master of the deep

Chapter 126 Deep Sea Base

Chapter 126 Deep Sea Base
On the root systems of these metal pipes, there are nodes like switches at regular intervals. The forms are very strange. Lin Fan didn't know what these were at first, but later he heard that they were nodes that provided energy supply. .

"Captain, this is the most basic mobile base power system. It looks like a tree. The roots under the ground can supply energy, and the leaves on the top of the tree can emit protective light shields.

And the main buildings of the entire mobile base can be built around the trunk, so that the main parts of the power system can be concealed, and the supply energy can also be obtained by relying on the trunk.

Although this base is a bit small, it is enough for us to build various core equipment in the initial stage. As for other equipment, we can use the outside factories to carry out.

It took more than 20 days for this powertrain to grow, so during this time we just dealt with the periphery, took the blueprints out, and built the living quarters in a few other places.

Now that the power system has grown and completed, we can build the core building around the trunk. With the engineering soldiers, and the help of other guards and armed soldiers, it won't be long before all the construction work can be completed. "

Along the way, An An stayed by Lin Fan's side, introducing him to the power system and everything on the island, including the planning of the mobile base. Gradually, Lin Fan got to know the situation of the entire base.

Looking around, various buildings have appeared in some places in the distance, and in other places, huge engineering vehicles are working. These engineering vehicles are all transformed from intelligent mimetic fighters, and no one is required to operate them. They know what to do, and they are not afraid of hardship or tiredness. They can work 24 hours a day, and the construction speed is naturally very fast.

At the bottom of the trunk of the power system, a foundation covering an area of ​​several square kilometers has been built, surrounding the huge trunk. It is estimated that a huge building complex tens of meters high will be built soon.

"An'an, can this mobile base really move?" Lin Fan asked expectantly.

"Of course, we have completed the truncation of the seabed land and the continental plate. As long as we want, we can leave this sea area and move to where we want to go at any time.

This is also one of the reasons why the construction on the island has not started for a long time, because when the land connection on the seabed is cut off, the entire island will have some turmoil. If the construction is completed, it will encounter an earthquake equivalent to an earthquake of magnitude [-] or above. "An An laughed.

"So what about the defense capabilities of the base?"

"You see those blades above, right? They are actually protective devices, which can emit an energy mask, covering the entire island including the seabed, and can defend against the largest nuclear weapon attack in the world.

At the same time, this defense device is also a stealth device, with a series of capabilities such as anti-radar, anti-satellite, anti-sonar, anti-sonic, and anti-thermal reconnaissance. With the current technology in this world, the island cannot be detected. "An An said nonchalantly.

"Then does it have the ability to attack?"

"Of course there is. Right on the top of this tree trunk, in the middle of those leaves, three rail guns can be stretched out, which can launch attacks such as electromagnetic guns, compressed air cannons, and starlight cannons. The power of each gun is equivalent to the maximum human equivalent. nuclear weapons, but no radiation remains after the attack.

At the same time, we are also planning to install an annihilation cannon, which uses antimatter energy to attack and only targets life forms. If we attack a certain city, the life forms in the entire city will disappear after the attack is completed, but the buildings and everything will be intact. preserved. "

An An's words made Lin Fan feel a little terrified. The electromagnetic cannons, compressed air cannons, and starlight cannons mentioned earlier are as powerful as nuclear bombs. I am afraid that one shot can destroy a city; and the annihilation cannon at the back is even more terrifying. Just destroy the living things, and any city that takes one shot will immediately become a ghost town.

"Oh, it's enough to have attack capabilities, but you can't use these attack methods at will, otherwise it may cause huge disasters."

"Captain, don't worry, these attacks are divided into energy levels. The smallest energy level is only stronger than ordinary shells. Only the attack with the highest energy level is equivalent to a nuclear bomb. If you encounter warships from other countries in the sea Or aircraft carriers, submarines, we only need to use the minimum or slightly higher energy level attack, there is no need to use the maximum energy level attack all the time, that will waste a lot of energy in the power system."

After hearing An An's explanation, Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief. If these attacks were so powerful every time, then he might not dare to use these attack abilities at will, otherwise he would destroy the earth.

