master of the deep

Chapter 237 The Threat of Other Civilizations

Chapter 237 The Threat of Other Civilizations

Before Lin Fan left, he had arranged for intelligent engineering warriors to plan and construct Planet One. In particular, the floating mountain would be his own residence, and the construction was carried out in advance, including the antique villa near the hot spring, and the Several villas of different styles elsewhere on the hill.

On the way to the earth, Lin Yier gave Lin Fan some honey collected from the pregnant god bee, which contains a strong energy, which is a pure energy that can directly enhance spiritual power.

After Lin Fan diluted the honey, he distributed some to his parents, three wives and their parents and relatives, as well as the three brothers and their relatives. As for the others, Lin Fan did not give them, because the more people who knew about it, the more people would know about it. The more likely it is to expose this special item of the Deep Sea Chamber of Commerce.

After refining the honey, everyone gained a lot, because the pregnant god bee honey was originally a precious item used for sixth-level and seventh-level cultivation, and it was used on satellite-level practitioners like them, even though it was diluted. It also seems a bit wasteful, and its role is self-evident.

After Lin Fan dealt with those Rage Star Bandits, his mental power had already reached the ninth level of the Astral Rank, and after refining a drop of diluted honey, he immediately rose to the peak of the Astral Rank, and he was only a hair away from being able to break through to the fifth-order galaxy level.

At the same time, after this period of practice, Lin Fan's cultivation has already reached the peak of the planetary rank, and it is estimated that he will be able to break through to the fourth star rank after retreating once.

Among the others, Tao Jingjing's spiritual power has been raised to the planetary level, and her cultivation has been raised to the peak of the satellite level, which is the highest among the earth's civilizations.

As for Guo Yuer and Zeng Xiaotong, their spiritual strength has reached the peak of the satellite level, and their own cultivation has just broken through the ninth level of the satellite level, and the distance from Tao Jingjing has narrowed a bit.

There are also Lin Fan's parents and three brothers. They all have the spiritual strength of the ninth satellite level and the peak cultivation of the seventh satellite level. They belong to the second level of powerhouses.

And the more than 100 people who came out with Lin Fan, although they played for a month or two, not only did they not fall behind in their training, but all of them made great progress. The least people were promoted to the second level, and some even improved Level [-] or even level [-] strength is much faster than training on Earth.

This is not only because of the various training resources provided by Lin Fan, but also because they found some spiritual fruits and medicines from various planets during the game, including the meat of some spiritual beasts, which are of great importance to their training. Great help.

Half a month later, everyone returned to the earth. After more than two months of absence, the development of earth civilization has become more vigorous, and the number of practitioners who have broken through to the satellite level has reached more than 7000 million.

This number seems to be a lot, but compared to the population base of 70 billion and the base of 50 billion practitioners on the earth, it is only about one percent.

However, this time Lin Fan brought back a large amount of spiritual fruits and medicines and some spiritual beast meat from those planets. I believe that with these aids, when the earth civilization begins to immigrate half a year later, it should break through to the satellite level. It can reach about [-] million people.

"Captain, we have detected some cosmic civilizations around the earth's civilization. Within 150 light years, there are sixteen cosmic civilizations, including two second-order cosmic civilizations, and the rest are primary cosmic civilizations.

It includes the Qionghai civilization you went to last time, and the universe civilizations in other directions, all of which are on this distribution map.Among these cosmic civilizations, there are only four human civilizations.

And the primary cosmic civilization closest to us is called the Golden Locust Civilization, which is a Zerg civilization, and it is a migratory locust with powerful combat effectiveness and a large number of Zerg.

In addition, there is a relatively recent second-order cosmic civilization Xiaoyue civilization, which is an orc civilization, and it is also a very warlike werewolf among the orcs, which poses a greater threat to earth civilization. "

After Lin Fan met with the high-level executives of the Deep Sea Chamber of Commerce, he ignored the invitations sent by the leaders of various countries in the world. Instead, he went to the mothership and learned from An An about the situation of the cosmic civilization around the earth civilization.

"I'm afraid it's not just the Golden Locust civilization and the Xiaoyue civilization that pose a threat to the civilization of the earth. I'm afraid the blood civilization is also not easy to mess with, and the demon civilization is also dangerous. As for other human civilizations, it may be too late. When we see that the civilization of the earth is at a disadvantage, we will even step in."

Lin Fan looked at the distribution maps of various civilizations and the basic notes on these civilizations, frowned and said, but it is impossible for these civilizations to come over immediately. With their spaceships, it may take half a year to reach the earth civilization. , so they are most likely to send spaceships to scout the situation on Earth civilization before deciding whether to launch a war against Earth civilization.

What needs more precautions is the second-order cosmic civilization. They may not do it directly, but some of them may use private armed forces to deal with the earth, because they don't have to worry about the constraints of the cosmic alliance on major civilizations.

