master of the deep

Chapter 159 The Conflict Begins

Chapter 159 The Conflict Begins

"Smart robots? Maybe, although it is not difficult for us to make smart robots, but I don't want to make them in a short time, because people are not strong enough to really control smart robots."

Hearing Zeng Xiaotong excitedly say that there are countless messages on the Internet, hoping that Shenhai Group can create intelligent robots to serve human beings, but Lin Fan just smiled lightly and did not agree.

"Why do you say that humans cannot control intelligent robots? Can't humans control them through program commands? Could intelligent robots still rebel?" Zeng Xiaotong asked puzzled.

"In the cosmic civilization, there is a race called the Machine Race. Their origins are the intelligent robots created by some of the earliest cosmic civilizations. Later, they developed their own intelligence, and in turn slaughtered the life race that created them, and then became a world of their own. Race.

Although the intelligent robots we manufacture now can also be controlled by program commands, their abilities are too powerful, and human beings themselves are very weak. Once the intelligent robots awaken and become machines, their destructive power will be huge. It's so huge that humans can't stop it at all. "

"Ah, I see, just like the Autobots in the movie, they are intelligent mechanical tribesmen, right?" Zeng Xiaotong exclaimed, thinking of the movies she had watched, especially the "Transformers" series. The Autobots inside seem to be members of the intelligent machine tribe.

"That's right, the Autobots in the movies and the motorcycles in the cartoons can all be said to be intelligent mechanical people. Including my guards, they are actually mechanical life, and they are also the most advanced intelligent mimics, but The program to control them is more sophisticated, so they will obey my orders." Lin Fan nodded and said.

“So when is the right time to build intelligent robots?”

"After our virtual game is launched and humans begin to evolve, we can gradually launch intelligent robots, from household service intelligent robots, to intelligent machine miners, and finally intelligent machine warriors, and even ordinary mechanical clansmen."

"However, how long will it take for our virtual game to be launched? Then what else do we need to develop during this period of time?" Zeng Xiaotong was also very happy after learning that Lin Fan had obtained alien technology. Various new technological products showed great interest.

"Of course there are still many things that can be done. With the popularity of smart phones and smart appliances, let's develop smart vehicles next. For example, personal flying vehicles, such as hovering cars, such as Airbus.

Of course, before that, we need to carry out energy innovation first, launch a brand-new universal energy source, use the universal energy source to supply all products of our deep sea group, and change the energy utilization mode of human beings, because the universal energy source is everywhere , can be recharged anytime and anywhere, and convert any form of energy into a universal energy source for the universe. Lin Fan smiled and said that it is inevitable to launch universal energy, because the helmet of the virtual game that will be released soon must use universal energy to run for a long time.

"Universal universal energy, intelligent vehicles. Husband, if we launch so many new technological products in such a short period of time, will people find out that you have acquired alien technology? At that time, I am afraid that no matter whether it is Our country, or other countries in the world, will target our Shenhai Group." Zeng Xiaotong asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter. I have established two secret bases overseas. The weapon systems on the base far exceed all countries in the world. No country can resist the attack of the base, so we are not afraid of any country or force."

"But our Shenhai Group still has so many employees, and they have family members. If we hide in the base, will they target the employees and family members of Shenhai?"

"I have considered this for a long time. I will first seek the support of the government. In fact, I have synthesized universal energy at the base. The technology is mature and can be used. I will first help the government, especially the military, to equip the equipment accordingly. With advanced weapons, the government will help us resist the military power of other countries.

And when our virtual reality game is launched, those countries that want to be unfavorable to us will stop all actions, because if they lag behind other countries and enter the virtual game, they will eventually be eliminated by other countries and become weak countries. " Lin Fan said very confidently.

Lin Fan believes that as long as the virtual game of Shenhai Group is launched, people will soon discover its true role. At that time, I am afraid that all the countries in the world will compete to enter the game, so he is not worried that there will be players at that time. The country is not good for the deep sea group.

However, before that, there may be some countries that suspect the Shenhai Group, so Lin Fan has long planned that if any country dares to test the Shenhai Group at this time, he will not mind taking strong measures to warn those countries with evil intentions and powerful.

