Chapter 138

Cai Xiuqin ran out of the kitchen when she heard the sound, with a big smile on her face, but what surprised Lu Haibin was that her mother didn't wear an apron, and after she came back, there were still people cooking in the kitchen.

"Mom, who's cooking in the kitchen?" Lu Haibin asked in surprise. There were very few relatives and friends in their house.

"Don't worry about it for now. Go and change your clothes first, and you will be pleasantly surprised later." Cai Xiuqin said very mysteriously, and at the same time pushed her son to the door of his room.

Lu Haibin suppressed the surprise in his heart, went back to the room and changed into casual clothes, and then came out slowly.He saw that his mother had already sat down at the table, looking at him with a mysterious smile on her face, and beckoning to him.

"Mom, why is it so mysterious? Could it be that my aunt is here?" Lu Haibin guessed.

"Sit down first, and you can eat right away when the last dish comes. That's your favorite braised pork ribs." Cai Xiuqin didn't answer, but pulled her son to sit down.

"Braised pork ribs are here!" At this time, a clear voice came, and then a delicate girl came out of the kitchen with a basin and an apron. After seeing Lu Haibin, her smile became brighter, very kind and friendly He said naturally, "Haibin, you are back."

"Yuqin? Why are you? When did you come back?" Lu Haibin stood up in shock and asked in surprise, and asked several questions in succession.

Because this girl is not unique, it is Tan Yuqin, his lover in college. The two have been dating for five or six years, and they are already talking about marriage, and Tan Yuqin has lived in his house for more than a year.

But three years ago, Tan Yuqin, who was working in a foreign-funded enterprise, suddenly said that he would go abroad to work in the headquarters, which caught Lu Haibin by surprise. No matter how he tried to persuade him to stay, Tan Yuqin left him without hesitation, without leaving him a word.

However, according to Lu Haibin told by Tan Yuqin's colleagues, it seems that a foreign executive of the company fell in love with her and asked her to marry him in the past. That's why she went abroad, not because the headquarters asked her to work.

Lu Haibin was struck by lightning when he heard it. Although he didn't want to believe it in his heart, from Tan Yuqin's abnormal behavior during the period before going abroad, he felt that what his colleagues in the company said was not groundless.

Three years have passed, and Lu Haibin has not started a new relationship. It is because he has been waiting. He wants to know the final answer, even if it is not what he wants, so he devotes himself to work.

Now, just when Lu Haibin was devoting himself to the work of Shenhai Group and was about to forget Tan Yuqin, she suddenly came back and even ran to her home, which seemed to have gained her mother's trust.

"Let's eat first, and I'll tell you after I'm done, you see, my aunt is hungry."

Tan Yuqin took off her apron, revealing her slender figure. She had short, ear-length hair and looked very capable. Her body was much plumper than three years ago, and she still liked to take the initiative. She knew Lu Haibin very well and knew that he was A dutiful son, so she moved out of her mother to let him sit down.

"Yes, yes, Haibin, Yuqin just came back today, and she has been busy for a long time before taking a break, cooking all your favorite dishes. Besides, you have been working overtime for so long, you should be hungry by now, If you have anything to say, let's have dinner first, and then you go back to your room and talk slowly after dinner."

Hearing what his mother said, Lu Haibin put all the doubts in his heart, picked up the bowl and started to eat. He glanced at Tan Yuqin from time to time, only to find that she was smiling sweetly at him as if nothing had happened, and would not stop eating from time to time. I help my mother and myself pick up vegetables.

Indeed, Tan Yuqin cooked all her favorite dishes today, and Lu Haibin was indeed hungry. He ate an extra bowl of rice than usual, which made Cai Xiuqin and Tan Yuqin very happy. They looked at each other and nodded.

"Haibin, you see that Yuqin's cooking is better than mom's. You ate more than usual today. By the way, I'll clean up the mess. You go to the room and have a chat. Remember, there is To put it bluntly, it is not easy for Yuqin to be a girl abroad for a few years, so you should be more considerate of her."

Afterwards, mother Cai Xiuqin urged the two of them into Lu Haibin's room, and closed the door, letting the two of them get along alone.

After the door was gently closed, the two stood in the door and looked at each other. They both found that the other's face was blushing. Then they both smiled at the same time. Lu Haibin went over and sat down in front of the computer desktop: "Sit down."

Tan Yuqin was not polite to him, went directly to sit on the bed, and leaned against the head of the bed very skillfully, just like the two of them used to spend more than a year of happy time together on this bed, that appearance made Lu Haibin feel as if time was coming again. back to the past.