"An'an, we have almost completed the accumulation of funds in the early stage. From now on, our focus will shift to the development of technology. Do you have any suggestions?"

After Lin Fan got to know the situation of the base, he came to the side of the small lake in the woods. Independent small villas have been built here, forming a living area, as well as various recreational facilities and training grounds.

“According to my analysis of the technology on this planet, there are three main aspects that restrict the development of science and technology. The first is energy issues. With the current use of energy on this planet, it is impossible to truly develop space technology.

The second constraint is artificial intelligence. If the real artificial intelligence technology cannot be developed, and the energy source cannot enter space, because the real space age depends on artificial intelligence programs, including the operation of spaceships, including the exploration of other planets, It cannot be done entirely by human power.

There is another most important problem, that is, the physique of human beings is too poor, and the lifespan is too short. If space travel is to be carried out, it may take decades at random, even if it is possible to perform space jumps. is unbearable.

Therefore, I have summarized that if you want to lead mankind into the universe in the future, you must start from these three aspects.It is best to develop artificial intelligence first, and then solve human physical problems before improving the current energy in the world. "

After An An analyzed it to Lin Fan, Lin Fan fell into deep thought. Whether it is developing artificial intelligence or developing new energy sources, these are not a problem with An An. As for improving human physique, it can be done through practice. It is the development of medical level, which may also be able to promote human physique to a certain extent.

Lin Fan understands that the artificial intelligence that An An mentioned is definitely not the artificial intelligence mobile phones and artificial robots that are launched in the world at present. These so-called artificial intelligences are actually just imitating human beings in terms of images, sounds, and behaviors. The most important aspect of wisdom has not made any research progress, and it is also a height that current human scientists cannot reach.

"We can start our technological journey from artificial intelligence, because nowadays there are many things under the brand of artificial intelligence, and our products will not attract much attention when they are put into the market. When more and more people use our Products, at that time is the time for a complete revolution in the field of artificial intelligence.

So, what specific product should we start with, is it a smartphone, a smart computer, or a smart home appliance?These are the loudest smart products on the market at present. "Lin Fan asked, he believed that An An might have better suggestions in this regard.

"If I am sure, I hope to start with the intelligent software first. Whether it is mobile phone software or computer software, the current intelligent software is not a real intelligent system, and these are the systems with the widest coverage. Once we have a firm foothold in the market, we will launch other smart products, and the effect will be even better.” An An really thought about it a bit deeper, and Lin Fan also felt that what she said made sense, so he decided to develop smart software first.

"After the launch of smart software and smart products, we can launch virtual smart games. Through virtual games, we can not only guide human beings on the path of cultivation, but also cultivate the cosmic talents we need." Virtual games are Lin Fan The project that was settled with An'an before, so this time it was also brought out and brought up on the agenda.

At this time, Lin Yier, Lin Lianger, Lin Shaner, Lin Shier, Lin Wuer, and Lin Luer all came over, and the room suddenly became chattering. The longer they lived in the human world, the more they would More like a human girl.

"Yi'er, you should hand over the affairs here to An'an first, and the company needs you to go back to sit in charge. The same goes for everyone else, so go back and do your own thing well. We're about to start growing our tech sector.

An An and I have already discussed that we will start with smart software first, and strive to launch smart phone software and smart computer software in the shortest possible time. The name of the software is named after the deep sea, and I have already thought of the advertising slogan—— Deep sea technology is unfathomable. "

In the end, Lin Fan made arrangements for the next work, so that the Shenhai companies located in Haizhou City, Waguo, Singapore and other places all belong to the Shenhai Group, forming a group company that spans multiple countries, and its headquarters is temporarily located in Dongzhou City, Huaguo , and will move to overseas bases in the future.

Three days later, Shenhai Group held a press conference in Dongzhou City, and invited hundreds of media reporters from international and domestic media in a very high-profile way. As for the content of the press conference, only one thing was revealed, that is, the acquisition and Restructuring.

For Shenhai Group, a newly established group company, domestic and international media reporters in Dongzhou City have heard of it, but they are not deeply impressed, because there are not five hundred or three such group companies in Dongzhou City. Hundreds.

(End of this chapter)

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