Chapter 18
Sea bass is widely distributed in the ocean, both in the Pacific and Atlantic waters. The RB Sea, Yellow Sea, and Bohai Sea in Asia are the main producing areas. The west coast of the United States and the Peruvian fisheries in South America also produce sea bass, as well as those in the United Kingdom. North Sea fishing grounds and the Mediterranean Sea and other places.

Zhang Zhide immediately led the crew to clean it up, because apart from most of them were sea bass, there were also a small amount of other fish, such as octopus, cuttlefish, barracuda, hairtail, etc., as well as some sundries and garbage.

"Except for the sea bass, throw everything back into the sea. Of course, you can also save a few larger fish for dinner." Lin Fan said to everyone with a smile, and at this time the fishing boat had already started to turn, heading towards the sea bass. Going in the same direction, the trawl net was lowered again.

After a busy afternoon, everyone was exhausted, but the harvest was astonishing. Three nets in a row and more than [-] catties of sea bass were caught. This is the data after Lin Fan insisted on throwing the smaller sea bass back into the sea. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will weigh more than ten thousand catties.

"Based on the market wholesale price of 51 kilograms, the sea bass harvested this afternoon is worth more than 40 yuan. You are really lucky." Zhou Xiaolin once again helped Lin Fan do the calculations.

When resting at night, Lin Fan waited until everyone was asleep, and quietly went down to the sea, because the new escort and armed engineering unit had already arrived and wanted to show their allegiance to him, so he had to meet them.

Everything went well, Lin Fan successfully took over the No. [-] escort team, named its leader Lin Liang'er, and then asked Lin An'er to help everyone obtain normal identities, and then ordered six aircraft to fly along the Golden Pearl fishing boat. Surrounded by vigilance while searching outwards, looking for treasures under the sea.

When it was dawn, Lin Fan received information including finding a place where blood coral grass grows, discovering a natural shellfish farm, finding traces of a group of stonefish, and discovering a shipwreck.

In comparison, the natural shellfish field is the closest to everyone, only more than 20 kilometers away, so Lin Fan ordered the fishing boat to go in that direction at dawn. Little money.

Because this natural shell field is quite large, there are many dead mother shells in it, and a few of them have pearls in them.Although most of them are white pearls, there are also a few gold and black pearls, and Lin Fan has already had the biggest gold and black pearls picked up, leaving some small gold and black pearls here and there. Everyone, can also be worth tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, it depends on whose luck is better.

However, on the way to the Pearl Farm, he found a group of passing pomfrets, which made Lin Fan overjoyed, and quickly cast a net, and caught more than [-] catties of pomfrets. Since there are golden pomfrets and silver pomfrets, The fish scales are shiny and very beautiful.

Pomfret, aliases include mirror fish, anchovy, Changhou turtle, Chang rat, dog sleepy fish, pomfret bream, mirror fish, flat fish, Baichang, fork sliced ​​fish, etc.The body is short and tall, with extremely flattened sides and slightly diamond-shaped.The head is small, the snout is round, the mouth is small, and the teeth are fine.The pelvic fins of adult fish disappear.The caudal fin is deeply forked and the lower lobe is longer.The body is silvery white, and the upper part is slightly blue-gray.

However, the pomfret just passed by this area, and their speed was very fast. When Lin Fan's net was pulled up, the school of fish had already run several kilometers away.Although the fishing boat can catch up with it at full speed, it happens to be in the opposite direction of the pearl field, and it will get farther and farther away from the pearl field.

Lin Fan thought for a while, and gave up chasing pomfret. After all, the wholesale price of pomfret in the market is only 80 to [-] yuan. What about fish?

"Fourth, why don't you chase after it, this pomfret is very valuable?" Zhou Xiaolin asked in puzzlement, and the others were also puzzled.

"Stop chasing. We found a treasure ahead, which is much more valuable than these pomfrets. Don't you want to hunt for treasure? Just now the detection system has discovered that there is a natural undersea pearl field a few miles ahead. You should be able to find many Pearls, so let’s let this group of pomfret go.”

After hearing Lin Fan's words, everyone shouted, hurriedly cleaned up the pomfret, and refrigerated it.Afterwards, they prepared their diving suits and eagerly wanted to go down to look for pearls. Even Zhang Zhide put on his diving suit with an old face.