"Come here, I have something to tell you."

Tan Yuqin patted the place next to her and said that she had always taken the initiative in her relationship with Lu Haibin, because Lu Haibin's character was a little weak, but after three years, Tan Yuqin didn't seem to have changed at all.

"You, say it."

Lu Haibin hesitated for a moment, but he still walked over, sat down on the edge of the bed, lowered his head and said in embarrassment.In fact, he felt a little nervous. For some reason, he suddenly thought of the happiness they had together before, but another voice told him that Tan Yuqin went abroad to marry a foreigner.

"Sit over here. Why, are you still afraid that I will eat you?"

Tan Yuqin took Lu Haibin's arm and pulled it towards her. At the same time, she tilted her head and looked into his eyes, and asked jokingly, which made Lu Haibin even more embarrassed, but he still sat down and leaned against the head of the bed.

"You, you are still so timid. You dare not speak out or do it even though you have thoughts in your heart. It hasn't changed at all."

Tan Yuqin stretched out her finger and tapped Lu Haibin's forehead, then took his arm and leaned her body against him, and rested her head on Lu Haibin's shoulder, just like she had done countless times before, which made Lu Haibin's heart rise. A familiar feeling.

"I know you blame me in your heart, don't you? Blame me for being ruthless and unjust, leaving you alone and going abroad. I also admit that I was once selfish, I once left you for myself, without taking your feelings into consideration .

I also know that when I left the company three years ago, there were many rumors in the company that I was going to marry that foreign old man, so I abandoned you and went abroad.Maybe you've heard it, maybe you think it's true. "Tan Yuqin's voice sounded leisurely, and began to tell Lu Haibin.

"That's right, I went to your company to inquire about it, and some people did say that. Could it be that they wronged you? Your going abroad has nothing to do with that foreigner?" Lu Haibin couldn't help but interrupt Tan Yuqin when he heard this. .

"I knew you would hear these rumors, and I also knew you would doubt me in your heart, but I do not deny that my going abroad was indeed related to the foreigner, but it was not to marry him.

At that time, it was true that the headquarters invited me to work there, but after I went there, the old guy made an unreasonable request to let me be his lover, and he has a wife and children.If I say yes, I can get a position at the head office.

But I didn't agree. I poured wine over the old guy's head and then resigned from the company.At that time, I actually wanted to come back very much, because only by your side could I feel safe.

However, I didn't leave you any words when I left. I knew it would definitely hurt you, so I hesitated.Later, I found a job as a lobby manager in a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown, and stayed abroad.

However, as time goes by, although I earn more and more money, the feeling of being alone in a foreign country really breaks people down, especially because I owe you in my heart. suffer.

Finally, I decided to come back.Although I don't know if you are married or not, and if you will wait for me, I want to come back and admit my mistake to you. I really miss you very much.

In fact, I arrived the day before yesterday and stayed in a small hotel nearby. I dare not come directly to my house because I am afraid that you are already married and have a new love.I have been wandering around for the past two days until I met my aunt today.

Only then did I know that you have never found a girlfriend, and that my aunt has been in poor health for the past two years. My aunt took me home directly, but I have always been uneasy in my heart, because I am afraid to face you, I'm afraid you won't forgive me.

Haibin, this is what I have experienced in the past few years abroad. Believe it or not, I am still the same Tan Yuqin from before, and I still only have you in my heart; no matter whether you can accept me again, after I tell you everything, my heart A stone on the ground finally fell to the ground.

Haibin, I won't force you. I'll stay in a small hotel nearby. When you think about it calmly, no matter what decision you make, I will listen to you, because I was wrong. "

Tan Yuqin wiped her tears as she spoke, and after she finished speaking, she slowly straightened up, moved to the side of the bed, turned her head and gave Lu Haibin a deep look, her face was full of tenderness, and there was also a feeling of deep loneliness and Lonely.

"do not go."

Seeing that Tan Yuqin was about to get up and leave, Lu Haibin's heart was agitated, he suddenly roared, then hugged Tan Yuqin's body from behind, wrapped his hands around her waist, pulled her body over and leaned against her tightly. in his arms.

"Haibin, I'm sorry."

Tan Yuqin raised her head and leaned on Lu Haibin's shoulder, tears fell from the corners of her eyes, then she turned around suddenly, and hugged Lu Haibin, her hot lips quickly found the target, and the two immediately rolled onto the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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