master of the deep

Chapter 121 Pirate Treasure

Chapter 121 Pirate Treasure
"My lord, Waycrest is willing to obey your orders, but I don't know what I should do?" After becoming Lin Fan's slave, Waycrest was the same as the other three bosses.They are very obedient.

"Vickres, if I hadn't valued your ability, you would have been dead by this time. Since you have become my subordinate, I will not treat you badly. What I want to tell you is that I have the ability Become the master of the whole world, and as long as you listen to me, you will definitely become the most honorable people in the world in the future." Lin Fan smiled and said to them.

"My lord, we are willing to believe your words, please tell us."

"Okay, since you have all become my subordinates, then you must serve me wholeheartedly in the future. I have only one goal for you, to provoke the civil war in Somalia, and then strengthen yourself in the civil war, and become the last ruler by any means. Of course, you can continue to be your pirates, robbing merchant ships and fishing boats at sea, but the merchant ships and fishing boats of China must be let go." Lin Fan thought for a while and told them.

"My lord, we must obey your orders and never dare to disobey them." Vickers' attitude changed completely, and he said very respectfully.

"I hope you can understand that I can give you freedom, and I can also take your life at any time. If anyone doesn't believe it, you can try it. No matter how much money you can rob, you must report to my account every month Up to 1000 million US dollars, you can share the excess money, or buy arms to strengthen the organization. If the leaders of other organizations fall into your hands, you can send them to me, and I will deal with them personally."

"My lord, what you said is that we dare not go against it. But I have something to tell you. I don't know if your lord is interested." Vickers nodded and said.

"Oh, Waycles, what else do you want to say?"

"My lord, our Somali pirates have a very long history, which can be traced back thousands of years ago. I inadvertently learned a piece of news that the pirate king Valierkov once hid his treasure in a place thousands of years ago. It’s just that this place is a thousand meters deep under the sea, and we have gone to salvage it before, but no one has been able to dive to a thousand meters deep, so the treasure should still be there.” Vickers said a story between pirates secret.

"Oh, there is such a thing, let's go and have a look." Lin Fan was very interested in treasures and the like, and immediately agreed to go and have a look.

"Okay, my lord, let's go now."

Seeing that Lin Fan agreed, Vickers was very happy, and immediately gathered six or seventy people, and set off overseas on an oil tanker and several speedboats.

About two hours later, the tanker left the coast more than 160 nautical miles and came to a sea area densely covered with coral reefs.Vickers pointed to the place where the coral reef was densest and said to Lin Fan: "My lord, the pirate's treasure from thousands of years ago is there, but the coral reef over there is relatively dense, our ships can't get through it, so we can only send some divers there. But ordinary divers can only dive to a depth of 80 meters, which is still far from the 1000-meter bottom, so I don’t know if the treasure is really in the bottom of the sea.”

"It's okay, I'll find out when I go down and have a look myself." Lin Fan didn't take it seriously, put on the diving suit, and jumped into the sea water.

As soon as he entered the bottom of the sea, Lin Fan found that the surroundings were all coral reefs, and they were very close to the sea surface. Some were 80 meters away, some were 50 meters away, some were 30 meters away, and the closest one was more than ten meters away.

If it is a ship that does not understand the situation here, it may hit a rock and sink when it arrives in this sea area. Only those experienced captains or pirate forces with inheritance know the situation in this sea area.

When Lin Fan saw that there were countless coral reefs around him, he wasn't surprised at all. He looked around, and then chose a direction to move forward, shuttling among the numerous coral reefs.

After advancing for more than 100 meters, Lin Fan found a sunken ship, which should be a warship from decades ago. Because the ship is covered with iron sheets, it is not too old.

Moreover, from the open gun ports around the ship, it can be known that this is a warship, but it is still a long time ago, and there is no sign on the ship, or the sign has been eroded by sea water, so it is impossible to tell which country it belongs to Battleship gone.

Since it is a warship, there is not much oil and water, so Lin Fan did not go to investigate, but swam around the warship, looking at the colorful fish among the coral reefs, Lin Fan ignored it. , swim along the front.

After another tens of meters, Lin Fan found another wreck of a ship among the coral reefs at a depth of 80 meters. Half of this ship was left, and it was no longer possible to tell what kind of ship it was. .

However, just over ten meters away in front of the ship, the wreckage of the ship appeared again.At the beginning, Lin Fan thought it was the other half of the ship, but when he got closer, he found that it was a relatively complete ship, surrounded by a lot of seaweed, and he could no longer see the appearance of the ship clearly.

