master of the deep

第173章 第215-216章 广寒宫基地(2章合1求月票)

Chapter 173 Chapter 215-216 Guanghan Palace Base (two chapters in one for monthly pass)
Of course, this is also because no matter whether the Shenhai Group is strong or not, all countries cannot oppose it. Now everyone is eager for the Shenhai Group to make some demands. Some advanced technologies of the group.

That's right, when Shenhai Group launched various advanced technologies, it also sent production orders for some components to various countries. In principle, the components needed by each country are produced by each country, which solves the employment problem of each country. , also meet the needs of various countries.

Just like the game helmets currently produced, Huaguo has completed the production tasks of all game helmets, and other countries are still in the process of mass production, but Shenhai Group and Huaguo did not take the initiative to help them produce, and did not make money in this regard. their money.

Of course, this is also the strategy of the Huaguo government, allowing people from other countries to enter the game later, so that the Huaguo people will have a much stronger advantage in the game, which is more important than earning the little money from other countries .

In addition, the Shenhai Group has launched the limb regeneration technology. This technology has been used clinically in Huaguo, and it has allowed tens of thousands of people to regain their healthy limbs and become a healthy person.

In order to obtain this technology, other countries can be said to have spent a huge price to obtain the approval of the Huaguo government and send some experts to Huaguo for training.

Another example is the air speeder series, which has become the most common means of transportation for every household in Huaguo, and people's lives have also been greatly changed because of this, and they have entered the era of science fiction ahead of schedule.

But abroad, in other countries, only some wealthy families and dignitaries of various countries can use it, because the supply in China is insufficient.But now the Shenhai Group has opened the license for production components to all countries, and it can also be used only by installing the core components produced by the Shenhai Group.

Of course, the Chinese government has switched a large number of companies that produce game helmets to produce the air speeder series, and then exported various air speeders and personal flying vehicles to countries around the world, gaining a lot of resources from it.

There is also the universal energy power system of the Shenhai Group, which has now been established in all parts of China.Now, except for the hydropower stations in Huaguo, all nuclear power stations, coal power stations, etc. have been shut down.

However, only a small number of other countries in the world have obtained the right to use the universal energy power system, which greatly facilitates all aspects of these countries, and the most important thing is that this is a completely environmentally friendly energy source.

At present, China is carrying out technological innovations on various enterprises that pollute the environment. The ultimate goal is to eliminate environmental pollution, but other countries cannot do it because they do not have the technical support of Shenhai Group.

However, all countries in the world can also feel that everything that the Shenhai Group does in Huaguo will be implemented in various countries later, but it will be later than Huaguo in terms of time.

Under such circumstances, Hua Guo naturally became the first country to obtain various benefits.It is ahead of other countries in the world in all aspects, and thus attracts a large number of outstanding talents from various countries in the world, and more and more people wish to become Chinese nationals.

However, Huaguo has very strict censorship for those who become nationals. They must have made great contributions to Huaguo, or have a unique talent in a certain aspect, and can make contributions to Huaguo in the future.

All countries in the world are very envious of Huaguo, envious of Shenhai Group coming out of this country. Although it has only been about half a year, Huaguo has become the most powerful country in the world as it deserves.

After the signing of the new United Nations Convention, it did not arouse any voices of opposition in countries around the world. Even if there were a few voices of opposition, they were suppressed by the governments of various countries.

After the Shenhai Group legitimately owned the high seas and the islands above, it began to spend a lot of manpower and material resources on the development and utilization of these islands, while exploring the deep seas of the high seas and mining various rare minerals.

"Captain, there are more than 2 large and small islands on the high seas, many of which are several square kilometers in size, and are desert islands with no fresh water or plants on them, so they are not suitable for independent development." An An Report to Lin Fan after counting.

"Do you have any advice?"

"I think some small islands can be moved together to form islands with a size of hundreds of thousands of square kilometers nearby, so that rivers and lakes can be artificially created, plants can be planted, developed and utilized, and beautiful residential areas can be built. "

"That's fine, but you also have to think about it. If these small islands are moved together, will the foundation under the sea be unstable? Will it affect the weight of the entire planet? Will it affect the environment and climate of the planet?" Influence?"

