master of the deep

Chapter 11 Buying a Boat

Chapter 11 Buying a Boat
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Sure enough, after more than 20 minutes, there were two more aircraft models on Lin Fan's desk, which were transformed from No. [-] Armed Aircraft and No. [-] Engineering Aircraft. They had completed the ceremony of allegiance to Lin Fan.

The ceremony was very simple. Lin Fan integrated his spiritual imprint into the control center of these intelligent armed warriors and intelligent engineer warriors, so that he could completely control the destruction program of these intelligent humans.

The ten intelligent armed fighters are all intelligent mimics at the peak of the fourth level. Although they are not as good as the fifth-level intelligent mimic guards of the escort team, and the energy is not enough now, whether it is personal fighting ability or the ability to use weapons and tools , are far beyond the special forces on the earth, and anyone who pulls out is a soldier king.

With their protection, Lin Fan basically would not encounter any danger, not to mention the escort team led by Lin Yier, whose capabilities far surpassed those ordinary intelligent armed soldiers.

What surprised Lin Fan the most was that the ten intelligent engineering fighters, each of them had their own strengths, and had their own specialties in different fields.But with the knowledge and skills they have mastered, any one of them on earth is a master in this field.

But Lin Fan has not started yet, what is lacking is all kinds of talents, so after getting these intelligent engineering fighters, he can safely develop his own power without worrying about lack of talent support.

Of course, under Lin An'er's arrangement, all these intelligent armed soldiers and intelligent engineer soldiers have their own identity information.For convenience, Lin Fan made their identities all belong to the Hua Kingdom.

As for the future guards, armed soldiers, and engineering soldiers, he will arrange them in other countries in the world. This will make Lin Fan's future world layout more convenient, because he can rest assured of these talents.

That night, the violent storm really lasted for most of the night, causing huge losses to fishing ports in Dongzhou, and at the same time affecting the entire southeast coast of Huaguo, including Taiwan, RB, the Korean Peninsula, and coastal countries in Southeast Asia. Hit by Typhoon Pag.

Early the next morning, Lin Fan got up to check the news of the typhoon on the Internet, and saw the messy scene of the fishing ports in Dongzhou. Many fishing boats that were too late to escape into the port were either destroyed or seriously damaged.

There are even dozens of fishing boats that did not have time to come back from the sea yesterday, and have completely lost contact with the land. It is not known whether the communication signal was interrupted or the fishing boats were wrecked.

By this time, Typhoon Pug had passed and the rain had stopped.After thinking about it, Lin Fan decided to go out to check the situation and go to Dongzhou Fishing Port to see how Uncle De and the others were doing.

However, it was impossible to move forward a few streets away from Dongzhou Fishing Port, because sea water was poured into the street. Although the sea water had receded at this time, a lot of garbage was left behind.

The Dongzhou Municipal Government is organizing soldiers and civilians to clean up the streets and temporarily closed these roads.Lin Fan had no choice but to back away, and after thinking about it, he called Uncle De.

"What? The Black Pearl was seriously damaged and the boss is ready to dispose of the Black Pearl? Have you all been fired by the boss?" From Uncle De, Lin Fan learned some bad news.

It turned out that the Black Pearl was ready to set off last night, so it parked outside the fishing port. The ship was also filled with fuel, fresh water, and food for the crew.

But the typhoon "Pag" came, and the boss failed to evacuate the Hei Zhu to the fishing port in time, so the Hei Zhu suffered serious damage and was basically half destroyed.

Not only that, the boss also had three fishing boats. Two of them had sunk last night, and the other one was almost half-destroyed like the Black Pearl. This caused huge losses to the boss, and he had to make the decision to sell the two fishing boats. Intend.

Hearing this, Lin Fan's heart moved. He had stayed on the Black Pearl for ten days. He liked the Black Pearl, but at that time he heard the big guy talk about the Black Pearl. Although it was only a medium-sized offshore fishing boat, a new one would cost Tens of millions.

And the Black Pearl was originally only [-]% to [-]% new, and now it was seriously damaged. I don't know if I have enough money to buy it.As for repairing the Black Pearl, with those ten engineering soldiers around, Lin Fan didn't worry about anything at all.

"Uncle De, I want to see you, can you come out?" Lin Fan knew that after losing their jobs, except for a few crew members who had already left Dongzhou, most of them were still staying in rented houses, hoping to find new jobs after the typhoon. work.

"Xiaofan, what do you have to talk about in person?" After meeting Zhang Zhide at the appointed place, he asked full of doubts.

"Uncle De, you must be familiar with the boss. I came to you to find out how much it would cost to buy the damaged Black Pearl." Lin Fan didn't hide anything, and asked directly .