"Arrange some patrol warships to patrol the surrounding starry sky, and find that the reconnaissance spacecraft will be destroyed directly, delaying the major civilizations, as long as the earth civilization can migrate smoothly and gain a firm foothold, there is no need to worry about other cosmic civilizations."

Lin Fan believes that as long as the earth civilization is given some time to successfully complete the immigration work and establish a foothold on various planets, it will develop rapidly, and it will not be long before it will become a powerful civilization among the primary cosmic civilizations.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Fan felt that he shouldn't wait passively like this. Anyway, he had nothing to do now. Why not go to those cosmic civilizations to see what is special about these cosmic civilizations and what they hold for the earth's civilization. With such an attitude, there is no threat.

After making up his mind, Lin Fan bid farewell to his family without stopping. Fortunately, this time he was with his family for two or three months. Everyone knew that he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, so they just told him to pay attention to safety and let him go .

However, after the three wives discussed it, they asked him to take Tao Jingjing with him, in the name of fearing that he would be lonely on the road, so that someone would take care of him, and of course supervise him at the same time.

Lin Fan thought for a while, Tao Jingjing is now at the peak of the satellite level, and her spiritual power has already broken through to the planetary level, and she should be able to break through to the planetary level in a short time. With such strength, other elementary cosmic civilizations can be considered strong, so she agreed. up.

Of course, Lin Fan also wanted to hone Tao Jingjing. After all, when everything in the earth’s civilization was on the right track, he would definitely want to wander around far away from the earth’s civilization. At that time, Tao Jingjing would be the strongest of the earth’s civilization and would Taking on the important task of protecting the civilization of the earth, so it is necessary to hone her.

In addition, with a wife by his side, sometimes he can do what he loves to do, unlike the last time when Lin Fan went to the Qionghai Empire, Lin Fan suffered for two months and almost accepted Princess Qiongyue, so Only then did he agree to take Tao Jingjing with him.

Lin Fan left on the space shuttle, and at the same time took away his slave Zhu Ziming. After all, Zhu Ziming is also a star-level powerhouse. Maybe in other cosmic civilizations, there are some things that need him to do it.

In addition, this time Lin Fan was accompanied by Lin Yi'er and Lin Liang'er and their escorts. They were accompanied by two peak fifth-level galaxy level and twenty peak fourth-level star level escorts. Even if they encountered It is not afraid of the fourth-level cosmic civilization, and it is not a weak force in the fifth-level cosmic civilization.

At this time, what Lin Fan was going to was at most the second-order cosmic civilization Xiaoyue civilization and Yinmo civilization. With such power by his side, he didn't worry at all, let alone those low-level cosmic civilizations.

Lin Fan also understands that the real crisis of earth civilization is not in the stage of low-level cosmic civilization, but in the stage of middle and high-level cosmic civilization, because with the mothership Aliasai and the power it brings, it can guarantee that the earth's civilization is at the fourth-level stage. Cosmic civilizations and the following stages are not afraid of the surrounding cosmic civilizations of the same level, but after reaching the fifth level, the cosmic civilizations they face are powerful, and the advantage of the Aliasai mothership does not exist.

Unless, Lin Fan can upgrade the mothership Aliasai to the sixth-level peak, and can upgrade An An and Lin Yier to the seventh-level strength, so that he will not be afraid of the old enemy of the Aliasai Empire.

Also, Lin Fan's own strength has to grow rapidly. If he can break through to the seventh or even eighth level, the earth civilization will also be much safer. Even the sixth-level and seventh-level cosmic civilizations will not easily offend him.

"Husband, what does the civilization of the universe look like outside? Especially those civilizations that are not human, will they welcome us into their planet?" Tao Jingjing asked with a joyful look in the space shuttle.

"The Qionghai Empire I visited last time is also a human civilization. Except for the more advanced technology, it is not much different from the earth civilization. As for the cosmic civilization established by those non-human life races, I don't know what their attitude is towards human beings." , I can only go and talk about it. In addition, I brought you out this time because I want you to go to a branch of the Cosmic Alliance to participate in the cosmic citizenship assessment. If you obtain cosmic citizenship earlier, you can also help me share some things earlier. " Lin Fan stroked her shoulder and said, Tao Jingjing nodded and snuggled into Lin Fan's arms.

When the space shuttle was making space jumps, Lin Fan and Tao Jingjing entered the practice room for retreat. Lin Fan hoped to break through to the star level, while Tao Jingjing wanted to break through to the planetary level.

20 days later, the space shuttle appeared 130 light-years away from the solar system. After scanning safely, it was determined that the closest to the earth civilization is the primary cosmic civilization Golden Locust Empire, a civilization composed of Zerg locusts.

(End of this chapter)

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