Chapter 118

When the long-lost reminder sounded in Lin Fan's mind, he became excited, because he had been looking forward to this day for a long time, because from now on, his life would turn a new page.

However, although Lin Fan was happy, he didn't get up immediately. At this time, the spiritual power of the witch in his mind had not been fully absorbed, so he maintained the training posture and continued to absorb those pure spiritual powers.

Moreover, Lin Fan also allowed the conscious bodies of Brother Octopus and Boss Crab to absorb a small amount of spiritual power, but compared to them, it was already a big boost, and the conscious bodies had grown a lot. Even intelligence has evolved to a certain extent.

After Lin Fan completely absorbed Wu's spiritual power, his consciousness became much more solidified, his spiritual power increased a lot, and his induction of the cosmic energy between heaven and earth also became much stronger.

At the same time, Lin Fan also figured out the origin of Wu, who turned out to be an alien life form.However, it has been millions of years since it arrived on Earth. Due to the damage to its body, only its soul energy is left, and it barely maintains some consciousness.

At that time, it descended in the jungle on the South African continent. At the beginning, the soul power was much stronger than it is now, and it could be divided into hundreds of strands, becoming the mysterious witch in the jungle primitive tribe.

However, it cannot find a carrier that can accommodate the soul power, so although it can enhance the soul energy by devouring life forms on the earth, it is still constantly weakening.

Until a hundred years ago, it discovered a piece of wood that was very special and could hold soul energy, so it asked someone to make a wood sculpture to hold its own soul energy.

According to Wu's speculation, this piece of wood for woodcarving is most likely not a product of the earth, because it actually has a weak effect of warming and nourishing the soul.It's just that the time Wu got the wood was too short. At that time, there was only a little bit of soul energy left, and he could barely maintain his consciousness.

After a hundred years of nurturing, coupled with devouring the soul energy of some living bodies from time to time, the witch has recovered to the current level.But he didn't expect to meet Lin Fan's nemesis, who was overwhelmed by Buddha's light, and finally completely disappeared in this world.

Lin Fan learned this through the last remaining weak consciousness of the witch, and also learned a complete secret method, which can use spiritual power to create slave marks and plant them into other people's consciousness, making others unknowingly become his slaves. Without knowing it.

Later, Lin Fan was surprised to find that the witch's wood carving had changed. After the witch's last consciousness disappeared, the wood carving returned to a piece of wood, as if it had never been carved before.

Lin Fan then carefully sent a ray of spiritual power into the wood block, and found that it was full of fine and tiny holes like a sponge, which could hold spiritual power and slowly purify the spiritual power.

"An'an, let's see what this piece of wood is and what's so special about it?" Lin Fan called out Lin An'an after withdrawing his spiritual power, and asked her.

"Hey, isn't this a sacred tree? Absolutely right, it's really a sacred tree. Captain, where did you get it? It's a good thing." An An looked at it for a while and exclaimed in surprise.

"This is made from a wood carving." Lin Fan told about the encounter with the witch on the island.

"It's definitely the Yangshen wood. It's a sixth-order cosmic item. It's just that this piece is too small, but it can be used. Captain, you can condense a spiritual imprint, the one that occupies the core of this piece of wood. Light cluster, and then see what changes."

Lin Fan listened to Lin An'an's words, and did as he said, condensed a mark, and then entered the Yangshen Tree, just like entering a maze, and went around for a long time before reaching its core. A small ball of light the size of a finger.

According to Lin Fan's words, he imprinted his spiritual imprint on this light group, and a miraculous thing happened, because the wood turned into a wood carving again, but the face of the wood carving looked like Lin Fan.

In Lin Fan's induction, a mysterious connection has been established between him and this wood carving, as if this wood carving has become his clone, and the spiritual imprint inside seems to have also produced consciousness, able to perceive to the surrounding situation.

"Captain, do you feel it? Through this piece of Shenmu, you can continuously cultivate your own clone consciousness. If you cooperate with the future gene cloning technology, you can create countless clones, scattered all over the universe, and do more at the same time. many things."

Lin Ji was overjoyed after hearing this. This time he encountered the mysterious tribal witch, and he did not expect to get so many benefits.Whether it's Wu Na's mysterious slave seal secret method or this sacred tree, it can be said to be a huge gain.

