master of the deep

Chapter 157 Virtual Reality Technology

Chapter 157 Virtual Reality Technology

When the content of Guoguo Company's press conference reached Lin Fan's ears, he just smiled and said nothing, because he knew that Guoguo Company could not stop the Shenhai Group's pace at all.

It turns out that Guoguo's strategy was wrong, because when they spent a lot of money to bring the Guo8 series of smartphones to the market with high hopes, even though they cut the price in half, and even though they took many discounts, the response was mediocre , the effect is not obvious.

A week after the Guo 8 series entered the market, the executives of the Guoguo company were all pale with fright when they saw the statistical data, because the global sales volume was less than [-] units, and most of them were purchased after a [-]% discount for users over five years old. , which is too far from their expected quantity.

Because even if the Guoguo company lowered the price by half, the purchase price of the Guo 8 is not lower than the purchase of ordinary Deepsea smartphones. Users with a little discernment will choose to order Deepsea smartphones.

The second largest shareholder of Guoguo Company and some other shareholders immediately announced their decision to withdraw from Guoguo Company, and the stock price of Guoguo Company also fell all the way. In just one week, the market value of Guoguo Company shrank. half.

However, although the changes in Guoguo Company have aroused the interest of some media reporters, they have not aroused Lin Fanhe's interest at all. Now he does not even have the idea of ​​acquiring Guoguo Company, because the mobile phone company acquired or cooperated by Shenhai Group It has been able to meet the production demand.

When the deep sea smart phone came out, the home appliance branch of the deep sea group also began to launch a variety of smart appliances, including all types of appliances in the kitchen, as well as other types of household appliances, all using the latest smart technology .

Of course, just like smartphones, there were only a small number of samples at the beginning. Deepsea Company did not have a large-scale production workshop and was temporarily unable to carry out large-scale production.

However, with the production model of smartphones, Lin Fan believes that other electrical companies will come to seek cooperation, and Shenhai Group will not lack production workshops.

Sure enough, after the press conference of Shenhai Group, several electrical appliances companies in Huaguo came to their door immediately, including Feihong Group, Lige Group, Chuangwei Group, Sea Ou Group, Fengxian Group, and Meihao Group are seeking cooperation with Shenhai Group.

After experiencing the huge changes in the mobile phone company industry in China, many electrical appliance companies in China were mentally prepared. When Shenhai Group announced that it would enter the field of smart appliances, they all regarded this as their own opportunity and came to the door on the same day. to seek cooperation.

These companies all have very mature and complete electrical appliance production lines, and each company focuses on different types of electrical appliances, so there is no conflict with each other.

When Lin Fan saw the letter of intent they submitted for cooperation, the conditions in it showed that they sincerely wanted to cooperate, because most companies were willing to merge into the Deep Sea Group, or become the manufacturer of the Deep Sea Group.

In the end, Lin Fan selected the most famous company in each field to merge into the Shenhai Group and accepted some of their managers. Dozens of other electrical appliance companies became manufacturers that cooperated with the Shenhai Group.

They only need to enter into certain technological innovations, then produce electrical appliances according to the requirements of Shenhai Group, and finally assemble them.Of course, the most core components during assembly are provided by Shenhai Group, and no company can imitate those core components.

These domestic companies in Huaguo saw the opportunity quickly and became the first companies to cooperate with Shenhai Group, while those multinational companies, foreign-funded companies and the like fell behind a lot, and some finally lost their opportunities.

The Shenzhen Group's smartphone craze has just passed, and a new round of smart appliance craze has set off, which once again shocked the world and became a topic of global discussion.

In the first two times, Shenhai Group launched smart software and smart phones, which affected hundreds of companies in the two fields of software and mobile phones, and most of them went bankrupt in the end.

But this time, the Shenhai Group's large-scale investment involved the field of electrical appliances. This category includes dozens of sub-categories, affecting thousands of large, medium and small enterprises all over the world, causing a huge sensation in an instant.

Even if Shenhai Group is looking for partners all over the world, only one fifth of the companies have this opportunity, and the other four fifths of the companies, about 5000 companies, will go bankrupt in this round of competition, which has triggered a global crisis. The worldwide unemployment disaster has also aroused opposition from dozens of countries around the world.

In Europe, Africa and other places, large-scale demonstrations suddenly broke out, opposing the entry of Shenhai Group's smart appliances into their countries, opposing the Shenhai Group's monopoly of the electrical appliance market, and protesting that Shenhai Group made them unemployed.