"What? You want to buy the Black Pearl? Xiaofan, are you kidding me?" Zhang Zhide was startled.

"Uncle De, I won't hide it from you. The shell I picked up in the sea was actually a treasure, worth more than 100 million. Not only that, I also picked up three golden pearls in the shell, but I didn't give them to them. You see, it’s worth two to three million.

However, I am not alone in buying a boat, but with my college classmates.I have two college classmates, one family is in jewelry business, he helped me sell my treasures, and the other family is in seafood wholesale business, they are willing to share with me to buy a fishing boat.

Originally, we were just discussing this matter. I heard you said that the Black Pearl was going to be sold, so I thought of buying it and recruiting the big guy back, so that we can go to sea together again. "Lin Fan told Uncle De some things, but it's hard to tell if it's true or not.

"My boy, I didn't expect to have such good luck. You can buy a fishing boat by picking up a treasure. I am really familiar with the boss, and I can help you ask. Are you really willing to recruit all the big guys on the Black Pearl?" Is it?" Uncle De sighed, but he was very happy that Lin Fan was willing to bring everyone back together.

"Of course, the Black Pearl was my first fishing boat to go to sea, and it gave me good luck. Of course I hope to be able to go to sea on it with everyone again. Uncle De, then help me ask how much it will cost. If I can buy the Black Pearl, I can discuss it with my classmates."

Zhang Zhide was so happy that he immediately called the boss to inquire. However, at this time, he had already turned Lin Fan's attention to the boss, so he naturally spoke on Lin Fan's side. After repeated bargaining, he settled on 450 million, and then Ask Lin Fan what he meant.

"Biaozi, fourth brother, the fishing boat has been negotiated. It is the Black Pearl I used to go to sea, but it suffered a lot of typhoon damage last night, and the asking price is only 450 million. See if you can settle it, if you think it's okay. , I’ll go sign the agreement with someone.”

Lin Fan called the two brothers in front of Zhang Zhide. Since they were brothers, they naturally understood what Lin Fan meant and they all agreed to come down and have full control over him. They would come back when they went to sea.

The boss did suffer heavy losses this time. He only wanted to get rid of these two broken ships and then switch to other businesses. Therefore, there was no trick during the buying and selling process and everything went very smoothly.

Lin Fan spent 450 million, not only buying the Black Pearl, but also including various taxes for three years, and all procedures are complete.As long as Lin Fan has repaired the Black Pearl and reported to the fishery administration department, he can choose a day to go to sea.

The boss also introduced a regular repair shop to Lin Fan, and the Black Pearl had already been taken to the repair shop, but the boss didn't plan to repair it, so it was temporarily put there.

After all the formalities were completed, the boss brought Lin Fan to Hongyun Repair Shop and introduced him to Manager Bai of the repair shop. Lin Fan and Manager Bai then negotiated with him on the subsequent repair matters.

Of course, on the way there, the boss also told Lin Fan the price of the usual repairs, and he made friends with him.Although he is no longer in this business, it is always a good thing to have many friends in society.

"Manager Bai, I don't know if you have inspected the Black Pearl, and how much will it cost to repair it?" Although Lin Fan was young, but with Zhang Zhide by his side, Manager Bai did not underestimate him.

"Boss Lin, our maintenance staff have basically checked. I'm afraid there are some problems with the Black Pearl's power system, communication system, and refrigeration system. There are a lot of parts that need to be replaced, and a major overhaul is required. It is estimated that it will cost about 120 million yuan. Take it down."

Manager Bai replied, and he also took out a list of the places where maintenance personnel found problems, as well as the equipment and parts that need to be replaced, listed in great detail.

"Manager Bai, I have seen the sincerity of your factory, but can we discuss it? Let's just say, I have my own maintenance engineer on hand, and I want to rent the repair room of your repair shop to repair it myself. In addition, we need The replacement equipment and parts can be handed over to you to help purchase, do you think it is possible?" Lin Fan said to Manager Bai straight to the point.

"Boss Lin, what do you mean? Could it be that you don't trust our maintenance personnel?" Manager Bai was a little unhappy when he heard that.

"Manager Bai, don't be angry, I don't mean that. Let me tell you, I'm going to make some special modifications to the fishing boat, so I hired some professionals from the arsenal. As for your repair shop, we can rent it for you. Raise the cost of procurement, so you won’t lose money anyway. I’ll call someone to discuss with you about specific matters, what do you think?” Lin Fan said hastily.

Hearing that Lin Fan was willing to pay a higher fee, Manager Bai nodded and agreed to his request. After all, their repair shop was in business, and they were naturally happy to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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