master of the deep

Chapter 273 The Vast Universe Volume 3 Family

Chapter 273 The Vast Cosmos Volume Three Families
At this time, the white-haired old woman next to her also spoke with a smile, and she even misunderstood Lin Fan's meaning, thinking that Lin Fan really wanted Ashira to be his wife.

"Now, call your senior officials to have a meeting. It is up to everyone to decide how to make the decision. Although I am the new captain selected by the mothership, I am not a descendant of the Aliasi Empire. You have your own civilization, so your fate still has to be decided by all of you.

However, since I have received the favor of the Mothership, I will naturally regard myself as a member of the Alias ​​Empire, and I am willing to do my best to help you, and I will never abandon you. "Lin Fan quickly changed the subject and expressed his thoughts.

Lin Fan also has his own reasons for thinking this way. Even though he is the captain of the mothership, for these descendants of the Aliase Empire, how many people will remember the glory of their ancestors, and how many people are willing to work hard to restore the glory of their ancestors? The glory of the empire, how many people are willing to listen to his words, that's why he didn't put himself in the position of leader from the beginning.

Facts proved that Lin Fan's idea was right. Half an hour later, dozens of important figures from the descendants of the Alias ​​Empire gathered together. Most of them were five or sixty years old, but there were also very few four Young adults in their teens.

"Queen, who is he? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"Yes, it's our high-level meeting now, how could a stranger appear suddenly?"

"Queen Ashla, he should not be from any of our races, why does he appear here?"

"However, I feel that he should have something to do with us. There is an aura about him that I feel familiar with."

Seeing Lin Fan sitting next to the top Queen Ashira, everyone started discussing and questioning Lin Fan's identity. Only a few of the oldest old people had their eyes flickering, as if they had guessed.

"Everyone, I have called you here today because I have a big matter to discuss with you. Now outside the chaotic star field, the joint forces composed of the Tenglong Empire and the major cosmic civilizations have assembled a large number of fleets and are waiting for the chaotic gravitational field to disappear before they invade. our planet.

At this time, we received a safe signal from the mothership of the Aliasian Empire, so I let Agula leave to find news about the mothership.

And Agula is indeed our lucky star. Not long after she left the Chaos Star Territory, she reaped rewards.Let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Lin Fan. He is the new captain selected by the mothership.

In fact, Mr. Lin Fan has already learned about the difficulties we are encountering now. He was trying to find a way to enter the chaotic star field outside. He happened to meet Agula, and then followed Agula back.

We, the descendants of the Aliasai Empire, have been hiding for so long and are almost isolated from the world. We are very behind in the current news from the outside world, but Mr. Lin Fan is willing to help us. I think we just need to follow Mr. Lin Fan's arrangement , will definitely be able to find a way out.

However, this matter is a major matter that concerns all descendants of the Aliase Empire, so I can't act arbitrarily, so I called everyone together to discuss what we should do to bring the hope of survival to the tribe. "

Ashira waited until everyone was seated, the discussion stopped, and then she spoke seriously. She introduced Lin Fan's identity, and according to what Lin Fan said, she entrusted the future of their tribe to everyone. discuss.

Lin Fan watched coldly, and found that only a few of these people showed surprise on their faces, and most of them had very complicated expressions, some of them didn't believe it, some were meaningful, and some even showed greed. look.

"Mr. Lin Fan, our line of descendants of the Aliase Empire was developed by dozens of elite ancestors back then. Up to now, there are still more than ten families, and some families have some hundreds of years old elders. Our ancestors are alive, so we generally have all major families to vote together on major issues." Ashla also saw the different expressions of the people from the major families, and knew that they had their own ideas, so she couldn't help but secretly sighed. Fan said.

"It doesn't matter. When I came here, I also heard that you are descendants of the Aliasi Empire. And I am now the captain of the mothership, so I have some relationship with you. Of course, I will not save you or leave you alone. However, for your future, it is mainly up to you to find a path." Lin Fan didn't feel anything about this.

"Today, among our descendants, the three major families hold the most important power. Among them, the Aliqi family where I belong is the royal family, because the ancestor of our family was the leader of this descendant of the Aliasi Empire. The other two The big families are the Grace family and the Pasar family. They each control part of the military power and have considerable political and economic power, so some things must be agreed by the two families." Ashi La explained to Lin Fan.