"Captain, don't worry, we have a lot of successful experience in developing deserted stars, and there is no major problem in developing some deserted islands. I will reasonably distribute the newly built islands in various sea areas, and will not harm the earth. The weight and the environment and climate are adversely affected."

Lin Fan agreed to Lin Anan's design plan, and then handed it over to her, and An An would naturally hand over the task to Lin Lianger and the others, and then a large number of intelligent robot engineering teams would complete various projects.

Lin Fan positioned the earth as the home planet of human beings, so he wanted to create a planet without pollution and restore the earth's environment to the original period.At the same time, we need to turn the earth into a beautiful planet. In the future, it will become a place for vacation and leisure for the high-level members of the Human Alliance, and it will also become a place for the new generation of human beings to receive education after they enter the universe civilization.

Two months later, Shenhai Group announced that the construction of Guanghangong Base, the first human base on the moon, has been completed, and a group of outstanding humans will be sent to the lunar base to live.

"Everyone is watching the internal and external conditions of the Guanghan Palace Base while listening to our explanation. The overall shape of the Guanghan Palace Base is like a palace, covering an area of ​​about [-] square kilometers, divided into residential areas, production areas, commercial areas, and training areas. Area, entertainment area and experimental area six large areas.

The environment in Guanghangong Base is exactly the same as the living environment of human beings on Earth, including artificially made mountains, rivers and lakes. It has an automatic cycle climate that is completely similar to that of Earth. It can also be divided into four seasons, which are basically synchronized with Earth.

The Guanghan Palace base contains more than 80.00% of all animals and plants on the earth. All environments are simulated and manufactured based on the earth, which is suitable for human living and survival. It will become the first starting point for human beings to enter space and move towards cosmic civilization. .

Our Shenhai Group positions the Guanghangong base as a training base. Every human being who enters space will receive various basic training here. Only those who pass the training can leave the earth and enter the space exploration team.

In the first batch, we will select 2 people to enter the Guanghan Palace Base. These 2 people are regardless of nationality, gender, age, or gender, but they must obtain the most basic 120 certificates in the Star Game, and must also open more than one gene. Lock, anyone who meets the requirements can apply.

In addition, we will build seven more bases of the same size on the moon in the coming time, and work hard to train more space exploration talents. The best talent sent. "

Following the explanation of the Shenhai Group, the internal and external conditions of the Guanghan Palace base were broadcast live on TVs from all over the world. Looking at the green scene in the Guanghan Palace base, it seems that it is more beautiful than the original ecology on the earth. It is more beautiful and makes many people feel excited.

For the first batch of [-] places to be sent to the moon base, all countries in the world are boiling, because the conditions of the Shenhai Group include a condition that must be a strong person who has unlocked the gene lock, regardless of nationality, can apply.

Moreover, after these people enter the moon base, they are not there to play. They will also receive training in space, training in space survivability, training in space combat capabilities, and training in the ability to use space mechs to fight in various aspects of space exploration. .

Everyone understands that the Deep Sea Group is going to train the first batch of teams to enter space exploration, and being able to join this team can be said to be recorded in the annals of human history, and will be the first batch to come into contact with real space weapons. The ability to control the real space mech has aroused fierce competition from all over the world.

"My God, the Deep Sea Group is so powerful. It has actually built such a large base on the moon, and it can also allow humans to live and train. It is simply amazing. I really want to go and see it."

"Under the leadership of the Shenhai Group, we humans have hoped to go out of the earth, and we will go further into the starry sky in the future. We are really lucky to be able to live in such an era. We can become a generation that explores the universe. name annals."

"Thanks to Shenhai Group for giving us human beings the opportunity to move towards cosmic civilization and the conditions for us to face a more exciting universe. We must train hard and become qualified talents as soon as possible."

"Well, I have already unlocked the genetic lock. I am going to apply. I am going to the moon base. Through training, I will become an excellent talent and contribute to the future of human beings towards the civilization of the universe."

"Yes, Chang'e flying to the moon has always been a myth and legend in our country. I didn't expect that living on the moon has become a reality today. As a Chinese, I want to fight for the first batch of Guanghan Palace bases to go to the moon. Will there be a sister Chang'e?"