"Captain, we have discovered a brand-new mineral under a trench in the Atlantic Ocean more than 6000 meters deep, which contains materials that can be used to create universal energy generators. We are organizing armed warriors and engineering warriors to fully exploit it. At the same time, Begin manufacturing the core components of the Universal Energy Inspirator."

Two days later, Lin Fan received a report from An An, and there was a piece of good news. In fact, the technology to manufacture universal energy inspirers has long been available, but there is a lack of corresponding materials. Searched for new material and now finally found it.

"How is the preparation for the virtual game?"

"The first super server has been successfully manufactured, and the first batch of one thousand helmets for testing are also being manufactured. It is expected that the game will be available for internal testing in half a month.

In addition, the independent training system designed for the military has been completed, and 50 special helmets are being produced for them. Currently, 20 helmets have been produced, and they should all be completed in [-] days. "On the Deep Sea No. [-] base, various preparations for virtual games are in full swing.

"Okay, let's proceed at this pace. We don't have to be too anxious. By the way, how is the development of new products at Base No. [-] doing?" The new product Lin Fan asked was the smart phone he had discussed with Zeng Xiaotong before. Transportation.

"There is no problem with the technology. We are currently designing various product styles that are suitable for the gravity of the earth and the environment. The main launches in the early stage are intelligent suspension vehicles and Airbus.

Dozens of styles of intelligent suspension vehicles have been designed, some are similar to the cars currently used by humans, some are shaped like various animals, and some are shaped like fans, flying carpets, flying saucers and other strange shapes.

Airbus currently designs mostly small vehicles with about 20 people, some of which retain the shape of existing buses and bullet trains, while others are designed into other shapes such as fortresses, villas, and tents.

In addition, a server is specially designed to conduct virtual flight training for air driving. At that time, anyone who buys a smart suspension car must obtain the corresponding virtual driving assessment and have a special driving qualification certificate.

However, it may take a month to complete the manufacturing of dedicated servers, and it will take about two months to launch these smart products. Currently, Shenhai Group is developing too fast and lacks a large number of manpower. "

"This matter can be delayed for a while. As for the dedicated server for training air pilots, there is no need to design it. It can be directly integrated into our virtual game and become a skill that gamers must learn. This can save a lot of trouble. , save a lot of manpower, and can also enhance people's recognition of virtual games."

Lin Fan thought for a while and said that he wants to make the virtual game a second world for human beings to live in, let human beings learn various knowledge in the virtual game, and then launch it in the real world, so that it will be easier for human beings to accept.

"That's okay, then I'll add the training subjects of air driving to the independent server used by the military, as well as the future mecha combat subjects, and gradually add them according to the level of advanced level, so that the military can continuously train more advanced students." Excellent soldiers will be able to play a greater role in the space age in the future. But, Captain, don’t you worry about these soldiers, will they follow other people’s orders and turn against you in the future?”

"An'an, your question is a bit redundant. Do you think we are still afraid of these ordinary people with our abilities? Even if there are some geniuses in training among them, compared to the Aliasai, they are nothing. Yeah." Lin Fan just smiled faintly.

"Yes, Captain, there is one more thing you should pay attention to. In the past few days, several small countries in Southeast Asia have clashed with fishermen, and several fishermen have died."

"Is there anything wrong with the fishermen of our Deep Sea Group?" Lin Fan frowned and asked.

After more than half a year of development, Shenhai Group now has five deep-sea large ocean-going fishing vessels and fifty or sixty medium-sized offshore fishing vessels.

"The fishing boats of the Deep Sea Group also encountered a non-state maritime patrol boat a few days ago. At that time, the non-state patrol boat wanted to stop the fishing boat, but their speed did not catch up. I heard that the non-state patrol boat was still driving. The gun was fired, but the fishing boat was missed.

At that time, the armed soldiers on the fishing boat fired an air cannon from a distance and sank the African country's patrol boat, which aroused the African country's protest, but they didn't have any evidence, they just made a fuss and protested twice. "

(End of this chapter)

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