Chapter 123
The small resident island is not big, only two or three square kilometers in size. There is only a small pier built on it, and there is a speedboat beside the pier.In the middle of the island, there are several barracks and a playground the size of a basketball court, and a bright five-star red flag is flying in mid-air.

On the top of the barracks, there is a large telescope, which is guarded by coastal defense officers and soldiers 24 hours a day. It can monitor the movement of the sea within dozens of nautical miles around it, and be alert to possible abnormalities in Huaguo's waters at any time.


Whenever there are fishing boats, merchant ships, cargo ships and other ships from China passing by, the guard officers and soldiers above the barracks will blow their whistles to say hello to their fellow countrymen and relatives.

At this time, when Lin Fan's fishing boat was still five or six nautical miles away from the island where Hua Guo's officers and soldiers were stationed, they heard a long whistle, which represented a safe return.



Lin Fan responded, and both fishing boats sounded their long whistles at the same time, responding to the island.In addition, Lin Fan also stopped the fishing boat, sent someone to put down a rubber boat, moved some things on the boat, and then rowed to the garrisoned island.

The officers and soldiers garrisoned on the island had already discovered that there were only about a dozen of them in a squad, and immediately five or six officers and soldiers ran to the pier, and quickly figured out what Lin Fan and the others meant.

Lin Fan sent them some seafood, and some special items bought in those port countries, as well as fresh water and beer, all of which were given to the officers and soldiers for free.

However, except for the beer, the officers and soldiers accepted everything else and resolutely gave the money.Lin Fan took a token amount of money because he did not tell the officers and soldiers the prices of some items.

After leaving this garrisoned island, Lin Fan took two fishing boats all the way north, passing the Nansha Islands, then bypassing Taiwan Island, and returned to Dongzhou waters from the south, a 72-day journey.

When Lin Fan rushed back to Dongzhou Fishing Port with two fishing boats, the welcoming scene was very grand. Not only the company's senior management and some employees arrived, but also the businessmen who cooperated with Fan, such as Zhou Deyi, Zheng Yuming and others, also arrived. There are also many officials from the Dongzhou Municipal Government.

The leader turned out to be Zeng Yuhua, the deputy secretary of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee, and of course Zeng Xiaotong's father. On behalf of the Dongzhou Municipal Government, he came to welcome the two large ocean-going fishing boats of the Shenhai Group Company to return safely.

Lin Fan was a little surprised, and couldn't help taking a slight glance at Zeng Xiaotong who was standing behind Zeng Yuhua. She had a deep smile on her face, blinked at Lin Fan, and then raised her head.

"Mr. Lin, I heard that you are still a senior student at Dongzhou Maritime University. You are really young and promising. Now our country is encouraging all people to start businesses and innovate, especially young college students, who are the new and main force of innovation and entrepreneurship. And you can be said to be the representative of them.

As far as I know, your deep-sea fishing company now has two large ocean-going fishing vessels, seven medium-sized offshore fishing vessels, and a luxury cruise ship, which is quite strong.

Moreover, it merged with other companies and became a branch of Shenhai Group, embarking on the road of group development. This is the lifelong goal of countless businessmen. I didn't expect Mr. Lin to achieve it so soon. "Zeng Yuhua said excitedly holding Lin Fan's hand, making Lin Fan blush a little, while Zeng Xiaotong winked at him and made a funny face from behind.

"Secretary Zeng, can I call you Uncle Zeng?" Lin Fan thought for a while, but suddenly asked.

"Of course you can. There is a girl in my family who may be a year or two older than you. Maybe you know each other. If you can call me uncle, it means that you don't treat me as an outsider. I am very happy." Zeng Yuhua repeated explain.

"Uncle Zeng, you really praised the prize just now. Compared with other fishermen, I may have better luck. I have harvested a few times in a row, and slowly developed to the current scale. However, this During an ocean voyage, we encountered many life-and-death crises on the way, mainly due to natural reasons, but there are also human factors. I have a feeling that the stronger our country is, the treatment of our fishing boats in the ports of other countries is also the same. The better it will be, the less dangers will be encountered in deep-sea fishing." Lin Fan really expressed his feelings, if it weren't for him on the fishing boat, I am afraid that with ordinary fishermen, the people on the two boats would not be able to get back at all. to China.

It can be seen from this that there are so many ocean-going fishing boats in Huaguo every year, and they go fishing all over the world. In fact, they are risking their lives to earn that share of money. The fishing boats returning home were all very lucky.

Moreover, other ocean-going fishing boats cannot compare with the Deep Sea. They need a supply ship to replenish them with fresh water, fuel, and daily necessities on a regular basis, otherwise they cannot go on a long-distance voyage at all.

