master of the deep

Chapter 233 Discovering the Spirit Fruit

Chapter 233 Discovering the Spirit Fruit

"Okay, okay, I've been in the spaceship for more than ten days, and I want to go out for a long time."

"I don't know what kind of animals there are on this planet, are they the same as the animals on the earth?"

"Let's catch some cute little animals and go back to raise them."

"If there are any rare small animals, it is much more fashionable to catch a few of them and raise them as pets, compared to the dogs and cats raised by those people on the earth."

"If there are legendary dragons and phoenixes, it would be fun to keep them as pets."

Hearing that they could leave the spaceship and go to the planet to play, all the people were very happy. They fantasized about what kind of animals there would be on this planet, and some even wanted to take some back as pets.

After the battlefield fortress stopped, everyone rushed out, and immediately breathed the thick air, felt the breeze blowing, and the warmth of the sun.

Obviously, this is a primitive planet that has not been polluted by modern industry. It has the most primitive state. The whole ecological environment is surprisingly good, and the fresh air makes people feel intoxicated.

"Wow, the air on this planet is so fresh, it can be compared to the oxygen bar on the earth."

"Yes, the sky here is so blue, the ground is so green, and the water is so clear."

"And the gravity is also similar to the earth, it's a replica of the earth, which is great."

"When can we go play?"

Some people admired the environment on the planet, and some looked forward to playing early, including the old people in every family, and they also showed a big smile on their faces, full of yearning for this planet.

"Everyone, the size of this planet is one and a half times that of the earth. It also has mountains and rivers, lakes and oceans, plains and valleys, deserts and Gobi, forests and grasslands. You can freely form groups. It is best to form a group of ten or so people. Don't disperse. be safe.

Although the general strength of animals on this planet is not strong, it cannot be ruled out that some groups of animals live in groups of tens of thousands, or have special abilities such as being highly poisonous.

In addition, there may be some unknown places. We did not find some mysterious places and things during the exploration, and everyone needs to pay attention.We are not only playing, but also an adventure, so we must pay attention to safety. "

Lin Fan explained to everyone, and then more than 100 people were divided into more than ten groups. Generally, the young people are mostly grouped together, and the old people basically stay in one group.

Lin Fan was with his parents. Guo Yuer, Zeng Xiaotong, Tao Jingjing and their parents were also in their group, which was equivalent to their family, and the others wisely did not join in.

Accompanied by his parents, three wives and six parents-in-law, Lin Fan traveled all the way to the mountains and rivers, enjoying the beautiful scenery of this planet, and occasionally meeting other groups.

Every day, Lin Fan will properly hunt some small animals or fish in the river, and then combine the starry sky lizard meat and the spiritual fruit in his Da Yan space to serve his parents with hearty food, which is not only delicious, but also It is beneficial for them to practice and keep fit.

It took five days like this, and everyone visited all the more distinctive scenic spots on this planet, because each of them has a cultivation level above the satellite level, so it is not too hard to fly directly for driving.

Five days later, everyone returned to the gathering place, talking about their experiences, and some even showed off the small pets they had caught, such as deer with colorful fur, crystal clear butterflies, unicorn turtles that can glow, and so on.

"Look, everyone, we found a fruit with a particularly good taste in the big forest. It also contains energy. Eating it is very good for the body."

Someone actually found a spiritual fruit in the forest, Lin Fan immediately became interested. After eating one, he found that this kind of spiritual fruit is particularly useful for the practitioners of the genetic level, and relatively less useful for the satellite level.

"This is a kind of spiritual fruit. Are there many of them? Are there many trees growing this kind of fruit in the forest?" Lin Fan hurriedly asked those who discovered this kind of fruit.

"A lot, a lot, and there are some that fell to the ground and rotted after they matured. Anyway, there is a big forest over there, and it seems that they are all fruit trees like this."

"Your news is very good. I will send you rewards later. These spiritual fruits are of great benefit to those who have just started practicing. I will immediately arrange for people to collect them and bring them back to the earth to help more people practice to the satellite level. .”

Lin Fan immediately called Lin Yi'er, explained the matter, and then the smart armed soldiers took the aircraft to the forest to look for this kind of spiritual fruit tree.

"Captain, we have discovered the place where the spiritual fruit trees grow. According to statistics, there are about hundreds of thousands of them, capable of producing tens of millions of kilograms of spiritual fruit. I checked and found that this kind of spiritual fruit is called Qingling fruit, and it is indeed It is suitable for people who have just started to practice. The energy contained in it is very pure and gentle, and has a remarkable effect on people who have just started to practice. In some middle and low-level cosmic civilizations, Qingling Fruit is a fruit that children like.

