master of the deep

Chapter 133 Joint Suppression

Chapter 133 Joint Suppression
Shenzhou City is the largest commercial city in Huaguo, surrounded by three-fifths of the commercial forces in Huaguo, including a large number of transnational business forces. It can be said that it is the real commercial center city of Huaguo, and it is also an international big city. city.

There are dozens of skyscrapers in the center of Shenzhou City's commercial circle. Nearly half of the group companies of China's top [-] companies are gathered here. It is the core area of ​​the headquarters that is famous all over the world.

Today, on the upper floor of one of the buildings called Zhenzhong Daxia, a medium-sized conference room is full of people from all over the world.And sitting in a circle at the most central position, there are more than 30 people, men, women, old and young, white, black, and yellow.

At this time, all eyes were on the two people sitting on the highest side. One was a caucasian man in his fifties, with blond hair, blue eyes and eagle nose, and he was energetic; the other was in his 40s. The native of Huaguo has a fair complexion and a full face. He has a big back comb and meticulous hair. He wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. His expression is not angry but majestic.

"Mr. Smith, please tell everyone first." Seeing everyone's eyes focused, the middle-aged Chinese turned his head to look at the Caucasian man next to him, and nodded with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Chen Yuhua, this is Huaguo. You are the host of today's meeting. It's up to you to tell everyone. Our two parties have reached an agreement on this matter, so you say it's the same as me. Let's see if everyone is willing." Willing to join our plan." Smith said to the Chinese next to him with a smile.

Chen Yuhua nodded without saying too much. He looked around at the people around him and said, "You are all executives or representatives of global software companies. Today, our Huatian Software Company and Microsoft and Microsoft jointly invite you to come. In response to the impact of the smart software launched by Shenzhen Deep Sea Group on the market.

Shenhai Group held a press conference ten days ago to announce the launch of truly intelligent software. At the same time, it claimed that the intelligent software of all software companies in the world was not truly intelligent software, and launched a challenge to software companies around the world.

After ten days of fermentation, this matter has already caused a sensation in the whole world and attracted the attention of people all over the world.As for what happened in the past ten days, I believe everyone has a certain judgment on the intelligent software of Shenhai Group.

To be honest, both Huatian Company and Microsoft Corporation have challenged Shenhai Group, but our technical team was unable to break into their company websites. Instead, our own company website was counterattacked.

Although we have not made statistics, it is estimated that more than 80.00% of the companies here may have encountered the same thing as us, and this shows that our various software companies and the intelligent software of Deep Sea Group are indeed technically advanced. There is a huge gap.

Not only that, three days ago, the world's three major hacker organizations attacked Shenhai Group at the same time, but they all returned home.Yesterday, it was reported that the Huaguo Honker Alliance and the European Black Panther Team, the world's number one or two hacker organizations, have all joined the Deep Sea Group and become members of their technical department.

A few days ago, our Huatian Group sent a representative to cooperate with Shenhai Group in technology, but was rejected; Microsoft Group also had the intention to acquire Shenhai Group, but was also rejected by Shenhai Group.

Similarly, we also know that your company and some other technology companies have thought about cooperating with or acquiring Deep Ocean, but no one has been able to successfully meet the person in charge of Deep Ocean, which shows that they have no willingness to cooperate at all, let alone Want to buy them.

Ten days have passed, and the number of users who have visited the website of Shenhai Group has exceeded 880 million, and the number of users who have downloaded the free version of Shenhai Intelligent Software has reached [-] million. The number of users has also reached more than [-] million.

This is the data of ten days, and this data is still changing all the time, and it will become bigger and bigger like a snowball, until it occupies the entire market of Huaguo, Waguo, Singapore and other places.

Yes, after our analysis and experience, we have reason to believe that the intelligent software of Shenhai Group can definitely squeeze out the software of all the companies here, so that one company can dominate all the markets.

Of course, the first to be affected will be all our software companies in China, as well as multinational companies that have a certain market share in China.But I think, if one day the intelligent software of Shenhai Group develops overseas markets, then the whole world will become users of Shenhai Group.

