master of the deep

Chapter 300 The Vast Cosmos Volume Chapter Tracing Time

Chapter 300 The Vast Universe Scroll Back in Time
The silver mouse is not big, only the size of an ordinary fox, but it has a pair of weird double-pupil eyes, the outer circle is black, and the middle is red pupil, exuding a strange fluctuation.

"Master Disney, the last place where the fleet of our Dark Angel civilization disappeared is this star field. The surrounding low-level civilizations can confirm that our fleet should have fought against the descendants of the Aliasian Empire here."

Although Ralph is one of the top leaders of the Dark Angel civilization, he still trembles like a small person in front of these strong men of the Addis family, even if he is a strong man of the fourth level of the star field.

Disney didn't say much, but turned his head and nodded to the silver Void Mouse on his shoulder. In an instant, the body of the Void Mouse flew out, and then swelled up.

In about a few breaths, the Void Rat's body swelled ten thousand times, forming a gigantic starry sky behemoth as huge as a giant mountain. Its body was covered with sharp and hideous silver spikes, just like a hedgehog.

However, the Void Mouse's pair of eyes lit up like huge stars, and the center was like blood red, emitting a series of red halos, covering the surrounding starry sky.

Afterwards, Ralph was shocked to see that the surrounding starry sky shook like ripples on the water surface, and then bursts of light slowly appeared, as if countless images were flickering in the light.

"Don't be surprised, the Void Rat has a special ability, which can reverse time within a certain range, and can see things that happened not long ago, and can track some traces not long ago."

Perhaps seeing Ralph's shock at this time, perhaps to show the preciousness of his Void Mouse, Disney opened his mouth to explain to Ralph for the first time.

"Ah, it's unbelievable that there are such miraculous creatures in the universe, but only a strong man like an adult can conquer such a sky-defying star beast like the Void Rat." Ralph patted his horse sincerely. fart.

In fact, the strength of the Void Rat itself is not strong, only around the peak of the galaxy level, but its ability is special, very practical, and it is also good at escaping, so unless it is a coincidence, it is not easy to get such a pet of.

Sure enough, when Ralph sighed, some clear images began to appear in the starry sky, such as some spaceships and battleships, passing by in a hurry, such as some shooting stars passing by.

These pictures are like playing a movie, and also like a revolving lantern, but they are played backwards from the back to the front, so they look particularly weird and absurd.

However, a large group of battleships finally appeared on the screen, followed by a scene of some star-level powerhouses fighting in the starry sky, and then a large-scale black fleet appeared, surrounded by some other sporadic battleship.

Finally, the picture stopped, and the Void Mouse turned its head and let out a sharp roar towards Disney, as if communicating with him, and Disney nodded after hearing it.

Ralph looked again, only to find that the images began to play from a still place, like a video disc, and the Void Mouse's ability was like rewinding.

In the quiet starry sky, there was a sudden fluctuation in space, like waves on the surface of the water. A black wormhole gradually appeared, and a black battleship drilled out of it, and Ralph recognized that battleship , is the standard battleship of the Dark Angel civilization military, and it was also a battleship in the fleet led by Galifie.

As if a water monster had drilled out of the sea, warships drilled out of the void one after another, and then formed a huge fleet, which was the fleet sent by the Dark Angel civilization. out of the void.

"Master Disney, this is the fleet that our Dark Angel civilization sent at the beginning. There are a total of fifty warships, ten of which are fifth-tier battleships, and forty are fourth-tier battleships. Accompanying the battleships are a total of our dark warships. The ten star-level powerhouses of the angelic civilization are led by Galifei, the fifth-level star-level man, and this should be the scene of their arrival." Ralph hurriedly said to the Atis family powerhouse next to him.

However, when playing back the time screen of the Void Rat, time passes relatively quickly, just like pressing the fast forward button, so the screen flashes very fast. I only see the fleet arriving quickly, and then there are many low-level battleships surrounding it. Coming over, there were many dark angels coming in and out around the fleet, coming into contact with the fleets of low-level civilizations.

Not long after, the scene of the dark angel civilization fleet attacking and destroying the living planet appeared on the screen. The violent explosion, the turmoil in space, and the radiance of stars are all clearly visible.

But shortly after the life planet exploded, a strange spaceship flew over, but at a very fast speed, like lightning, it approached the fleet of the Dark Angel civilization.

Afterwards, the entire Dark Angel civilization fleet disappeared without a sound, and this time the starry sky seemed to be shrouded in fog, looking extremely hazy, as if a piece of gauze had been pasted on it.

"The fleet is shrouded by the realm, and the one who made the move was a strong man in the late stage of the star field, whose strength is unfathomable. Baby, try to blur this side of the universe again." Disney's expression changed, and he saw what was going on. , and then ordered his pet Void Rat.


The Void Rat let out a scream, and then the blood-red light in its eyes became stronger, and with its efforts, the surrounding starry sky shook again, and the misty starry sky seemed to be wiped with a rag. It was like the fog on the glass, and it gradually became a little hazy. You can see the outline of the fleet inside, and you can vaguely see the battle scene inside.

It's just that the fog can't be erased, so although some vague scenes can be seen, they can't be seen clearly.But not long after, the battle in the realm ended, a small fleet left from one direction and entered the space jump, while the rest of the fleet left from the other direction, and soon the starry sky returned to its original state , but the fleet of the Dark Angel civilization just disappeared.

"What's going on here? The entire fleet seems to be divided into two parts, leaving from different directions. But not long ago, these warships appeared in the black market of some cosmic civilizations. Obviously, they have been taken by the descendants of the Alias ​​Empire. Captured and sold on the black market, but where did the other flotilla go?" Ralph couldn't comprehend what he was seeing.

(End of this chapter)

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