master of the deep

Chapter 129 Maintaining the Server

Chapter 129 Maintaining the Server

"Turn off the server immediately and turn it back on after 10 minutes. I don't believe they can continue to occupy our server when the power is out." The middle-aged man gave the order after thinking for a while.

"Mr. Liu, the house has already been washed, come quickly." On the bed next to him, the young girl called in a coquettish tone, but the middle-aged man didn't have any desire at this time.

"Mr. Liu, we shut down the server and reopened it, but the server is still occupied, and the company's website has been replaced by the Shenhai Group's website. Mr. Liu, what should we do now?" Ten minutes later, I heard on the phone Hearing the voice, looking at the computer screen in front of him, the middle-aged man was instantly covered in sweat.

"After posting the Weibo message, it said that the company's server will be repaired, and it will not be opened within three days." The middle-aged man finally put down the phone weakly, and a huge fear suddenly rose in his heart.

At the same time, in Country M, thousands of miles away, it was around nine o'clock in the morning, and people had just gone to work.A world-renowned software company, headquartered on Eighth Avenue in New York, its company's application software occupies about 15.00% of the world market in the field of mobile phones and computers, including about 30.00% of the Huaguo market.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is a news released by several news websites in Huaguo at around two o'clock in the morning. There is a company in Huaguo called——, er, called Shenhai Group Company. They claim to have developed a real Smart software can be used as system software for mobile phone users and computer users.

This software integrates anti-virus software, protection software, office software, assistant software and application software. It is a comprehensive and powerful software, and it will automatically generate an intelligent system wizard after installation.

Let’s not talk about whether this software is good or bad. The deep sea group company declared at the press conference that their intelligent software is real intelligence, but all the intelligent software in the world is not real intelligence.

They offered a reward of 1000 million to welcome hackers from all over the world to attack their website servers. At the same time, they also challenged software companies all over the world. After the software, if the mobile phone or computer is attacked by someone, they will pay ten times the compensation.

Our company has communicated with several media reporters from Country M in China. They all said that they have experienced the genuine deep-sea intelligent software, and the effect is very good, far exceeding any software currently on the market, and with this This software, whether it is a mobile phone or a computer, can achieve a certain degree of intelligence.

I believe that this matter is definitely not good news for us, because the 30.00% market share we occupy in the Chinese market will be squeezed out soon. There is no longer a place for us to live.

Everyone can imagine, if this kind of thing really happens, how much our company's software will be affected, how much the entire company will be affected, so what should we do now? "

At the company's morning meeting, a person in charge took a document and gave a speech to all the directors and company executives attending the meeting. Everyone looked ugly after hearing this, and looked at the materials in their hands one after another.

"Buy Ga, this Huaguo Deep Sea Company is too self-righteous. Is it really possible to master intelligent software with their ability? I personally think it is impossible." An old white man took a picture of the information in his hand and shook his head. exaggeration to say.

"Henry, don't be too absolute. Although the people of Huaguo are far inferior to our country M in terms of basic technology, it is undeniable that the people of Huaguo are very smart. elite talent.

Of course, I have reservations about whether this deep sea group company has developed real intelligent software.I think we have to have professionals analyze and decipher their smart software to see if it is as unique as they say it is. "

Another silver-haired old woman glanced at everyone and said that although she looked five or sixty years old, she had a noble aura, and her calm eyes were full of wisdom.

"Madam Uri is right, no matter what kind of deep sea group is, since they have launched such a competitive intelligent software, we should pay attention to it and not underestimate it.

I think we should do two things now. One is to send professional technicians and experts to analyze their software, and the other is to arrange for technicians and people who know how to hack to attack their website servers according to their plan. "

A middle-aged black director next to him also expressed his opinion. He was tall and energetic, with a pair of eyes with clear pupils on a dark face, and his white teeth were sometimes exposed when he spoke.