Although the witch was lucky enough to obtain this spiritual nourishing tree, it only kept his incomplete consciousness for a hundred more years. Because it did not have a complete soul consciousness, it could not breed its own clone.

Of course, if he hadn't met Lin Fan, maybe the witch could still maintain his soul consciousness through this sacred tree, and continue to devour the souls of living beings in the future. Maybe one day he could restore his soul consciousness as time goes by, but It was unlucky to meet Lin Fan.

In the end, Lin Fan carefully put the woodcarving into his imprint space, since An An said it was so precious, of course he had to keep it well.But Lin Fan really can't understand too much now, and one day in the future, he will understand how great this piece of cultivation tree is to him.

At dawn, the sixth escort team and ten armed engineering regiments had arrived at Lin Fan's side. After paying allegiance to Lin Fan, the escort captain Lin Luer handed over control of the mobile base's power system to Lin Fan. .

When Lin Fan saw this power system in the aircraft, he found that it was only about two meters high, a bit like a tree, and consisted of two main parts, namely the branches and leaves on the ground that absorb the energy of the universe and the scattered parts under the ground. The part of the root system that provides energy to the base.

"Luer, how to use this system?"

"It's very simple. Plant it on the mobile base and it will grow automatically. It will grow into a transparent light shield that blocks out the sky and the sun, covering the entire mobile base. At the same time, it will continuously absorb cosmic energy and use it to transform into this planet. Low-level energy that can be used on the Internet;
The root system below will also grow rapidly, and will spread throughout the base from below the ground. According to the requirements of the design drawings, energy supply windows will be opened in various places to facilitate connection to various buildings and places that require energy supply. "Lin Luer briefly introduced the working principle of the power system, but Lin Fan heard something mysterious.

"Wu'er, where is the final mobile base?" Lin Fan contacted Lin Wu'er who was far away in the Pacific Ocean.

"Captain, we have selected the island for the first base. It is an uninhabited desert island in the Pacific Ocean. It covers an area of ​​about 25 square kilometers and is surrounded by mountains. There is a basin in the middle. The terrain inside is flat and suitable for building a base. Various defensive facilities can also be built.

During this time, I have asked the engineering warriors to start the construction of infrastructure. The planning of the entire base has been completed. Now I am waiting for you, Captain, to deliver the power system. "Lin Weier has already received the news, so she is very excited.

"Very well, I will immediately arrange for Luer to bring a large team of people to join you. At the same time, I will also send a group of people from other places to build the base. I must build the base for me as soon as possible."

Lin Fan was also very happy, and immediately asked Lin Luer to take the escort team and the intelligent warriors of ten armed engineering regiments to the Pacific to meet Lin Wuer. At the same time, he also dispatched some people from several other escort teams to help, and even If Lin Yi'er and the others could spare time, they could go and help.

Lin Fan was not the only one who was happy to hear the news. All the captains of the guards, including Lin Anan, ran over, leaving only a few armed soldiers and engineering soldiers in various places. All the smart fighters had to gather on that deserted island.

"An'an, to build a mobile base, we need to cut off the deserted island from the sea surface. Is it feasible?" However, Lin Fan was still a little worried, so he communicated with An'an.

"Captain, don't worry. After the power system is installed, the entire base can rely on the powerful energy provided by the power system to float above the sea. Cutting off the connection between the base and the sea surface is very simple."

"But the power system doesn't look that big. Can it supply the entire base? If I want to suspend or even move the entire base in the sea, the energy required may be terrifying."

"Captain, what you see is only the initial form of the power system. If the power system is activated, they will automatically absorb the energy of the universe and grow themselves first. Not to mention a small island with an area of ​​[-] to [-] square kilometers, it is a A mountain with an altitude of more than [-] meters can also make it suspend on the sea.

Moreover, this kind of power system is only the most common low-level power system in the fifth-order empire. Those more advanced power systems can also make the base move under the sea surface, even sink to the bottom of the deep sea, or suspend in mid-air Become a floating base. "

After listening to Lin An'an's words, Lin Fan felt that his vision was indeed too low, because his thinking was still based on the level of technology on the earth, and he forgot that Aliasai was the pinnacle technology master of the fifth-order empire.

"That said, when my captain's authority is raised, I can still get the power system of the submarine base and floating base." Lin Fan couldn't help looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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