master of the deep

Chapter 211 2 hour

Chapter 211 Twenty Hours
In fact, it is true that all citizens who pass the assessment will automatically generate citizen information in the information database of the Universe Alliance, and there are many confidential information, such as Lin Fan's imperial citizenship, no one can obtain it without his consent. Viewed.

After registering in the citizen information database, a series of cosmic citizen information will be generated, such as the citizen's account number in the cosmic bank, such as the citizen's communication signal, the citizen's personal webpage, and so on.

Soon, Lin Fan got his own identity card as a citizen of the universe. It was made by a kind of mimicry technology and could be integrated into the citizen's body. If necessary, he could just control it through his spiritual consciousness to display it.

"Congratulations, Mr. Lin Fan, maybe we will meet again in the universe in the future." Bing Jing finally smiled and shook Lin Fan's hand, saying in a somewhat mysterious way.

"Thank you, Miss Bingjing. I'm really sorry to trouble you so often during this time. By the way, Miss Bingjing, I still have something to do. I wonder if you can help me?"

"What is it? Mr. Lin Fan, just say, I will definitely not refuse if I can help."

"The civilization I am in is just a primitive civilization planet, but it has now developed into a primary cosmic civilization. I want to register with the Universe Alliance, but I don't know how to go through the procedures?"

"What? You want to register a new primary cosmic civilization? Are you the leader of this cosmic civilization?" Bing Jing asked in shock.

"Yes." At this time, Lin Fan had already obtained the status of an imperial citizen, so he spoke out about it frankly, because in comparison, he still believed in Bing Jing.

"There are regulations in the Cosmic Alliance. To register a new civilization, certain conditions must be met. In particular, the leader of a civilization must be a citizen of the universe. You can enter the information database of the Cosmic Alliance through your own citizenship certificate. Registration, but the process is very complicated, and it may take a year and a half to complete all the procedures.”

"What? It took so long to complete?"

"Yes. However, if the leader of civilization can obtain the status of a king-level cosmic citizen, he will enjoy certain privileges, and he can handle it quickly and complete all the procedures in a relatively short period of time."

"Forget it, half a year is enough, we are not in a hurry. Since I can enter the Universe Alliance's information database through my citizen ID document, I won't bother Miss Bingjing."

After hearing Bing Jing's words, Lin Fan was secretly happy, but he still frowned on the surface, then shook his head and said helplessly, then quickly left the Cosmic Alliance branch, he must go back to handle this matter quickly.

"Jiu'er, how long did my assessment take?" Lin Fan asked seriously in the empty car on the way back.

"Captain, it's been 22 hours."

"An'an, how long is the Aragami spaceship from the solar system?"

"There are still six hours to go from the solar system and eleven hours to the earth. However, Yi'er and the others have rushed outside the solar system with all the escorts and twenty large space destroyers. They have hidden themselves and are preparing to ambush the star. I believe you can buy some time by stealing the spacecraft, but in general you still have to complete it within fourteen hours, otherwise they will retreat to the inner part of the solar system."

"Don't worry, my citizen level is Emperor level. I believe I should be able to complete all the procedures quickly." Lin Fan already knew that he must complete the registration of the earth civilization before the earth civilization can obtain the Universal Alliance and the Origin of the Universe. of asylum.

After Lin Fan returned to Feixianju, he immediately stayed behind closed doors, and immediately entered the information database of the Cosmic Alliance through the imprint of his Cosmic Citizen ID card, which is also a virtual world.

Lin Fan quickly registered the earth's civilization through his imperial citizenship privileges, including the life races of the earth's civilization, the geographical location in space, the environmental characteristics of the surrounding space, the current level of development and evolution, and the life of the earth's civilization. evolutionary situation.

However, after registration, it must be approved by some high-level departments of the Cosmic Alliance. Since Lin Fan's status is too high, his registration and handling matters are immediately placed at the top of all matters, and he has become the person in charge of every department. Things that people must deal with first.

However, after inquiry, Lin Fan found that it still took about twenty hours, and it was already the shortest time for the Universe Alliance to handle privileged matters.

Lin Fan did the math, if it takes about [-] hours, then the earth civilization needs to support for [-] hours, and in this way, the pressure on Lin Yier and the others will increase greatly, and the time must be delayed to more than ten Hours, even if you retreat towards the earth while fighting, you have to hold on for that long.

"An'an, inform Yi'er and the others of the situation here, and strive for the first ambush to severely damage the spaceship of the Star Pirates, so that they are afraid of the strength of the earth's civilization and cannot reach the earth in a short time, so that they can win more It's too much time." Lin Fan immediately conveyed instructions to Earth through An'an.

