master of the deep

Chapter 165 Changing the World Pattern

Chapter 165 Changing the World Pattern
Just 1 minute ago, in the monitoring center of the aircraft carrier, several soldiers were talking and laughing while watching the many monitoring screens in front of them. It was a comprehensive monitoring of hundreds of nautical miles around the aircraft carrier.

"Look, what is that?"

Suddenly, a soldier saw a small red dot appearing on one of the screens, which was quickly heading towards the aircraft carrier, and immediately yelled.

"Zoom in and see."

"No, we're locked."

"It's a nuclear warhead."

"My God, our aircraft carrier has been targeted by a nuclear warhead, and it was a nuclear weapon launched from the Okinawa military base."

"Quickly sound the alarm, report to the captain, and request the weapon control center to launch an interceptor missile. The nuclear warhead will reach our position in 2 minutes."

The entire monitoring center was in chaos, but those soldiers still did what they should do, and then some ran out, some ran to the position of the lifeboat, and some quickly notified other comrades in arms.

"Quickly launch the interceptor missiles and intercept the nuclear weapons."

Although they know that even if the nuclear warhead is intercepted from a distance, it will cause huge damage to the aircraft carrier group, but it is much better than letting the nuclear warhead fall directly on their heads.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Soon, several medium-range interceptor missiles were launched, flying towards the nuclear warhead in the distant sky. Some directly hit the nuclear warhead, some exploded in front of it, and some exploded around it. I want to use various methods to influence its direction, make it deviate from the aircraft carrier formation, or detonate it in advance.

However, after several interceptor missiles exploded, the nuclear bomb was still unaffected and flew directly in the direction of the aircraft carrier formation, which made people very desperate.The aircraft carrier and the surrounding frigates launched interceptor missiles again, and dozens of interceptor missiles were launched, hoping to play a role.

"Report to the general, something happened to the nuclear submarine below."

At this moment, someone reported to the commander on the aircraft carrier with a pale face that he was already a little desperate when he was threatened by the nuclear bomb, but after hearing the news just now, he almost wanted to kill himself by drinking the bomb.

"An accident happened to the nuclear submarine? What happened?" The general's forehead was also full of sweat, but he didn't care to wipe it off, and quickly grabbed the school officer and shouted.

"The nuclear submarine just under the sea reported that the two nuclear warheads on it were activated, and two attack coordinates were automatically generated and were about to be launched." The colonel said with tears.

"What? How did this happen?" The general let go of the school officer as soon as he heard this, and fell down as soon as his body softened.

Half a minute later, there were two loud swishing noises, and two jets of water rushed out from the seabed not far away, and then turned into two flames, but two missiles were launched. People around the aircraft carrier thought they were intercepting missiles, but After seeing them draw a curve in the air, they flew towards the other two directions.

However, about 1 minute later, after breaking through numerous interceptions, the nuclear bomb landed on the aircraft carrier, exploded loudly, emitted a huge flame, and then rose upwards, forming another mushroom cloud in midair, which was shocking. regret.

Of course, no one in this aircraft carrier formation of the M army can escape. After all, a nuclear bomb can destroy a city, let alone dozens of warships. They were either evaporated or sank forever on the bottom of the Indian Ocean .

However, the matter was not over yet. Just when the military generals of Country M received the news that the aircraft carrier formation was annihilated, the news that the other two nuclear bombs had been launched also reached their ears.

"Quickly check and see where the two nuclear bombs were launched?" The general who asked the question looked shocked. He was afraid that if the nuclear bombs were launched to the command center, they would all be finished.

"Is there no result yet in the technical department? Why do these idiots launch nuclear bombs? Don't they see themselves dying and want to drag more people to be buried with them?" Another general cursed while wiping his sweat.

"I guess this was not launched by them, but that our nuclear bomb has been controlled by others, so it was launched before they were destroyed, and the coordinates of the strike were also very bad." Some generals guessed.

"Mr. President ordered to immediately suspend all nuclear bomb control procedures, immediately change the activation codes of all nuclear bombs, cut off the power supply connected to the nuclear bomb activation device, and do not let similar things happen again." At the same time, the explosion of the two nuclear bombs has alarmed He killed the president of country M, frightened him into a pale face, and quickly cut off the starting power of all nuclear bombs.

"Generals, the strike coordinates of these two nuclear bombs have been released. One was launched towards the Arctic Ocean, and the other was launched towards our new experimental base deep in the Atlantic Ocean."

