master of the deep

Chapter 244 Level 5 Mercenary

Chapter 244 Level [-] Mercenary
"Is it a member of the Silver Locust family?"

"No, those locusts are all red, they should be members of the fire locust family."

Lin Fan suddenly thought of the group of flaming locusts he met when he first entered the hotel. They should be members of the fire locusts. Could it be that those people were following him and others?

"Send someone to monitor them secretly, to find out what they want to do?" Lin Fan didn't want to be in danger at any time, especially Tao Jingjing was going to take the cosmic citizenship test in a few days, and he hoped that Tao Jingjing could get a good result of.

After all, Tao Jingjing is now a planet-level cultivator, and her cultivation is stronger than when Lin Fan went to the assessment, so he thinks that Tao Jingjing may also obtain a higher-level citizenship.

However, what Lin Fan didn't know was that he was able to achieve such heaven-defying results at the beginning, mainly because of the Da Yanyuan Code he practiced, and what he cultivated was the most original mysterious energy of the universe. This is the most important thing. The decisive factor, and Tao Jingjing and other people of earth civilization, it is impossible to be like him again.

After making corresponding arrangements, Lin Fan didn't think about what the members of the Fire Locust family wanted to do. He and Tao Jingjing spent most of their time in the Maple Leaf Hotel. Tell Tao Jingjing about the situation and let her be prepared.

At the same time, the Silver Locust Family also found out about the remains of Lin Fan and his party. Because Lin Fan used the name of the mercenary Shen Hai when he stayed in the shop, it didn't take long for the Silver Locust Family to get the information.

However, the Silver Locust family is waiting for a reply from the Cosmic Alliance Branch. Before investigating Lin Fan's identity, they dare not act rashly. They hope that the Cosmic Alliance Branch will come forward to deal with Lin Fan.

"Great Elder, we found members of the Fire Locust family. They seem to be monitoring the mercenary Deep Sea." Moreover, the members of the Silver Locust Family discovered the movement of the Fire Locust Family first.

"Oh, the members of the Fire Locust family are also monitoring that guy. Could it be that the Fire Locust Family wants to plot against him? This guy is so dangerous, why not let the Fire Locust Family touch him, maybe the Fire Locust Family will help us deal with it then What about this guy. The people you arrange don’t get close to that guy and his subordinates, you just keep an eye on the members of the Fire Locust family, and report to me as soon as possible.”

After Yinhui got the news, he thought for a while and waved his tentacles to order his guards. He wanted to be the fisherman who finally gained, so he did not contact the Fire Locust family or leak this guy's danger.

"Hey, it's best to let the Fire Locust Clan and this guy lose both sides. I wonder if that old Huozhu dares to do the right thing with our Silver Locust Clan." Yinhui sneered at home.

At the same time, someone in the Fire Locust family also reported the relevant situation to the patriarch Huo Zhu, who was also Huo Ming's father.Huozhu is a huge fire locust with a length of tens of meters and a height of more than ten meters. It exudes a strong flame breath from its body, and it is also a powerhouse at the star level.

"Are you sure it's Huo Ming's subordinate? Why are they spying on a cosmic mercenary? Don't they know that cosmic mercenaries are a bunch of lunatics and shouldn't be easily provoked? By the way, who is Huo Ming with now?"

"Patriarch, Master Huo Ming is now with Tie Sen from Xiaoyue Civilization."

"That guy Tiesen, is there another girl you've fallen in love with? Ask me right away if there is a very special woman next to that space mercenary. Although space mercenaries are not easy to mess with, space mercenaries have to be divided into strong and weak Yes. If we can get assistance from the Xiaoyue civilization, maybe our fire locust family will still have a chance to surpass the silver locust family."

"Clan leader, I heard that Yin Lin of the Yin Locust family is dead. Could they have provoked some powerful opponent?"

"It's possible. But that old guy Yinhui went out in person to mess up the scene. Our spies found nothing in the past. In addition, the Yinluo family has done a good job in keeping secrets. So far, our insiders still have I haven't found any useful information. I don't know who the Silver Locust family has offended. Otherwise, we can still make friends. As long as we can attack the Silver Locust family, the enemy of our enemy is our friend. Please let the following people know about this matter. People pay attention."

Huozhu waved its tentacles to let the guards around him go down, while it moved its stubby four legs and paced slowly in the hall, not letting go of Huoming's sending people to follow the cosmic mercenary. on heart.

However, for several days, Lin Fan and Tao Jingjing were inseparable. Huo Ming's subordinates did not find Tao Jingjing a chance to go out alone, and Tie Sen became a little irritable.

Five days later, Lin Fan took Tao Jingjing to the assessment room, but after sending Tao Jingjing into the assessment room, he left Lin Lianger waiting here, and he took Yier to the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance branch, because The people sent by the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance to confirm the mission have arrived.