Not only that, dozens of countries protested to the Chinese government through diplomatic channels, demanding that the Shenhai Group be responsible for a large number of unemployed people in various countries, and even ask the Shenhai Group to compensate for a large number of losses.

"On behalf of Shenhai Group, I hereby declare that we launch smart appliances to improve people's living conditions, to liberate everyone from heavy housework, so that everyone can have more time for exercise, more time and Friends and relatives communicate together, so that everyone has better energy for work.

If this causes other social changes, this is not the original intention of the Deep Sea Group, but a social phenomenon that will inevitably be brought about by the progress of human science and technology. Perhaps there will be more similar situations in the future.

Therefore, what needs to be changed now is the way of life of human beings. Everyone should think about what should human beings do when one day technology advances to the point where no human is needed for any job?

However, we, Shenhai Group, will also find a way to solve this problem. We have initially explored virtual reality technology, and will launch a brand new virtual reality game in the near future, so that human beings can enter virtual reality games to learn and live , adventure or even work to earn money.

Of course, this is just an idea. To perfect this technology, a lot of work will be needed, and a lot of support will be needed, especially the support of government banks in various countries.We will work hard to win the support of various countries, and make this technology mature as soon as possible, reaching the level where virtual reality games can be played.

Of course, any country that protests against our Deep Sea Group will be blacklisted by our Deep Sea Group in the future, and any of our future new products will not enter these countries, and we will not cooperate with any companies in these countries, and will not Sell ​​our products to persons of any of these nationalities. "

Faced with this situation, the spokesperson of Shenhai Group came out and made a statement, but his attitude was very firm. He would refuse to cooperate with these countries in the future and refuse to sell any new products to these countries.

At the same time, Shenhai Group also announced a technical invention, that is, they have initially mastered virtual reality technology, and are about to successfully design a virtual reality game that allows people to live, study and even work to earn money in the game.

Compared with other countries' opposition to Shenhai Group, the information revealed by Shenhai Group has attracted great attention from all over the world, because virtual reality technology has been imagined by people for countless years, especially in the science fiction of Chinese people. In the novel, various virtual reality games have aroused the longing and expectations of countless people.

"Is Shenhai Group really going to launch a virtual reality game? My God, we have been looking forward to it for ten years, is it finally going to become a reality?"

"It is recommended that the staff of the game department of Shenhai Group read more online game novels, and use some classic online game novels as the background to adapt virtual reality games."

"It is said that you can still work and earn money in the game. Is this true?"

"I'm really looking forward to the virtual reality game of Shenhai Group. This should be another epoch-making technological innovation that has brought us great changes."

"Yes, virtual reality technology is definitely a huge innovation that changes human life. We look forward to Shenhai Group bringing more and more innovations to human beings and making human life more and more exciting."

"Virtual reality games, I didn't expect that they will soon become a reality. I have written more than ten online game novels. In fact, I have always been full of desire for virtual reality games. I am grateful to Shenhai Group for realizing my wish."

"I hope to be able to adapt classic online game novels such as "Online Game World", "Online Game World Warriors" and "From Zero" into real virtual reality games. I believe that there will be a large number of fans who like these games."

Just after Shenhai Group’s speech ended, Shenhai Group’s website forum welcomed a large number of users again, and most of their messages were aimed at virtual reality games, and put forward various suggestions, full of expectations and longings .

Deep Sea Group has once again become the focus of the world, and the virtual reality technology they proposed has also attracted great attention from all countries in the world, especially the military departments of some countries, immediately began to demonstrate whether virtual reality technology can be used in the military field.

Even those countries that protested to the Shenhai Group expressed that they would no longer pursue responsibility, but the Shenhai Group had already made a decision, and these countries later paid a huge price to restore their relationship with the Shenhai Group and get Obtained the right to supply various new products of Shenhai Group.

Subsequently, Shenhai Group's smart appliances entered the markets of various countries in the world very smoothly, including those countries that originally opposed it, and directly provided a zero-tariff policy to ease conflicts with Shenhai Group and repair relations, allowing Shenhai Group to get a lot of benefits.

And Shenhai Group announced the virtual reality technology in advance, which is also Lin Fan's deliberation, because after the launch of smart phones and smart appliances, the next step in the plan is to launch virtual reality technology, and it is also time to start the national evolution plan. Because the construction of the Deep Sea No. [-] mobile base is almost completed.

(End of this chapter)

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