At this time, the monitoring center had quickly calculated the targets of the two nuclear bombs, and all the generals present were silent after hearing this, because they knew that the M Army had also deployed an aircraft carrier formation in the Arctic Ocean, needless to say that A nuclear bomb is definitely heading for this aircraft carrier formation.

In addition, country M has a very secret experimental base on the uninhabited islands deep in the Atlantic Ocean, and all the latest experiments are carried out on it, including the laboratory of the ninth district.

Now, another nuclear bomb is rushing towards this experimental base. You don't need to think about it and you know that the other party wants to destroy this experimental base of the M Army, which will be a heavy blow to the entire M Army.

"In any case, launch an all-round interception and do our best to destroy these two nuclear bombs." After hearing the news, the black president was silent for a moment and then ordered.

As a result, the M army deployed many military bases on the Atlantic coast, Middle East countries and other parts of the world, and began to intercept the two nuclear bombs. Countless interceptor missiles greeted the two nuclear bombs like meteors and exploded around them.

For countries all over the world, today's shock is very strong. Not only have they witnessed the mushroom clouds formed by the explosion of several nuclear bombs, but also witnessed a meteor shower formed by the interceptor missiles of the M Army.

At the beginning, the generals of the M army were full of confidence. They believed that under their interception regardless of the cost, they would be able to intercept the two nuclear bombs or change their attack direction.

"Everyone, Mr. President has ordered that we do our best to intercept these two nuclear bombs, regardless of the cost."

"Everyone, now is the time to test our global defense system. Whether we can intercept these two nuclear bombs is not only a matter of whether we can save our aircraft carrier formation and experimental base, but also represents our decades of hard work. Whether China's global defense system is a joke, let's work hard."

"Yes, I believe that our global defense system is invincible. Although the aircraft carrier formation in the Indian Ocean failed to intercept the nuclear bomb, it is too far away from our mainland and military bases. Now we are going all out and we will be able to intercept it Stop the nuclear bomb."

Although it was still daytime, when the interceptor missiles flew into the sky with tail flames and flashes of light, many people still saw it, and some TV stations even broadcast it live.

From the mainland of country M, from all over the Atlantic Ocean, from the Middle East, Europe, Latin America, Southeast Asia and other places, interceptor missiles were launched one after another, making a roaring sound and flying towards the two nuclear bombs.

Tens, hundreds, thousands, countless interceptor missiles formed a very spectacular scene like an army. On the Internet and in the video, people from all over the world circulated and watched, forming a huge interceptor The net bursts into brilliant light like fireworks over the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans.

However, a few minutes later, when the interception situation and data from various places were sent back to the M army command center, the faces of the dozens of generals inside all changed, because during such interception, under the explosion like a storm However, the direction of the two nuclear bombs did not change at all, and they were still flying in the intended direction.



A few minutes later, when thousands of interceptor missiles exploded, two loud bangs were heard in the depths of the Arctic Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, and two more mushroom clouds appeared in midair, which strongly shocked people all over the world.

"It's over. Country M is over now."

"The M Army lost six aircraft carrier formations, a military base and a military laboratory all at once. I am afraid that it will no longer be able to maintain its title as the world's number one power."

"It seems that the world pattern is about to change, and now Huaguo will become the biggest power in the world."

"Does this matter have anything to do with the Deep Sea Group? Can they really control the nuclear bombs of the M Army?"

"If this is the case, wouldn't they be able to control all the nuclear bombs in the world, wouldn't they be well-deserved world hegemons?"

"They probably don't want to be a world hegemon. Otherwise, they can destroy a few African countries at random, and then they can establish their own country, and then it is possible to unify the world."

With the explosion of the four nuclear bombs, a topic has been ignited all over the world, that is, whether this was done by the Shenhai Group, because currently only the Shenhai Group is opposed to the M Army, and all the attacks are from the M Army important place.

And this is why no one stood up to protest despite heated discussions around the world, because Sun was a densely populated city hit by these nuclear bombs, so all losses belonged to the M army, and other countries did not lose, so there was no people blamed.

"Withdrawing our troops stationed around the world, abandoning all overseas military bases, recalling aircraft carrier formations stationed abroad, and sending a delegation to China to negotiate with the Deep Sea Group, we admit that we were wrong."

In the end, the black president took the blame and resigned in front of the people of the whole country, apologized to the people of the whole country, and ordered the recall of the M Army's troops and aircraft carrier formations stationed around the world, shrinking the M Army's defense line and changing the world pattern.


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(End of this chapter)

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