"I don't know if the Shenhai Group is still recruiting employees. I heard that they have a deep sea team. All the recruits are masters in the game, including many strong players who have unlocked the gene lock. I want to join them. I will definitely go well in the future." further."

"God, have you seen that we humans can now create our own heavens. This is a great initiative and a great progress for mankind. We will reach places that even God cannot reach."

The announcement of the Shenhai Group sparked heated discussions among people from all over the world. Many people from all over the world who met the conditions came to sign up, and Huaguo had the most applicants, reaching 4 to [-] people.

In fact, over the past six months, one billion people in Huaguo have entered the game, and the earliest group of people who have entered the game have been in the game for eight or nine months, and they have been practicing in reality for eight or nine months. They have all unlocked the genetic lock.

According to the information held by the Shenhai Group, there are now seven people in Huaguo who have unlocked the five gene locks. They are Lin Fan's parents, Guo Yuer and Zeng Xiaotong, as well as Wang Biao, Zhou Xiaolin and Sun Mingren. Lin Fan's special care.

In addition, there are more than 100 people who have unlocked the four gene locks, half of them are employees and team members recruited by Shenhai Group, the remaining half are in the Chinese military, and the other half are in other families and civilians.

Thousands of people have opened three gene locks, more than 3 people have opened two gene locks, and more than 50 people have opened one gene lock.

In comparison, the number of people who have entered the game from all over the world has reached about 30 billion, but the most powerful among them has only opened three gene locks, only a few dozen people, and the others who have opened two and one gene lock, then There are more than 70 in total.

Of course, Huaguo mainly took advantage of the first game, which is why it leads so much. However, as the difficulty of training increases in the future, it will take longer and longer to break through to a higher level. At that time, countries in the world will still catch up.

However, although countries around the world can catch up in terms of numbers, they will definitely not be able to catch up in a short period of time in terms of the number and quality of strong players. After all, the internal staff and team members of the Deep Sea Group have received the greatest training. , it will be much less difficult to break through the bottleneck in future training, so the future strong will be mainly concentrated in the talents cultivated by the Deep Sea Group.

After ten days of registration and selection, the list of the first batch of 2 people to enter the moon base was finally determined, of which the Shenhai Group accounted for half, the remaining half were experts from the Huaguo government and Huaguo folk, and the other half were from countries around the world. member.

After practicing, the physical fitness of Lin Fan's parents has already been greatly improved. Although they are nearly fifty years old, they are no different from people in their thirties now, so they also offered to go The moon base participated in training and supported his son's work.

Lin Fan saw that his parents were willing to go to the moon base to receive training, and he did not object. After all, everyone will enter the universe civilization in the future, so it is better to let them receive various trainings earlier and learn more skills so that they can be better in the future. protect yourself.

Moreover, they are all strong men who have unlocked the five gene locks. Even if they were ordinary people before, they will definitely not be weaker than those untrained elite soldiers in the army after training.

Of course, Lin Fan himself wanted to go to the moon base. Although he had been there several times before, the base was still under construction at that time, so there was nothing to see at all, and there was nothing worthy of his attention on the moon outside the base.

Although there are some mineral resources on the moon, but the amount is not much, and it will not play a role in the development plan of the deep sea group, so Lin Fan did not let people mine it, but kept the original appearance of the moon and built it into a satellite. That's the base.

At present, the resources found on the earth are enough for the deep sea group to carry out the preliminary development and construction work. After the eight training bases on the moon are all completed, Lin Fan is going to send those light space patrol ships to explore other planets near the earth. Build some training bases on the surrounding planets while unearthing various resources.

This day has finally arrived, [-] excellent earth humans gathered on the deep sea island, everyone is full of excitement, carrying their own bags, neatly lined up on the square.

Fanatic expressions appeared on their faces, looking at the huge silver pyramid in front of them, with a silver light shining on it, and this was the light space patrol ship they were going to ride on, an alien warship controlled by the Deep Sea Group.

"Brother, which country are you from? Have you seen it? This pyramid is said to be an alien warship obtained by the Deep Sea Group. It's so cool."

