Chapter 206

"Yes, yes, I agree to have a big meal first. We haven't enjoyed those fresh flesh and souls for a long time. This time, we can eat half of the life on the planet first, and the remaining half will be kept in captivity and eaten slowly."

Because at first the Rage God spacecraft scanned a primitive planet of life, these Rage God star thieves didn't care about it, and didn't waste the energy of the spacecraft to scan in detail, but flew directly towards the earth. Discover some things on the earth that do not belong to the original civilization, such as the various bases of the deep sea group, such as those light space patrol ships, medium-sized space frigates, etc.


Just after the Rage God spacecraft scanned the earth, the major bases of the deep sea group on the earth, including the major bases on the moon, and the major bases on other planets around the earth sounded shrill sirens.

"An unidentified alien spacecraft was discovered, about 32 light years away from the earth, but it only took [-] hours for the other party to arrive at the earth. The other party's spacecraft has been scanned and it is a star thief spacecraft, and it is a high-level star thief. The Aragami Star Thief Group is a fifth-level spaceship, but the spacecraft was severely damaged and is currently only at the fourth level. Sixteen fourth-level star thieves were found on the spaceship, as well as a terrifying fifth-level demon god Aragami. The threat level At the highest level, the earth will be in danger of destruction."

Afterwards, the warning sound from the mothership Ariasai spread throughout the entire earth and all the major bases in the solar system, causing billions of human beings on earth to panic instantly.

"Everyone, don't panic. The Deep Sea Group will organize all forces to attack alien spaceships outside the solar system, and will never allow a star thief to enter the earth. The Deep Sea Group will live and die with the humans on Earth, and will never abandon anyone to escape alone. "

At this moment, the Shenhai Group issued a statement, quickly stabilizing the global human race. Although people were still worried, they saw the hundreds of huge light space patrol ships of the Shenhai Group and the ten larger medium-sized space frigates being upgraded. In the air, the panic gradually dissipated a lot.

With Lin Fan's cultivation reaching the fifth satellite level, his captain authority has reached 30.00%, and all one hundred light space patrol ships have been handed over to the Deep Sea Group.

And when Lin Fan's cultivation level reached the sixth level of the satellite level, he obtained ten more medium-sized space frigates, which are now these giants flying towards the outer reaches of the solar system.

However, people don't know that the main gun power of the light space patrol ship is only at the second level, and the main gun power of the medium-sized space frigate is only at the third level.

Fortunately, Lin Yier and other eight guard captains have all recovered to the peak of the fourth-order, and the eighty guards have also recovered to the peak of the third-order. Every ten of them can form a battle formation, and they can play the fourth-order. In terms of combat power, it is basically equivalent to eight fourth-tier fighters, so that the star thieves who face the Rage God Star Bandit Group also have the power to fight.

However, the Rage God spaceship was originally a Tier [-] spaceship. Although it has been severely damaged and has only Tier [-] strength, I don’t know if its main gun can still exert the power of Tier [-]. Even if there is only one cannon, it is not Lin Yier and the others. able to resist.

Unless the Ariasai mothership is fully unsealed, with it barely reaching the sixth level, a single shot can destroy the Aragami spaceship. However, most of the Ariasai mothership is now sealed, and only More than 30.00% are in use.

This is related to Lin Fan's cultivation strength and the captain's authority, so it is impossible to expect the mothership Aliasai to help resist the star thieves of the Rage God Star Thief Group.

"Oops, Lin Fan, something is going to happen to the earth."

Just when he was about to arrive at the Cosmic Alliance branch, An An suddenly notified Lin Fan, and then Lin Fan also knew about the troubles that the earth was about to encounter, and his face turned gloomy.

"What should I do?"

"If you can quickly break through to the planetary level, the mothership will send you a large space destroyer. Its main gun power is at the fourth level, and it can already threaten the gods and their spaceships. But now you There is an assessment, and breaking through to the planetary level is not something that can be done in a short time. At present, there is only one way. If you pass the assessment quickly and obtain at least emperor-level cosmic citizenship, you can let the Cosmic Alliance protect the earth. .”

"An'an, can you accommodate me? My current spiritual strength has reached the second level of the planetary rank. If calculated by spiritual strength, can my captain's authority be improved a lot? Can I get a large What about space destroyers?"

Lin Fan thought about it. It will take thirty hours for the Rage God spacecraft to reach the earth, so he still has about thirty hours to pass the assessment and then register for the earth civilization.