"It doesn't matter. Although I have a relationship with the mothership and I am willing to help you, I still need someone to appreciate it. Therefore, I will only help those who are willing to accept my help. Those who are not willing to accept my help, I also There is no obligation to take care of them, it is a thankless task." Lin Fan said with a faint smile.

"Well, it might be inconvenient for everyone to talk here, so I'd better avoid it. Agula, take me around." Seeing that the people below were silent, Lin Fan stood up and said something Just go outside.

"Okay, I'll take you to the castle where I live." Agula was sitting in the corner next to him, but after hearing Lin Fan's words, he ran over happily and took Lin Fan away.

Ashira wanted to call Lin Fan to stop, but saw Lin Fan shook his head at her, nodded and sat down again. She also knew that things might not be as simple as she imagined.

"An An, can you control the brain on this living planet?" After leaving, Lin Fan secretly communicated with An An.

"Captain, I have already controlled their brains, and there are more than 200 mimetic warriors and intelligent armed warriors left on this living planet, and now they will all obey Shan'er and the others' orders." , so don't worry, you are safe here.

Not only that, I have already taken control of the spaceships and space battleships inside and outside this living planet, as long as they are left over from the past.

Especially under the surface of this planet, there is also a super space battle fortress, which is the same as the last five remaining ships on the mothership. I have also controlled its brain. "

An An didn't need Lin Fan's instructions at all, she had already done everything in secret, and Lin Shan'er and her three daughters had also issued orders to all the mimic warriors on the planet, asking them to send all intelligent armed warriors and intelligent engineering warriors to Controlled, and this part of the force will be the most important guarding force for the descendants of the Alias ​​Empire.

Of course, after countless years of development, this descendant of the Aliasian Empire must have developed many advanced technological weapons, including some newly built spaceships and space battleships, as well as some cultivated strong men.

However, Lin Fan has the three daughters of Lin Shan'er, some bodyguards, and the newly assembled space shuttle by his side. Even if he is against the descendants of the Aliasi Empire on the entire planet, he is confident that he will be able to safely Leave the chaotic star field.

However, Lin Fan believed that Ashira would definitely choose to believe in him, so he was not worried that he would be unsafe here.But the other two families couldn't tell clearly, so Lin Fan had to do some preparations to avoid unexpected accidents.

"Queen Ashira, is this really the new captain of the Mothership? Where is the Mothership?" Just as Lin Fan left, an old man from the Aric family asked first.

"Third Grandfather, Mr. Lin Fan's identity has been verified. He is indeed the new captain selected by the mothership. But at the same time, he is not a descendant of our Aliasai Empire, but the leader of another civilization. I think, He probably wouldn't take the mothership with him, so only he knows where the mothership is, and I guess it should be in his civilization." This old man is still Ashira's elder, so she is very serious replied.

"Queen Ashira, this person does have a familiar feeling to us, but how can we prove that he is really the captain of the mothership? Is it just because he says it is? I hope he can get Prove evidence, for example, drive the mothership to the chaotic star field." A middle-aged man from the Grice family said so.

"Grace Doug, you are not the king, so there are many things that you are not qualified to know. I am the queen, and I know how to verify what Mr. Lin Fan said. It is precisely because of this that I believe him. It's true, he is the new captain of the mothership, as for how I verified it, you are also not qualified to know.

If you doubt it, don't ask any more. Unless you don't trust me, the queen, don't bother about Mr. Lin Fan's identity.As for where the mothership is, this is not a question that everyone should care about, because Mr. Lin Fan is the captain of the mothership. If we follow the instructions of our ancestors, he will actually be the new leader of all the descendants of our Aliasai Empire.

What you have to consider now is how to get rid of our current predicament, and where will everyone go after getting out of the predicament?Mr. Lin Fan is willing to help us, and maybe he can provide us with a planet for survival and development, but how should we correct our identity? "

Faced with the questioning of Grice Doug from the Grice family, Ashla reprimanded him without hesitation, and did not show him any sympathy. This was a rare thing in the past. The big families looked at each other, and some clearly recognized the majesty of the queen for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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