of clouds, and came to another space filled with misty smoke and damp atmosphere.

At the beginning, Lin Fan thought it was a world of fog, but after walking in, he realized that it was not, it was a world of smoke.Although smoke and fog are similar, they are two different forms. Fog is closer to the form of water, filled with tiny water droplets, but the form of smoke is more scattered and ethereal. vaporization of water.

However, smoke is still an original form derived from the original source of water, so Lin Fan stayed here and began to understand the original rules of smoke.

Lin Fan closed his eyes, and his body walked in the world of smoke, allowing the smoke around him to change into various forms, lingering around him, gradually submerging his body, until his body also disappeared. Turned into the form of smoke.

After comprehending the original rules of smoke, Lin Fan passed through the world of fog, successively entered the world of frost, the world of hail, and the world of dew, and successfully comprehended these original rules. However, Lin Fan successfully comprehended the ten original rules related to water.

These origin rules are wind, snow, ice, fog, rain, cloud, smoke, dew, frost, and hail. They all belong to different branches of the origin of water and are the most basic elements that constitute the origin of water.

Lin Fan found that with the comprehension of these original rules, his understanding and perception of the Da Yanyuan Code became more profound, his practice speed suddenly doubled, and his talent was strengthened again. Then go to the cosmic citizenship examination tower, and you can definitely get the emperor-level citizenship easily.


Suddenly, a mysterious wave enveloped Lin Fan, and a voice appeared in his consciousness: "Successfully passed the assessment of the Chi Tower on the first floor, and the assessment result is a special class. Please enter the Orange Tower on the second floor to participate in the assessment."

Immediately, Lin Fan's incarnation of consciousness appeared in a world full of orange light. This should be the second-level world of the Seven-color Pagoda, but I don't know how to test a person's xinxing at this level.

Just as Lin Fan thought of this, his consciousness suddenly shook, and then disappeared in place. Bubbles like soap bubbles appeared in the back tower. Inside each bubble was a world, and in each world there was a world. A figure of Lin Fan.

In these different worlds, Lin Fan's identity is also different, such as a scholar, a boss, a rich man, a champion, a beggar, a businessman, a knight, an official, an emperor, etc., and even a practitioner. And so on.

In these worlds, every Lin Fan's luck is so good that he can rise to the top when he is an official, he can be promoted to three levels in a row when he is an official, he can defeat the enemy and unify the world when he is an emperor, and he can pick up a lot of money when he is a beggar. If the baby marries a wealthy lady, if you become a boss, you will have a lot of money, and if you are a practitioner, you will have chance to become the supreme powerhouse.

"I am the unique supreme powerhouse in the universe. The origin of the chaos of the entire universe is under my control. The entire universe is in my pocket, so the birth and death of civilizations in the universe are all in my mind. But , this is not true, I am Lin Fan, an ordinary practitioner, and I am undergoing the assessment of the Pagoda of Seven Colors, so all this is false."

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly a bubble shattered and everything inside disappeared. In this world, Lin Fan was a practitioner, and in just a few decades, he got various adventures and became a The only supreme powerhouse in the world.

However, it was becoming the only supreme powerhouse in the universe that made Lin Fan completely come to his senses, because he knew that there were at least four supreme powerhouses in the universe, but he was the only one in the world he experienced. Let him understand that all this is false.

With the shattering of this bubble, some of the surrounding bubbles also shattered one after another, and Lin Fan inside also woke up from all kinds of lives that were too real, especially from all kinds of temptations. come over.

Like dominoes, with a rumbling sound, all the bubbles in the entire orange tower disappeared, and Lin Fan's consciousness incarnation appeared in place, his eyes seemed a little vicissitudes, experienced in those illusory worlds Having lived different lives time and time again, adding up to tens of millions of years, Lin Fan, who was originally only in his 20s, received a spiritual baptism, and his spiritual power has broken through to the third level of the star field.

(End of this chapter)

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