However, to be on the safe side and to buy more time, Lin Fan proposed to An An that since An An was the brain of the Ariasai mothership, as long as her program could pass, corresponding measures would be implemented.

"This should be possible. After all, the captain relies on powerful spiritual power to command the battleship, so this proposal can be passed. Now, captain, your authority has been increased to 40.00%. Four, I can send all the medium-sized space frigates and eight large-scale The space destroyer is sent out, hoping to support you until the time when you obtain citizenship and register for the earth civilization." An An thought for a while, but actually tried it in the procedure, but unexpectedly passed, Lin Fan's captain's authority suddenly It has improved a lot, nearly half.

Afterwards, humans on the earth discovered that dozens of medium-sized space frigates with a length of 150 meters and eight large space destroyers with a length of [-] meters rose from the ocean again, and flew into space with great momentum and coercion. Immediately, people's hearts finally settled down, because they believed that the Shenhai Group would definitely be able to keep the earth at all costs.

Only the leaders of various countries in the world have received the notice from the Deep Sea Group, asking them to prepare for the worst and gather outstanding talents and elites from all countries. If necessary, the Deep Sea Group will lead some people to escape, because with the current methods of the Deep Sea Group, it is impossible to It can only delay for some time, the most important thing is whether Lin Fan can register for the earth civilization in time.

After Lin Fan found the ice crystal, he quickly entered the virtual world of the assessment without any delay, and found that the number of people on the assessment square at least doubled today, from millions to tens of millions.

"Brother, why are there so many people participating in the assessment today?" Lin Fan quickly asked a human beside him.

"Brother, you are here to see Lin Fan, right? Today is the time for Lin Fan to take the third assessment. So many people are here to witness the miracle." The human said with excitement.

"Yes, Lin Fan has already achieved the top three in two rankings. If he can achieve another top three today, then he will have been an imperial citizen for thousands of years. How lucky he is to be able to witness the birth of an imperial citizen. That’s the thing.”

Next to her was a little elf girl who was extremely cute. She danced and shouted exaggeratedly, just like those fanatical fans on Earth.

"I don't know when Lin Fan will come. We have been waiting for several hours."

"Waiting for a few hours is nothing. If I can witness the appearance of a cosmic citizen with royal status, I would be willing to wait for a year."

"That's right. A citizen with royal status can let the Universe Alliance protect his entire civilization. This is not just talk. I heard that if his civilization encounters a disaster, even the origin of the universe will automatically appear to protect him. civilized."

"Yes, a civilization with imperial citizenship will at least grow into a cosmic civilization above the sixth level, so such a cosmic civilization will be lucky and will definitely rise."

Listening to everyone's discussion, Lin Fan became anxious because he couldn't squeeze in.The assessment square was crowded with people, and it was very difficult to squeeze forward.

"Get out of the way. Lin Fan is coming for the assessment. Everyone, get out of the way." Lin Fan thought for a while, changed his appearance, and then suddenly shouted.

Sure enough, the people in front immediately looked back, and some subconsciously moved out of the way. Lin Fan quickly squeezed forward, and at the same time said loudly: "I know Lin Fan, he is behind, everyone is here." Get out of the way and let him come over.”

The crowd immediately let him go and rushed towards the back noisily, but no one knew where Lin Fan was, and there was a mess behind Lin Fan, while he quickly rushed forward.

"Who said Lin Fan is here?"

"Where is Lin Fan?"

"I didn't see Lin Fan."

"Could it be that the person just now was Lin Fan, and he has already squeezed to the front."

When everyone reacted, Lin Fan had indeed squeezed to the front, and then quietly recovered his appearance in the crowd, and stood next to the group of people who were about to be assessed.

When the restlessness affected the front, Lin Fan had already entered the assessment tower with a group of people, and started his third assessment, which would also be the last assessment to determine his cosmic citizenship level.


On the first floor of the examination tower, beyond Lin Fan's expectations, there was only a platform suspended in mid-air, about the size of a football field, surrounded by endless darkness, and nothing else.

Following Lin Fan's appearance, his opponent also appeared on the opposite side of the platform. A mass of burning flames formed a human figure, but without facial features, only vaguely similar limbs.

"The opponent on the first level turned out to be a flame being, and his cultivation level was at the sixth level of the satellite level."

Lin Fan could clearly feel that the cultivation base of the flame life on the opposite side was the same as his own, both at the sixth satellite level, but he felt that it was different from the ordinary sixth satellite level, and should belong to the same level. A very heaven-defying existence.

(End of this chapter)

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