At the same time, other ocean-going fishing boats do not have the advanced equipment and facilities on the Deep Sea. They cannot watch TV or surf the Internet. They even rely on satellite phones to communicate with their families. Therefore, fishermen who can persist for a few months or even a year or two are extremely difficult. Rarely, there have even been massacres among crew members.

"Well said, the stronger our motherland is, the safer the people of the motherland will feel wherever they go; and if the motherland needs to be strong, it needs the people of the motherland to work together to create more wealth and innovate more technological innovations, so that the motherland will more and more powerful.

Today, our Dongzhou Municipal Government has given great policy support to ocean-going fishing vessels. Our government will have preferential policies for companies with ocean-going fishing businesses, and the procedures for going to sea will be simplified, and even certain allowances for going to sea will be given. compensate. On behalf of the Dongzhou Municipal Government, Zeng Yuhua conveyed the government's relevant policies to Lin Fan and other fishermen, and everyone applauded.

Zhou Deyi's seafood wholesale company, now has several times the original plan, not only has its own transportation team, but also dozens of large freezers.Lin Fan confidently handed over the catches from the two fishing boats to him to handle.

Of course, some of the top-quality seafood was also directly given to Zheng Yuming and other partners. They all had their own refrigerated trucks to transport them. Lin Fan didn't need to worry about anything, but went back to his villa to rest.

"Mr. Lin, your villa and another house have been decorated. I have selected all kinds of furniture and appliances myself. I will drive you back."

After Zeng Yuhua left, when Lin Fan arranged the fishing boat, Zeng Xiaotong walked up with a smile, appeared in front of Lin Fan with a burst of fragrance, and offered to send Lin Fan to the villa.

Naturally, Lin Fan couldn't wish for it. For more than two months, he has been staying on the fishing boat. Although he had the opportunity to go to land after docking, he didn't go to have fun like those crew members.

So after seeing Zeng Xiaotong, a raging fire had already been ignited in his heart, and his suppressed emotions were about to explode, and even his eyes shone with light.

On the other hand, Zeng Xiaotong was just as excited in her heart, her eyes were shining like water, her cheeks were slightly flushed, and she only thought about the happy time with Lin Fan in her heart. If there were not so many people, she would have rushed into the Lin Fan's arms.

After the two got into the car, they drove out of the fishing port quickly and headed for the villa in Mingzhu District.Sitting next to Zeng Xiaotong, Lin Fan suddenly noticed that her face had turned red, and it went all the way to the back of her neck, and even the roots of her ears were red.

Lin Fan knew what she was thinking, so he said to her: "Xiaotong, there is an underground parking lot in front, let's drive in."

Zeng Xiaotong let out a cry, as if she understood Lin Fan's thoughts, and she couldn't help herself, so she nodded and drove the car to the underground parking lot, but her face became even redder, as if her body was also reddened. stand up.

After entering the underground parking lot, Zeng Xiaotong found a remote corner and parked the car, and then put down the seat.The two of them couldn't tell who was the active one and who was the passive one, they hugged each other into their arms at the same time, wishing they could merge with themselves.

Not long after, there were heavy panting sounds and suppressed ** sounds in the car, and the car shook from slow to fast, very rhythmically and non-stop, like a rocking chair.

However, in this remote corner of the underground parking lot, no matter how the car shook, no one would bother them by tapping the car window. Only a surveillance camera in the corner captured half of the car.

In the monitoring room of the underground parking lot, a security guard was sitting there listlessly, playing with his mobile phone, and from time to time glanced at the computer screen in front of him. There were seven or eight small squares on it, each with a lens inside .

In the rightmost shot, a small car with only half of its body seemed to be shaking constantly. The security guard didn't see it because the light there was dim.

Half an hour later, another security guard came back. He poured himself a glass of water and drank it slowly. His eyes scanned the monitoring screen inadvertently, and suddenly found the vibrating car.

"Damn, is someone playing with the car?" The security guard exclaimed.

"What? The car shakes? Where is it?" At the beginning, the security guard suddenly regained his energy, immediately put down his phone and sat up straight.

"Look at this screen and zoom in. Does it look like a car is shaking?" Another security guard pointed to the small square and said.

When the screen was zoomed in, although the light in the corner was dim and only half of the car body appeared in the surveillance, the rhythmic shaking of the car was very conspicuous, making the two security guards widen their eyes.

"Go back and see when did they start?"

The security guard turned back the time in this grid, and found that the car started to shake four to five ten minutes ago, and it was obvious that the car started to vibrate as soon as it came in from the outside. It lasted that long.

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(End of this chapter)

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