master of the deep

Chapter 141 Deep Sea Means

Chapter 141 Deep Sea Means
However, what puzzled the employees of the company was that it seemed that the technical data of the company's smart software had been stolen, but the company's senior management did not make any explanations about it. Apart from appeasing the employees, they only handed over with the public security organs. I don't know what the top management of the company thinks.

Just when the Shenhai Group was in a mess, seven or eight people got into different cars on the street not far from the Shenhai Group, and left the area quickly, with smiles on their faces.

"Everyone said how powerful the Shenhai Group is, but they didn't expect it to be just a strong outsider."

"Yes, they brag that intelligent software has achieved real intelligence. Why doesn't their company use intelligent software to monitor?"

"It doesn't matter that much, after we complete the task, as long as we can get our bonus, it is enough to live for the rest of our lives."

"Let's all go, lest the police come after me later."

When getting into the car, everyone smiled and said goodbye. They were all professional commercial spies, some of them were serving a certain company, some were serving a certain country, and some were serving a certain family power.

Not long after, they were scattered among the traffic. Some immediately turned on the computer from the car and began to enter and transmit the copied data to an unknown place, while others waited until they returned to the hotel before sending the data. The materials were sent out, and then the copies were destroyed, so that there would be no trouble.

In the next two days, all of these people got a large amount of bonuses from the people they served, which made them very excited. Some were going to leave Dongzhou to travel to other places, and some They are ready to leave Huaguo, and some are ready to stay.

But that night, a group of men in black suddenly appeared, and they easily found them. After a brief struggle, all the commercial spies were severely injured, and finally had to hand over all the bonuses they got and kept them safe. a life.

The men in black did not intend to kill them, but shortly after the men in black left, these commercial spies were arrested by the local police one after another, and then brought to the Eastern State Police, where they ran into each other in the hospital.

"Why are you back?"

"Did you also meet the man in black?"

"That's right, they are too powerful, I'm afraid they are the special forces of Huaguo?"

"Oh, don't mention it, our bonuses have all been robbed."

"This shows that we have been targeted a long time ago, otherwise we wouldn't have all been caught and brought back."

"If that's the case, wouldn't the information we obtained be false?"

"No, we may have been tricked. The Shenhai Group sent us the information on purpose. It is estimated that they must have a conspiracy, and those men in black may have been arranged by the Shenhai Group."

"If this is the case, then the power of the Deep Sea Group is truly unfathomable."

Everyone turned over the exchange, and finally found suspicious points, and they all suspected the Shenhai Group. They felt that this scene was probably arranged deliberately by the Shenhai Group, but the information had already been sent out, and now they were also arrested by the Huaguo police. The ability has changed what the Deep Sea Group wants to do.

The fact is exactly as they guessed, when those data were sent to different forces, they organized a large number of technical experts to crack it, and found a kind of intelligent program that they had never seen before, that is The core program of Deep Sea Intelligent Software.

They tried to control the program, and finally managed to do so, and then they modified the program and placed it on their server, hoping to improve the function of their intelligent software.

The tragedy happened at this time. Not only were all their servers infected with viruses, but their software was also infected, so that all users who were still using their software were infected with viruses, and no matter whether they were mobile phones or computers, they could not use them.

Immediately, complaints against these companies and forces flew to their companies and related departments like a snowflake, and more users began to turn to Shenhai Group, and they switched to Shenhai Intelligent Software.

And when these software companies and forces repaired their servers, they suddenly found that their software systems had collapsed, and their company funds suddenly disappeared from their books, adding up to tens of billions of dollars in funds that disappeared.

"Baga, this must be a conspiracy of the Shenhai Group. We have been fooled by them. By the way, is the commercial spy who sent us the information back?"

"Boss, he hasn't come back yet, and he has lost his information."

"Baga, it seems that he either betrayed us, or he has been captured by the Deep Sea Group and left everything we have, otherwise we wouldn't have such a big loss."

"Boss, although the information they sent back may be fake, it won't make us lose more than one billion US dollars because of this, it's too incredible."