In this way, there is no need to guess or imagine what the outcome of our various software companies will be.And the deep sea company is unwilling to cooperate with us, so where is our way out, and how can we continue our company? "

Although Chen Yuhua's statement is something that most of the present are aware of, hearing it one by one at this time still makes the faces of the senior executives of these software companies change drastically. Thinking of the consequences of what Chen Yuhua said, no one can sit still.

"Mr. Chen, your Huatian Software is the leader of our Huaguo software. We want to know what your Huatian plans are?"

"Yes, Mr. Chen, I heard that you summoned us to discuss this matter, and we came here one after another because we fully believe in you. If you have any decision, please tell us."

"Yes, we are willing to follow Huatian Software and Mr. Chen's lead."

After hearing Chen Yuhua's words, all the software companies in China expressed their willingness to believe in Chen Yuhua and Huatian Software. As long as he gave an order, they would all follow him forward.

If it was normal, Chen Yuhua would be secretly happy to see these peers praising him so much, but today he is not happy, because if he loses in the gamble, whether it is Huatian Software or other companies that follow Huatian Software, All will be lost forever.

"Mr. Smith, your Microsoft software not only dominates the European market, but also occupies a huge share in the Chinese market. We multinational companies are willing to listen to your ideas."

"Yes, Microsoft is the number one software company in the world. Many companies here have cooperated with Microsoft, so we all believe in you. I don't know what measures Microsoft will take to deal with it. What about this?"

"Yes, whether it is Microsoft or Mr. Smithen, we have no way out now. We are willing to follow your arrangements. As long as we can get through this crisis, we are willing to do anything."

Like Chen Yuhua, who believed in Huatian Software in domestic companies, people from multinational companies basically trusted Microsoft and Smith, so they all looked at Smith and were willing to fight with him.

"Thank you for your trust and support. In the face of the huge pressure from the Shenhai Group, our major software companies really have to unite to deal with it. But how can we reverse the current unfavorable situation?

Mr. Chen Yuhua and I have had several meetings. Well, we have no better plan. We just came up with a few solutions that are not solutions. Let me tell you first. I hope we can brainstorm and pool your intelligence. Think about it See if there is a better way.

First, our software companies all over the world work closely together to establish a common anti-deep sea alliance, open all the genuine software of our software companies in the market for free, and strive to retain some users, or attract some users with relatively low economic conditions. Poor users, with the goal of occupying 40.00% of the Huaguo market.

Secondly, the top technical talents of our various software companies gather together to form a super team, seize the time to research new software that can be compared with Shenhai Intelligent Software, so as to achieve the situation of competing with Shenhai Group, and the development time of new software is temporarily Set as half a year.

Thirdly, organize a team of experts to crack the core technology of Deep Sea Intelligent Software. Once this can be done successfully, then the Deep Sea Group will no longer have any threats, and our status will be back to the way it was before.

In addition, everyone should have their own connections and means. If they can create some trouble for the Deep Sea Group from time to time, even if it has little impact on them, it can still keep them busy running for their lives.

In short, we Microsoft and Huatian Software have decided to join forces. Only the combined strength of everyone can compete with Shenhai Group. Let’s see what everyone thinks. Those who are willing to join our alliance are welcome, and those who are not willing to join are welcome. up.

Of course, if you have other better methods, you can also propose them. As long as they are beneficial to our competition with the deep sea, we can adopt them and accumulate the strength for our final victory. "

Smith is also a seasoned person with rich experience in shopping malls, but on this occasion today, he did not practice Tai Chi as before, but directly told everyone about the cooperation agreement between Microsoft and Huatian.

"We, Qiandu Company, are willing to join."

"Our Yinshan company also joined."

"Kabas joins."

"Melip Company is willing to advance and retreat with everyone."

Immediately, all the software companies expressed their willingness to join, and none of them withdrew, because they all knew that once they quit, they would not only face the huge threat of the Shenhai Group, but also be excluded by the alliance and face more crises .

"Okay, since everyone is willing to join the alliance, I believe that as long as everyone works together with one heart and one mind, we will not lose to the Shenhai Group." Chen Yuhua immediately stood up and clapped his hands and laughed excitedly.

"That's right, there is great power in numbers. If all the software companies in the world add up, we don't believe that we will lose to Shenhai Group. Although their intelligent software does have traces of intelligence, I absolutely don't believe that they can master it." Real smart technology." Smith also stood up and said, waving his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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