master of the deep

Chapter 187 Star Thief Leader

Chapter 187 Star Thief Leader
You know, the floors of general spaceships are made of super alloys, and ordinary mecha weapons can't break through them at all, and Lin Fan is so sure because he has a second secret treasure, which can be turned into an indestructible weapon.


When the sharp sword transformed from Lin Fan's second secret treasure pierced the spaceship's floor, it made a screeching sound and even sparked, but the sword still pierced through the floor firmly and made a quick slash. great circle.


A floor about the size of the round table fell down with a bang, hitting the next floor, and then Lin Fan's body fell, and was immediately surrounded by the star thieves who heard the sound.

"All go away."

Lin Fan knew the time was urgent, so he didn't fight with them, and immediately used the three-headed six-armed magic skill.All of a sudden, three heads and six arms were transformed into three heads and six arms, and even the mecha turned into three heads and six arms.

At the same time, Lin Fan's body spun, and while spinning, he used the Star Palm. Huge palm shadows flew out, and then slapped those star robbers with a bang.

The star thieves who entered the spaceship were not all the strongest. Except for the group of elites encountered above, most of the star thieves in front of Lin Fan were only at the third and fourth satellite ranks. Faced with Lin Fan's Sky Star Palm, basically no one could withstand a slap. All of a sudden, a large group of Star Thieves flew upside down.


Lin Fan didn't pay attention to those star thieves. Most of them couldn't survive after being hit by the star palm, and a very few of them who were far away might be seriously injured, so he stabbed the secret treasure long sword into the floor without any haste, and swiped again. Make a circle.

Of course, Jiu'er and Lin'er had already jumped down with him, and they were still blocking the other star robbers who wanted to jump down from above, so that Lin Fan could calmly draw a circle.

Soon, there was another bang, and the floor in front of Lin Fan fell, while he himself paused for a while before jumping down, and then performed the Shadowless Illusory Body Art, his body transformed into several phantoms.

Sure enough, when the floor fell down with a bang, they were approaching the owner of the spaceship. They should have received the news, so they didn't attack, but the star robbers on the opposite side all attacked at the place where the sound came out.

When Lin Fan jumped down, it was the time when all kinds of attacks stopped, his body turned into several phantoms, and he left the spot in an instant, appearing in the distance, and he was still close to the Star Bandit.

Lin Fan found that the battle here seemed to be more intense. Hundreds of star thieves had already surrounded dozens of red mecha fighters. The two sides formed a circle and fought fiercely face to face.

What attracted Lin Fan the most was one of the battle groups, where two star thief masters were besieging a red mecha warrior, and judging from the red mecha warrior's mecha, it turned out to be a female warrior.

Moreover, this female warrior is still a warrior of the ninth level of the satellite level, and her opponent is two star robbers of the ninth level of the satellite level. Although she is under siege, she is still holding on.

"My lord, please save my lady, she is over there." At this moment, an old man with white beard and hair in the spaceship crowd shouted at Lin Fan, and at the same time pointed to the battle group next to him. That female warrior turned out to be the owner of the spaceship, the eldest lady of a certain family.

"Don't keep it, catch her first."

After seeing Lin Fan coming down, the two star thieves who besieged the female warrior looked at each other at the same time, and launched a more violent offensive, because they had already heard the report from the outsiders, and the mecha warrior who came in should be a satellite. Those at the ninth level, if they don't catch their target quickly, there may be changes.



The two star thieves exploded with even more aura. Just now, they just didn't want to hurt the opponent, they wanted to consume the opponent's strength first, and then grab her easily, but now that Lin Fan came in, they didn't care so much.

"Block him."

At the same time, among the star thieves who were besieging the red mecha fighters, a leader commanded some star thieves to surround Lin Fan, and various long-range attacks flew from afar, trying to stop Lin Fan, so that their two The leader was able to successfully grab the target.

Moreover, the strength of these star thieves who surrounded them was not bad, most of them were at the fifth and sixth levels of the satellite rank, and a few even reached the seventh rank of the satellite rank, and several leaders of the eighth rank also surrounded them.


The first attack that came was the mental attack of a satellite-level eighth-level star thief. He pointed at Lin Fan, and in an instant a black bat rushed towards Lin Fan's mecha, and then entered Lin Fan's sea of ​​consciousness. middle.


The other party's real cultivation base was only the second level of the satellite level, and his mental strength was much lower than that of Lin Fan's, so Lin Fan's body did not stop at all because of this. He just snorted coldly, and the face of the eighth-level star thief opposite him changed drastically. Feeling that his mental attack was crushed in an instant, a mouthful of blood spewed out immediately.

"Step aside."

