master of the deep

Chapter 28 National Treasure 9 Dragon Jade Cup

Chapter 28 National Treasure Nine Dragons Jade Cup
"After Louis XIV made France a European power, his prestige reached its peak, and his life began to be luxurious and corrupt. The most typical example is the construction of the Palace of Versailles, which is also one of Louis XIV's strategies for concentrating political power.

In the style of Louis XIV, it is entirely possible to forge a golden scepter.We have tested the existence time of the above particles, about 320 years, and it should be made in that period. Lin An'er nodded and gave an affirmative answer.

"Haha, if this is the scepter used by Louis XIV, wouldn't the Frenchman have to buy it back no matter how much money he spends? Now he is really prosperous." Lin Fan laughed loudly. What he lacks most now is money. , With money, his development plan can be accelerated a lot.

"The items belonging to the Louis XIV era are not only this scepter, but there are also several items that have existed for about the same time as this scepter. They should also be from that period." An An said while showing it on the screen Among other things, a pair of silver candlesticks, a gold fresco with one corner missing, and a silver plate.

Lin Fan saw that these items had completely different styles from the items in the history of Huaguo. The patterns and styles around them were in the same line as the lines on the golden scepter. From this, it can be determined that they are all items from the Middle Ages in France. , although the value is not as good as the golden scepter, it can also be worth a lot of money.

"Okay, okay, that's really great. I believe that this time I can definitely get a lot of money from the Frenchman." Lin Fan laughed loudly while thinking about how to deal with these items.

"There is no need to worry about this. Those smart mimic guards can send anyone abroad, and they can find an identity to deal with these things, and there will be no problems." Lin An'er seemed to know what Lin Fan was worried about, and these were in her mind. It seems that it is not worth mentioning at all. With her ability, it is no problem to control all the networks on the entire earth.

"By the way, besides these, what other things are there?" Lin Fan knew that not only these few things were found on the warship, but also some other things.

"There are 35 kilograms of gold and 78 kilograms of silver, and there is another item that is also very valuable. If the information I found is correct, this item may be one of the lost national treasures of your country."

Lin An'er's words attracted Lin Fan's great attention. At that time, he only glanced at those few items, but did not recognize them. Among them, there were even national treasure-level items.

At this time, a white jade cup appeared on the screen. It was 6 cm long, 4 cm wide and 3 cm high. It was rectangular, with a dragon playing with a pearl on each corner, and a dragon on the handle. There were nine dragons in total.

"I checked the information. This jade cup carved from white jade should be the Jiulong jade cup. According to legend, it belonged to Emperor Kangxi in the history of China, and was later buried with Emperor Kangxi.

We have detected the existence time of the particles on the jade cup, which is about 300 years, which is in line with the time when Emperor Kangxi ruled Huaguo.In addition, we conducted an experiment according to the data records. When the cup was filled with wine, nine writhing dragons could be seen immediately, which was exactly the same as the situation of the Nine Dragons Jade Cup. "Lin An'er said with a smile.

There are many stories about the Nine Dragons Jade Cup. One of them is that during the Kangxi period, Yang Xiangwu, a Jiangyang thief, sneaked into the palace three times to steal the Jade Cup but failed to obtain it, which further increased the reputation of the Nine Dragons Jade Cup.

Therefore, all people in the world regard it as the greatest honor to obtain this cup.After the death of Emperor Kangxi, the Nine Dragons Jade Cup was buried in Jingling as Kangxi's beloved object.Although all kinds of people are salivating, the tomb of the Qing emperor is heavily guarded, and the Nine Dragons Jade Cup was preserved in the tomb of Kangxi.

However, many materials record that the Jiulong Jade Cup was lost in 1945. It was stolen from Jingling by a group of tomb robbers.

"I didn't expect that the disappearance of the Nine Dragons Jade Cup was not stolen by thieves before liberation as recorded in the data, but was stolen as early as when France invaded China, and then it was silent on the seabed for more than 100 years " Lin Fan sighed, his heart was filled with excitement, he never thought that he could find a national treasure.

Speaking of national treasures, I am afraid everyone is most familiar with the bronze heads of the twelve zodiac signs in Yuanmingyuan. Unfortunately, only a part of them have returned to Huaguo now, and there are still several bronze heads that have no traces and their whereabouts are unknown.

"When my power grows stronger in the future, I will definitely buy back all the national treasures of Huaguo who have been living overseas. Moreover, some national treasures may be hidden in the sea like this Nine Dragons Jade Cup, so I even We must work hard to develop the treasures in the sea."

Lin Fan quickly adjusted his mentality. He had already decided to dedicate the Nine Dragons Jade Cup to the country, but he definitely didn't want to dedicate it now. He would have to wait for a suitable opportunity before taking it out.

The sky outside was gradually getting brighter, and the sun jumped out from the sea, like a ball of fiery red, reflecting the entire sea red, but it didn't feel extremely hot.

Everyone also came out slowly and started to move around on the deck. Zhang Zhide greeted Li Hu and the others to help make breakfast, while Chen Chaoguo was rinsing on the side of the boat while rolling his eyes around, with a sneer in the corner of his eyes .

At this time, the Golden Pearl was still one day away from Dongzhou Fishing Port, and Lin Fan was no longer preparing to launch the net. Although there was still some space in the cold storage, Lin Fan thought about it and decided to forget it. It was not far behind. up.

At this time, what everyone didn't know was that three medium-sized offshore fishing boats had already surrounded the Golden Pearl. The fishing boats were all full of vicious men, and they even had guns and other weapons in their hands. It is the fat sheep of the Golden Pearl.

However, within a radius of fifty miles around the Golden Pearl, there were eight aircraft scattered on the seabed. All of them shuttled flexibly through the seabed like swimming fish, detecting movements around and within a few miles above the sea.

Just when the three fishing boats were still sixty miles away from the Golden Pearl, an aircraft suddenly detected their presence and immediately cut into their communication systems, quickly figuring out their identities.

"Report to the captain, there is a situation ahead."

Lin Fan was continuing to practice in the room when he suddenly received a report from the aircraft ahead, and there was also a clear picture showing the activities of the people on the three fishing boats, including the various weapons they carried.

"Confirm their identities and figure out what they want to do?" Lin Fan immediately sent Lin Yi'er in front to direct the four aircraft to approach each other, leaving Lin Liang'er behind to direct the other four aircraft to spread out for vigilance.

"Captain, I have confirmed their identities. All three fishing boats belong to Tianlong Fishing Company, and they are all medium-sized offshore fishing boats. However, according to the records of the Fishery Administration, they have not been out to sea for a long time, and they have not been in the past few days. The application for going to sea should belong to going to sea without permission.

We cut into their communication systems and found that they mentioned the Golden Pearl, presuming that they might be targeting your fishing boat, Captain. "

Soon, Lin Yier sent a message, and Lin Fan frowned upon hearing this. He couldn't figure out why someone was staring at his fishing boat. Could it be that someone on the fishing boat had leaked the secret.

(End of this chapter)

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