"Okay, I will let Yi'er and the others focus their first wave attack and the main gun attack of the large space destroyer on the Aragami star pirate spacecraft, which should be able to severely damage the Aragami.

And I will quietly arrange to gather the elite talents of the Deep Sea Group and China to hide in the submarine base in the deep sea. Even if the star thief reaches the earth, we will not cause too much damage.

As long as you have completed the registration of the earth civilization on your side, your imperial citizenship can play a role in protecting the earth civilization, and the star thief will be automatically excluded from the earth. "

An An also agreed with Lin Fan's arrangement, especially since Lin Fan obtained imperial citizenship, which gave her hope. Maybe the earth's civilization will go further than the Ariasai civilization in the future, and maybe Lin Fan will make her dream come true. real.

Now, Lin Fan has tried his best and completed all the registration procedures for the earth's civilization in twenty hours. This is already the greatest privilege of his imperial citizenship.

As for the situation on the other side of the earth, we can only rely on An An and the others, but An An said that if there is really nothing to do, they can only bring some of Lin Fan's closest relatives into the mothership Aliasai to hide.

Therefore, although Lin Fan is worried, there is nothing he can do to help the earth. This may be a catastrophe for the earth's civilization when it ascends to the forest of cosmic civilization. As long as it survives, the earth's civilization will be rapidly improved. It will have a great future, and it is also possible to upgrade to a high-level cosmic civilization in the future.

Later, Lin Fan discovered that he could also use his citizenship privileges to directly register space mercenaries and space hunters in the information database. After the registration was completed, two signs would be added directly to his identity information. In the future, he only needed to show these two signs. It can prove his identity as a space mercenary and space hunter.

Lin Fan immediately registered himself as a cosmic mercenary and a cosmic hunter. Neither the cosmic mercenary nor the cosmic hunter used their real names. They all had their own code names. Lin Fan did not hesitate to give himself The code name is named "Deep Sea".

After the code name was generated, the Universe Mercenary Alliance and the Universe Hunter Alliance each opened an anonymous account for Lin Fan in the Universe Bank, so that if it is inconvenient to use their own accounts in the future, they can use these accounts for operations.

What Lin Fan didn't know was that the codename he randomly named Deep Sea would become a legend in the Universe Mercenary Alliance and the Universe Hunters Alliance, and would also become the god of death for aliens on the battlefield in the universe.

Lin Fan left the retreat room, because today is the time when Qiongyue inherits the throne of the Qionghai Empire, and as the distinguished guest of Princess Qiongyue, he was naturally present to show his support.

"Captain, Princess Qiongyue has sent all the 900 million crystal coins owed to you to your account, and she also gave us an additional 3000 million crystal coins, saying that she thanked you for helping her deal with the Gu family. "

When Lin Fan left the room, Jiu'er came up and told him something, Lin Fan thought for a while and said, "Arrange some people to make up and go to various markets to collect some things that are helpful for genetic level, satellite level cultivation and body training. I will buy some small storage equipment, and I will leave here and return to Earth immediately after attending the succession ceremony of Princess Qiongyue."

Lin Fan is actually looking forward to returning home now, but he also knows that being anxious will not solve the problem, and if he does not even participate in the succession ceremony of Princess Qiongyue, it will be unreasonable.

"Captain, this is an item that was taken away from the spaceship of the Blood Shark Star Thieves. You happened to bring it as a gift to Empress Qiongyue. Wouldn't it be a joke if you went there empty-handed?"

Lin'er brought a gift over at this time. They were very thoughtful and helped Lin Fan think of these details.Lin Fan nodded and took Jiu'er and Lin'er to attend the ceremony, while some of the guards disguised themselves and secretly left Feixianju to go to various markets to purchase some spiritual objects.

Lin Fan's account number and password were told to them. They did not need to have their own account. They could directly use Lin Fan's account number to transfer the payment through Universe Bank.

And just when Lin Fan was heading to the Qionghai Empire Palace to attend Princess Qiongyue's succession ceremony, several young and middle-aged men gathered together in a chamber of commerce called the Yuanteng Chamber of Commerce in the Universe Alliance branch not far away.

"From the information obtained from the interrogation of the leader of the Blood Shark Star Thief Group, after they robbed our Yuanteng Chamber of Commerce's transport spacecraft, they did not immediately go back to deal with the goods, but went to rob and kill the Qiongyue Princess of the Qionghai Empire. .

However, when they were about to capture Princess Qiongyue, a space shuttle flew quickly from a distance, and a very powerful young man came out of it, killing many strong members of the Star Thief Group, making their actions come to naught . "

(End of this chapter)

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