Lin Fan yelled, and the thunder of more than ten Taoist gods was sent out instantly, and it sank into the frontmost star thief mechs like lightning, and then attacked their sea of ​​consciousness. The silent explosion caused their sea of ​​consciousness to collapse. The soul was severely injured, and some even directly annihilated the soul and died.

At the same time, Lin Fan made a series of four palms with his right palm, and gathered strength with his left hand to use his fingers to exterminate. In an instant, more than ten fingers were released, and he shot towards the group of star robbers blocking in front of him.



There were screams and roars, and the star thieves or souls were injured, or were overturned by the star palm, or were killed by the extinction point with a flick of a finger. In an instant, a passage was cleared in front of Lin Fan. More than 20 star thieves or death or serious injury.

All this is very slow to say, but from Lin Fan's arrival to the time when he rushed to the two star thief leaders, it was only a few blinks of an eye, and more than 20 people were killed or injured among the star robbers, which greatly reduced the star thief's power instantly. The morale of the red mecha side was boosted.


However, just as Lin Fan rushed over, the female warrior had already been attacked several times by two Star Thief leaders, and she let out a scream, and the mecha fell backwards.

"You go and catch her."

Seeing that the target was seriously injured, one star thief leader turned to face Lin Fan, and at the same time asked another star thief leader to arrest him.However, Lin Fan, who was rushing towards him, suddenly turned into a few phantoms, and finally he passed by his side, appearing between another star thief leader and the red mecha female warrior.

"Dare to stop our Blood Shark Star Thief Group from doing things, you should die."

The star thief leader's mecha is dark purple in color, much taller than ordinary mechas, and the lines, colors, and workmanship of the mecha are more refined, obviously it is a more advanced mecha, his voice spreads through the mecha, humming in the cabin.

"Are you OK."

However, Lin Fan didn't look at the other party at all, but turned to ask the red mecha female warrior, and extended a hand to her.The female soldier was stunned for a moment, but she still put the big hand of the mecha into Lin Fan's hand, and then Lin Fan pulled her up with force.

"Thank you." The female soldier nodded and said, from her voice, it could be heard that she was seriously injured, and even her voice was weak.

"No matter who you are, if you dare to take care of the affairs of our Blood Shark Star Thief Group today, then stay here and accompany them." At this time, another star thief leader also came over and said in a gloomy voice.

"You blood shark star bandits are so courageous, even dare to rob the high-level spacecraft of our Qionghai Empire, aren't you afraid that the imperial fleet will wipe out your shark star?" The old man among the red mech fighters next to him shouted. At this time, their pressure was much less, and they were barely able to resist the siege of the star thieves.

"Big boss, second boss, hurry up, we're about to run out of power." Suddenly, a voice came out from the communication system of the star thieves. Although Lin Fan and the others couldn't hear it, all the star thieves heard it. I became anxious.

Because of Lin Fan's appearance, he killed two star bandit leaders outside, resulting in a lack of high-end strength for the star bandits outside, and now they are suppressed by the red mech fighters on the spaceship.

"Miss Qiongyue, we have completely suppressed the masters of the star robbers outside. How are you doing now? Have reinforcements come in?" And the red mech fighters on the spaceship also heard the good news from the communication system.

"I'm fine, you all try to eliminate the star robbers, if you can let one less go, keep one more." Qiongyue was the female soldier next to Lin Fan, and after she gasped, she gave an order to the mech fighters outside.


The faces of the two star thief leaders also changed. They glanced at each other, and while ordering the subordinates outside to hold on, they attacked Lin Fan and Qiongyue at the same time. Purple flames emanated from a star thief leader, forming a Fireballs flew towards the two of them one by one.


Another star thief leader had a huge gear in one hand and one side, and it started spinning with a buzzing sound, and was thrown out by both of them, drawing an arc from the left and right, and whirled towards Lin Fan and the two of them.

"Shadowless Phantom Body Art."

Lin Fan didn't dare to dodge directly, because the Qiongyue behind him would no longer be able to dodge. He stretched out his arms to hug Qiongyue, and then performed the Shadowless Phantom Body Art. His body dodged quickly, and several phantoms appeared around him. , all disappeared under the attack of the star thief leader.

However, the two star thief leaders felt that their attacks were all in vain. At this time, Lin Fan's figure had already appeared, but he came to the side of those red mech fighters with Qiongyue in his arms.

"You go in and have a rest first." Lin Fan said to Qiongyue, kicked away the two star thieves who were blocking the front, and then handed Qiongyue to those red mech fighters.

"Miss, how are you?" After Qiongyue entered, the old man greeted him immediately and asked nervously.


  There is a new volume, I don’t know what’s going on, I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep in the middle of the night, I got up and coded a few thousand words, and I’ll upload it to everyone earlier.Well, for the sake of Shenhai's hard work, let's encourage the counting of votes.

(End of this chapter)

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