For satellite-level practitioners, although the effect of eating the spirit fruit is greatly reduced, it still has some effects, especially for people on earth who have never eaten much spirit fruit and medicine before, the effect may be even greater Some. "

Half a day later, Lin Fan received a notification from An An. He did not expect to find so many Qingling Fruits on this planet, because there were similar ones among the Spirit Fruits he brought back.

"Well, let's arrange smart robots to pick them immediately and transport all the ripe fruits that can still be picked back to the earth. This will not only make our Deep Sea Chamber of Commerce make a lot of money, but also help more humans on earth practice and evolve.

In addition, arrange some people to go to the other eight living planets to search in detail to see what kind of special products there are, which will be the reliance of our Deep Sea Chamber of Commerce to gain a foothold in the civilization of the universe in the future. "

Lin Fan nodded, and after thinking for a while, he told An An that he believed that on so many living planets, there would always be some special products, which might become the special products of the Deep Sea Chamber of Commerce in the future.

Of course, An An understands Lin Fan's thoughts. If the Deep Sea Chamber of Commerce wants to grow in the future, it must have its own special products. If there are no special products, it may be very difficult to develop and grow.

The deep-sea galaxy has nine living planets, no matter what, there should be some unique things. The key is to find out these things, and plan to protect and make good use of them.

An'an immediately sent some intelligent robots to drive the aircraft to other planets to explore and find various special things one by one, including mineral resources, various materials, various spiritual beasts, various spiritual fruits, elixir and so on.

"There are so many living planets in our deep-sea galaxy, there should be a lot of special things, but at the beginning, we mainly supply them to ourselves, or hoard them, and at the same time, we must do a good job of protection, and we must not destroy those special features when planning the construction. the place of manufacture of the product."

Lin Fan believed that on the nine life planets in the deep-sea galaxy, there would definitely be their characteristic species, so he gave relevant instructions at this time, and he also attached great importance to the ecological environment of these life planets in the deep-sea galaxy. It is required that the environment must not be damaged, and that the mistakes of the earth should not be repeated.

After a night's rest, everyone set off for another living planet. They plan to visit all nine living planets, which is equivalent to touching the basic conditions of these planets first.

On the second planet of life, Lin Fan didn't accompany his parents anymore, because the elderly wanted to play by themselves, so Lin Fan took his three wives to play by himself.

With Lin Fan leading them, the three girls naturally had more fun playing. On this primitive planet, there are no other intelligent creatures, so they had a great time playing, and sometimes even played in the forest, on the grassland, On the top of the mountain, I also did what I loved to do.

Afterwards, Lin Fan started to deal with other Rage God Star Bandits, picking up one every few days, devouring and dissolving their spiritual power into soul bodies, and using it to enhance his spiritual power.

However, after the example of Qingqiu Xiang, Lin Fan knocked these star thieves unconscious and then entered their sea of ​​consciousness to imprison their souls, without letting them know that he had practiced the Divine Seal Maze. matter.

These star thieves are not only abolished in cultivation, but also have only a little spiritual power left. After handing them over to the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance, Cosmic Hunter Alliance and Cosmic Alliance Joint Police Department in the future, they can also prevent them from revealing Lin Fan's secrets.

It is estimated that by the time he returns to Earth from the deep sea galaxy, Lin Fan will be able to deal with all these Abandoned Star pirates, and if he is willing, he can also turn these people into slaves.

It's just that the old lair of the Rage God Star Bandit has been wiped out, and the wealth they have accumulated over the years has been taken away by others. Otherwise, Lin Fan might turn some of them into slaves, but it is completely unnecessary now, because their The rewards are too high, bigger than their own value.

On the second planet of life, a mecha mineral was discovered after detection, which is the key material used to manufacture Tier [-] to Tier [-] mechs. It is of great value. If it is exposed, it may attract Tier [-] and Tier [-] cosmic civilizations. covet.

After Lin Fan learned about it, he was very happy and also a little worried. However, after discussing with An An, An An said that these veins could be shielded from being discovered by other cosmic civilizations.

"That's right, hurry up and explore the planets. Those planets with precious resources are not open to the public for the time being. After the protected area is established, start to build the residential area. Choose a planet without any precious products as the reception planet, and divide the universe alliance. It is always placed on that planet to prevent people from other cosmic civilizations from running around and discovering our secret."

(End of this chapter)

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