When they arrived at the place, everyone jumped into the sea one after another, and rushed to the bottom of the sea like fishes.This natural pearl oyster field is located at a depth of more than 80 meters below the sea surface. There is a trench obliquely in front of the seabed. I don't know how deep it is, but it is dark and deep.

Lin Fan didn't compete with others for those pearls, because he collected more and better pearls in the aircraft.Moreover, after entering the sea, Lin Fan hardly felt the pressure of the sea water on him. The main reason was that he had successfully cultivated and strengthened all aspects of his body, so he wanted to see if he could dive deeper into the seabed, so he went directly to the bottom of the sea. The direction of the trench went away.

Of course, Lin Yier's aircraft has already entered the trench at this time, not only to detect whether there are any unsafe factors, but also to wait for Lin Fan to send him a treasure, so that he can take it out in a fair manner without being caught. people doubt.

This trench is not very deep, about [-] meters long. Others couldn't get down at all, but Lin Fan dived to the bottom of the trench.However, there was nothing in the trench. After Lin Fan stayed on the aircraft for half an hour, he took some large shells and dozens of pearls collected by Lin Yier and others up there.

"Hahaha, now I'm rich. I found one black pearl, two golden pearls, and more than ten ordinary pearls." At this time, everyone had searched all the natural shell fields on the seabed, and they all found something. reward.

"My luck is also good. I found three golden pearls, and some ordinary pearls, but no black pearls." Zhou Xiaolin also smiled.

"Hey, Uncle De, how are you? I found five golden pearls." Li Hu was the one who gained the most out of all the people. He actually found five golden pearls, and one of them was quite large, estimated to be worth ten. Ten thousand.

"Well, I'm okay. I found two black pearls, which are estimated to be worth tens of thousands of yuan." Zhang Zhide also smiled, and he looked at the people beside him. He was smiling, only Chen Chaoguo looked unhappy.

"Xiaoguo, what's wrong? Didn't you find anything good?" Zhang Zhide asked quickly.

"Oh, unlucky, I just found some ordinary pearls, I don't know if they are valuable or not?" Chen Chaoguo muttered.

"Let me take a look. Your dozen or so pearls are all ordinary pearls, but these two are relatively large, with good luster and very rounded shape. They should be worth several thousand." Wang Biao usually goes to his uncle's shop. After playing for a long time, I also know a little about jewelry, so I helped Chen Chaoguo estimate the price.

"Hey, why hasn't the fourth child come up yet?" At this moment, Zhou Xiaolin suddenly looked around and asked everyone.

"I didn't see the boss. We didn't seem to see him at the bottom of the sea." Hao Gang shook his head.

"Perhaps the boss has gone somewhere far away, but he has always been lucky, so he should be back soon." Li Hu guessed.

At this moment, there was a crash in the sea, Lin Fan appeared, and everyone hurried over to help him up.Sitting on the deck, Lin Fan asked pantingly while taking off his mask:

"Everyone finished searching so quickly, the harvest should be good."

"Hey, we've all picked up treasures, and now we're rich. Fourth brother, why didn't you see you just now? Where did you go? Did you pick up any good things?" Wang Biao first ran over and asked.

"The place I went down was a bit off. On the edge of the shell field, there was a trench next to it, which was more than [-] meters deep. I found that there were shells in the trench, and they were all big shells. There were also many pearls in them, and they were all top quality of."

As Lin Fan spoke, he took out seven or eight plate-sized shells from his pocket, and poured out a pile of pearls, which made everyone marvel, because half of these pearls were golden pearls and black pearls, and the rest were All are huge white pearls.

"Wow, you got rich, fourth. You actually have eight golden pearls, and these three are about the same size as the ones you sold to my uncle last time. Isn't one of them worth 500 million? There are also these seven black pearls. The pearls are so big, I am afraid that the price will not be less than the gold pearls.

Even these dozen or so ordinary white pearls, each of such a large size, can be worth [-] to [-] yuan. "Wang Biao rushed forward immediately and helped Lin Fan count the pearls on the ground, making others envious, especially Chen Chaoguo, whose eyes almost fell off.

(End of this chapter)

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