"This must be done by the Shenhai Group's intelligent software. It has achieved real intelligence, so the whole world's network is like a baby in front of it. If it does something, no one will find out."

In Waguo, a world-renowned software company, an obese Japanese man was furious because not only the company's server crashed, but he also lost more than one billion US dollars in assets in the bank.

"God, what the hell is going on here? Why is our company's money gone for no apparent reason?"

"Mr. President, could this be related to the Shenhai Group? Our server crashed because of the data stolen from the Shenhai Group. Could it be that they also took away the money?"

"It's really possible, because they are retaliating against us. However, the bank did not find any clues, no transfer records, and more than 20 billion US dollars disappeared out of thin air. It is really incomprehensible."

"Mr. President, have you forgotten that the Deep Sea Group has already mastered the real intelligent software, so it is entirely possible for them to control our server with the intelligent software, and then steal all our information and transfer our property. It is estimated that the bank's system And the protection system cannot prevent the real intelligent software at all.”

"Only this explanation is reasonable, but we don't have any evidence, what can we do with them? Even if we go to court, we can't accuse them."

"President, the spy we sent out seems to have disappeared after passing the information to us. I wonder if it fell into the hands of the Shenhai Group or the national police?"

"This damn guy, if he hadn't sent back the data, the company's server wouldn't have crashed. I think all of us might be ashamed of the Deep Sea Group. They knew someone would steal the data, so they just I have prepared fake information, otherwise I am afraid it will not be stolen so easily."

"President, there are not a few people who have these materials. Dozens of software companies in our alliance, as well as some big family forces and other forces have participated in this matter. If all the Shenhai Group did this, I am afraid they will offend you." It will not be a minority."

"Even if they offend people all over the world, what can they do? No one has evidence, and no one can accuse them. However, it suddenly occurred to me that I would like to issue a warning to Mr. President to prevent our country's weapon system from being Deep Sea Group's intelligent software has invaded."

"This is too scary. If the intelligent software of the Deep Sea Group can invade the weapon systems of various countries at will, then they are not the largest terrorist organization in the world. They can use weapons from any country in the world to attack their opponents at will."

In a software company in country M, when everyone was having a headache, they suddenly thought of this. Everyone shuddered and felt uneasy about the possible threat of the Deep Sea Group.

After the injuries of those commercial spies were dealt with, they were interrogated secretly by the Huaguo police. In front of the video provided by the Shenhai Group, everything they did and said was clearly recorded, and they could not be denied at all. All of them admitted the fact that they stole the Deep Sea Group's intelligent software data, and confessed to the behind-the-scenes instigators who provided them with funds and rewards to invite them to do this.

Afterwards, the Huaguo police acted immediately, and invited the heads of relevant software companies in China involved in the case to the police to assist in the investigation, and at the same time notified the relevant case to the Ministry of Public Security.

Two days later, the Chinese government made a solemn statement to these countries through the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the same time, the embassies in these countries also sent notes to them, urging them to investigate the case.

Subsequently, the national government and the highest level of the military sent delegations to Shenhai Group to discuss cooperation matters. The Huaguo government announced that it would conduct all-round cooperation with Shenhai Group, and at the same time included Shenhai Group in the national cooperative enterprise inspection list.

Lin Fan did not participate in the reception work, he gave everything to Lin Yier, and Lin Yier's information is perfect, she is a child of a family, was admitted to Harvard University, returned to China at the age of 22 to start a business, and built with several sisters Lin Fan joined the Shenhai Group, and Lin Fan only joined the Shenhai Group after he met them. This way, the attention that Lin Fan might encounter was attracted to the sisters.

The Shenhai Group has already prepared dedicated servers by government departments and the Huaguo military, but they have been temporarily handed over to the Dongzhou Municipal Government and the Capital Military Region Command through a cooperative relationship. The country can also use these servers, and must obtain The simultaneous support of the partner and the Shenhai Group will do.

Of course, Lin Fan, Zeng Yuhua, and Sun Zhihui had already discussed this support at the same time, and the Shenhai Group would only agree to it if they represented the government and the military respectively as the top managers of the server.

(End of this chapter)

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