Lin Fan didn't feel anything special, so he didn't enter this ship to check, and continued to swim around it, because he saw that there were other ships ahead.

After bypassing this ship, Lin Fan was greatly surprised by the condition of his eyelids, because in front of him there were piles of ships piled up like building blocks. There were probably dozens of ships of various kinds, as if colliding It's like we're together.

Lin Fan swam up to these ships, and found that they were intertwined with each other, forming a layer upon layer feeling, and among all the ships, there was a huge ship, seven to eighty meters long, with a tall black mast clearly visible, and Around this huge ship, Lin Fan saw a skull pattern.

People all over the world may be very familiar with the skull pattern, which is the symbol of pirate ships.It's just that modern pirate ships have deviated from the tradition of pirate ships in history and have become tools of pure plunder, so none of their ships will be marked with marks, especially the skull mark, which will provoke the leader of country M Insignia of the United Nations Army.

"It seems that this ship may be the pirate ship that Vickers said was thousands of years ago. I don't know if there are really pirate treasures in it. If there is, it would be great."

Now that he was about to build his own mobile base, Lin Fan felt that he was short of money, so as long as there was an opportunity to make money, he would never let it go, so he personally went to the bottom of the sea to find the pirate's treasure.

Of course, Lin Fan was surrounded by the protection of the aircraft and the guards. When he dived nearly a thousand meters deep, he had already called the aircraft to his side, and then entered the pirate ship with the guards. And the crab boss called out to escort around.

Afterwards, Lin Fan entered the pirate ship with his guards, and saw the rusted iron anchor on the deck, the tattered sails, and the empty cabin.

Without any stop, Lin Fan followed the guards into the cabin with the guards exploring the way. He saw several skeletons in the cabin. Although they were still wrapped in clothes, they were completely changed.

Lin Fan didn't pay attention to the skeletons of these pirates, and the guards continued to move forward, heading for the storage room under the cabin.Such a huge ship of 80 meters long must have a huge storage room.

After going deep into the third floor of the ship, I finally discovered the existence of the storage room. There was a huge copper lock hanging on it, which has not rusted until now, and it firmly locked the door of the storage room.

Of course, Lin Fan didn't need a key. The guards stepped forward and opened the door, revealing a mountain of boxes inside and a large pile of gleaming gold next to it, the amount of which was no less than ten tons.

"Get all these things on the aircraft."

Lin Fan didn't open them one by one to see, he directly ordered the guards to move all the boxes and gold to the aircraft, so that he could see what was inside at any time in the future.

"Captain, everything has been moved, please instruct."

"You guys take these things to the base island, let Yiyi and the others count what's in it, just remember to tell me." Lin Fan didn't plan to do the counting himself, because that would be too troublesome.

An hour later, Lin Fan dived out of the sea. Vickers and the others were still waiting above. They were relieved to see Lin Fan come up, but no one dared to ask about Lin Fan's situation below.

"Hey, it seems that the rumors are misleading. I went down to search for a long time, but only found a skeleton pirate ship, and nothing else." Doubtful, just thought that pirate treasure was just a legend.

Lin Fan left the pirate organization after making arrangements for his future work.However, when he left, he summoned Brother Octopus at the beach. Seeing Lin Fan standing on top of Brother Octopus and quickly leaving the beach, the expressions of Vickers and the others changed drastically, and their hearts were full of concern for Lin Fan. There was a sense of mystery and terror, and I couldn't bear the slightest idea of ​​yin and yang.

When Lin Fan returned to the fishing boat, the two fishing boats caught [-] to [-] tons of seafood on the spot, and then headed towards Malaysia, preparing to enter the South China Sea through the Strait of Malacca.

Along the way, Lin Fan was not in a hurry, because the distance from Huaguo was getting closer and closer, and the safety was already guaranteed, so everyone fished while advancing, and soon caught more than 1000 tons of seafood.

Three days later, the fishing boat entered the Strait of Malacca and encountered many Malaysian fishing boats on the way.These fishing boats were friendly, and they greeted Lin Fan's fishing boats one after another, and even exchanged some items with them.

If the other party was able to do this, Lin Fan naturally would not intentionally make things difficult for them, so based on the principle of being kind to others, he conducted friendly cooperation with the Malaysian fishing boats, and the two sides exchanged some things they needed.

(End of this chapter)

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