"Mr. Deep Sea, this way please, the alliance headquarters has sent a fifth-level mercenary, Mr. Fei Litao, to verify your mission and bring you mission rewards." After entering the branch of the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance, a man dressed in The angel girl in white with a pair of white feathers on her back received Lin Fan and brought him to a well-decorated room.

As soon as Lin Fan entered the room, he saw a middle-aged man sitting in the room, and he was also a human race. Looking at the logo on his chest, he was also a space mercenary, and his level was not low, reaching level five.

The Cosmic Mercenary Alliance implements a hierarchical treatment system for mercenaries. From the lowest level of mercenaries to the highest level of nine mercenaries, there are not only requirements for strength and cultivation, but also particularly strict mission requirements.

For example, Lin Fan accidentally completed the task of arresting the star thief and the leader of the Rage God Star Bandit Group. These credits are enough for him to be promoted from a first-level mercenary to a third-level mercenary, but the premise is that his cultivation base has reached the star level. level.

To become a level [-] mercenary, not only does one need to reach the first level of the galaxy, but also needs to complete many difficult tasks and accumulate enough task points.

"Mr. Fei, please come and visit yourself." Lin Fan knew that he was Fei Litao, so he hurriedly stepped forward and said politely.

"You are the mercenary Deep Sea. Well, you have just broken through to the first level of the Astral Rank, and your strength is already enough to be a third-level mercenary. You are so lucky that you have completed the mission of the Rage God Star Bandit Group, and you have been promoted two times in a row. Level, upgraded from a first-level mercenary to a third-level mercenary, and also won the triple rewards of the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance, the Cosmic Hunter Alliance, and the Cosmic Alliance Law Enforcement Alliance at the same time, which is very rare.

You must know that many cosmic mercenaries, including some fifth-level mercenaries and sixth-level mercenaries, were all moved by this task, but they didn't expect to let you complete it as a newcomer. Is unconvinced. "

Fei Litao stood up slowly, looked at Lin Fan carefully, then smiled, nodded to him and said that there was a hint of reminder in his words.

"Mr. Fei, why is this? Whether it's luck or strength, as long as you complete the task, shouldn't you be rewarded?"

"That's what I said, but you got triple rewards this time, and the rewards are very rich. Even I might be jealous, not to mention the mercenaries of other life races. But we are all human races, human races It's not easy to find a strong person, so we need to take care of each other in the future."

Lin Fan suddenly realized, no wonder Fei Litao, as a galaxy-level powerhouse, treated him so kindly, but it was mainly because everyone was human.

However, when Fei Litao asked Lin Fan to sit down, he couldn't help but take a deep look at Lin Yier who was standing behind Lin Fan. A deep sense of fear made him understand that this cute-looking little girl is the real strong person who hides deeply.

"By the way, Deep Sea, I heard from the people in the branch that the Silver Locust family of the Golden Locust Empire has complained to the branch about you. Conflicts with the forces of low-level cosmic civilizations, neither the alliance nor the cosmic alliance are allowed, and if the circumstances are serious, you will even be punished."

Just as Lin Fan sat down, Fei Litao suddenly asked with a serious expression, and told him some things that Lin Fan didn't know clearly. Only then did Lin Fan know that the Yinlocust family would complain about him, no wonder he hasn't seen them for a while What about the relics.

"Oh, it was the people from the Silver Locust family who wanted to rob my spaceship, so I destroyed them. However, Mr. Fei, don't worry, I'm also a citizen of a low-level cosmic civilization, so I can't really bully them."

"If this is the case, then you can do whatever you want. You will soon become a third-level mercenary, and you still have a lot of privileges, including mobilizing part of the armed forces of the alliance branch, including issuing missions and seeking assistance. If the Silver Locust Clan is still entangled, you can kill them directly." Fei Litao waved his hand, as if killing the Silver Locust Clan was as easy as killing a fly.

"Well, I also hope that they can know for themselves. By the way, Yiyi, bring out the relevant evidence, including the ones who didn't die, and let Mr. Fei check it out."

Immediately, Lin Yier came up and took out a lot of evidence from the storage device, including some interrogation video materials, including the confession materials written by the star robbers themselves, including the few star robbers who were not dead, It also includes some evidence left by the dead Star Thief, such as Xue Fiend's pair of canine teeth, Qingqiu Xiang's tails, and so on.

"That's right, it meets the requirements of the mission. Now, on behalf of the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance, I am awarding the title of the third-level deep-sea mercenary, and I have transferred a reward of 500 million crystal coins, which is converted into 55 star coins. According to your request, 15 of them All the star coins have been replaced with various low-level training resources, and I will transfer the other 40 star coins to you directly."

(End of this chapter)

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