"Now we don't care which country we belong to. I have already joined the Deep Sea Group, and I will be a member of the Deep Sea Group from now on. This is called a light space patrol ship. It is said that it is the smallest among space battleships and also has the weakest combat effectiveness. "

"Wow, brother, you know a lot, but this pyramid has the same shape on several sides, and we haven't seen the door at all. How do we get in?"

"Damn, your imagination is too bad. This is a product of alien technology. It flies in space. Do you want to open a door on it?"

"That's right, I guess the door of this light space patrol ship is opened from the inside, don't you see the silver lines, like square grids, I think there are doors that can be opened in those grids. "

"Let's not talk about the door, everyone, think about what life will be like after we go to the moon base? Do we need to cook by ourselves, do we need to make money by ourselves?"

"I think, after we go to school, we may be like students going to school. The daily task is to study, train, and pass one test after another, just like soldiers in the army."

"No matter what it is, as long as we can learn more skills and become the pioneers of space exploration among human beings in the future, we should study hard and train hard."

"It makes sense. It is rare for human beings to have such an opportunity to move towards cosmic civilization. It is probably impossible to rely on the deep sea group alone, and we must rely on the efforts of all human beings. Therefore, regardless of nationality or race, we are all human. part."

In the game of Stars, Shenhai Group requires all players to learn a language, called the universal language of the universe, and also to take a certificate, so now among these people, there are people from all countries in the world, but everyone can communicate freely , because they have all mastered the universal language of the universe.

"Everyone, please board the ship quickly one by one. After entering, an intelligent robot will arrange your accommodation. Everyone must act quickly, because we have 2 people, and we must all board the ship within half an hour."

While everyone was discussing in low voices, a loud voice suddenly sounded, and then openings opened in every direction at the bottom of the pyramid-shaped light space patrol ship, that is, doors after doors.

Everyone lined up in many columns and ran towards the front door. As soon as they reached the door, they felt a huge suction force coming from inside, and everything was sucked away with a whistling sound.When they opened their eyes, they found that they had already stood in a huge hall, and there were people constantly appearing around them.

"Wow, how did we get in here? Does anyone know?"

"I don't know, I just felt a moment of attraction, and then my body lost weight, and I opened my eyes and stood here."

"It's really amazing. This is alien technology, maybe it's a function like teleportation."

"It's possible. Since you said it's alien technology, there's nothing strange about it. Everyone's already inside the battleship, so there's nothing to worry about."

At this time, intelligent robots came over one by one, leading a group of people out of the hall, and walked in different directions.And in some corners of the hall, there are huge beams of light projecting on the ground.

"Several of you in a team, go into the beam of light."

In addition to having a metal body, intelligent robots can also speak in the universal language of the universe, and they also have some thinking ability. They command everyone to let them enter the beams of light in groups of eight.


As soon as the eight people in the first group entered, they flew up along the beam of light with a whoosh. Some screamed in fright, but disappeared in an instant, making some people behind them turn pale with fright.

"Where did they go? Where are these beams of light going to send us?" Someone asked the intelligent robots loudly.

"Of course, go to your room to rest. This is the speed of light teleportation pillar, which can directly teleport people into the room. When you leave, you must also teleport here through the teleportation beam in the room." The intelligent robot explained to everyone .

The people behind breathed a sigh of relief, and followed their teammates into the beam of light. Sure enough, after a moment of weightlessness, they found themselves in a suite, which indeed had eight separate rooms, each with a shower and toilet.

"Hahahaha, this battleship is really interesting, it even has a suite."

"Well, it seems that these warships should be used by aliens to transport soldiers in the past. Otherwise, how could there be 2 people in a battleship?"

"Why do I feel that something is wrong? If the [-] of us overlapped together, wouldn't the sum be much taller than that pyramid? How could this battleship hold so many people?"

"Yeah, I think what you said makes sense. If we add up to 2 people, we can stack at least two pyramids as high. Can it hold us all? And there are rooms and other things in it." ?”

  There are no more manuscripts, and I am too busy with work. I will update them at night in the future. You don't have to wait long. It is better to read them the next day.Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets, ask for subscriptions.

(End of this chapter)

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