"I agree too, but we still have to make market forecasts in advance. If the Shenhai Group's software is really so amazing, how should we position the market? How can we compete with Shenhai Group for market share in China?"

Another director stood up to speak, and he considered more far-reaching things, because if the intelligent software of Shenhai Group really has such powerful functions, and the annual fee of the genuine version is so low, then in the future, this software will not only occupy Most of the market in Hua country, I am afraid that even their own market in country M will be occupied a lot.

"Okay, that's the decision. Immediately launch two actions. First, let's see what's going on with the intelligent software developed by the Deep Sea Group. Let's talk about other things later."

After several directors voted, the entire software company immediately took action efficiently. First, the technical employees of the company's branch in China began to experience the deep-sea intelligent software, and at the same time conducted a technical analysis of the software, hoping to analyze it as soon as possible. software.

Secondly, more technical teams in the headquarters of country M, including some employees in the company who know hacking techniques, were mobilized one after another, and began to frantically attack the website server of Huaguo Deep Sea Group.

Three hours later, all the directors of the company were summoned again. The laptops in front of everyone were turned on. When they saw the relevant content, everyone's face became very ugly and their hearts were very heavy.

"What's going on here? How did our company's website server become the company's homepage of Shenhai Group?" a director screamed.

"Could it be the counterattack of the Shenhai Group? Hundreds of our technicians and hackers couldn't break through a small Shenhai Group website, but they even hit the door."

"It seems that we have all underestimated the intelligent software of the Shenhai Group Company. According to the reports of our staff in the Huaguo branch, they participated in the experience of the Shenhai intelligent software, and they all felt that this software is powerful, very practical, and the system wizard It really has artificial intelligence that can automatically handle many things according to the user's intent."

"Yes, the analysis results of our technical department also show that this smart software has a full range of functions, and it is difficult to find its loopholes, which shows that the technical content of this software is very high, and it is not complete according to our company's current technical level. Not up to the point of deciphering it."

"It's really disgusting. They dare to attack our company's website server and use our server as a platform to promote their company's software. Is there no way for us to fight back?"

"The personnel in the technical department have tried their best to prevent the other party's attack, but the other party's attack is very powerful, and our technical team has no resistance. Even they once shut down the server, but restarted the server 10 minutes later, it is still like this .”

"There is only one way now, and that is to temporarily shut down the server, announce to the public that we will temporarily maintain the server, and then turn on the server after three days. At the same time, we must find a way to contact the Shenhai Group to see if we can cooperate with them." Finally, the chairman of the company made a decision.

Although I feel very aggrieved, all the directors have no choice but to attack other people's websites by themselves first, so they will attack others in turn. They have to endure it when their skills are not as good as others.

"However, this matter must not be left alone. Immediately contact the world's top ten hacker organizations. As long as they can break into the Shenhai Group's website server, we will also reward 1000 million Chinese dollars. I don't believe there are so many hacker organizations in the world. The top experts will not be able to break through the Shenhai Group's website server. As long as we can achieve the goal of breaking into the Shenhai Group's website server, it is worth spending 1000 million, because it will allow us to continue to maintain our current market share, otherwise we will lose It will be ten times a hundred times."

In the end, the chairman of the software company once again made a decision. A world-class large software company like them will not admit defeat easily. They still have many methods that they have not used. Everything depends on the price paid and the final harvest. Is it proportional.

Dozens of software companies in the world have announced that they will repair servers, but these dozens of software companies repaired servers at the same time. The reason was soon known, and the intelligent software of Shenhai Group was instantly highlighted.

In the early morning of the second day in Dongzhou City, Huaguo, the number of users who downloaded the Deep Sea Smart software for experience increased from more than 16 on the first day to more than 300 million, and this data is still being refreshed, and continues to move towards The tens of millions mark is approaching.

While eating breakfast, Lin Fan listened to An An's report on the relevant situation. After one night, the number of people attacking the Shenhai Group website not only did not decrease, but increased, reaching more than [-] people.

(End of this chapter)

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