Chapter 251 Outbreak
"Fortunately, humans were born on this primitive planet, and humans who can pass the checkpoint have evolved in six hundred epochs."

"I didn't expect that this primitive planet would evolve so fast. God will never kill me, haha..."

Chu Fan couldn't help but said, "Ahem, it's not that the evolution is fast."

Yan Ming wondered: "Could it be some other accident? Cosmic civilization discovered this primitive planet? Impossible. If it was the cosmic civilization that discovered this place, the one who can accept the inheritance must not be a weak human being like you."

Chu Fan looked embarrassed, he is not weak.

"It's the Star Zerg. With the arrival of the Star Zerg, human beings suddenly appear as evolutionaries, and their strength soars."

"Star Zerg?"

Yan Ming frowned slightly, "Did the Star Zerg kill you?"

Chu Fan said proudly: "Under my leadership, the starry sky Zerg on the earth has been wiped out."

Yan Yan looked at Chu Fan in surprise. Human beings who have evolved faster than the Starry Sky Zerg are definitely talented. They are rare geniuses among humans in the entire universe.

At this time, Yan Ming took a careful look at Chu Fan, and said, "Your spiritual aptitude probably won't pass the first test. It seems that Ellie has let go."

"After all, Ellie is not an intelligent life that has followed me for a long time. This Silver Front is not the spaceship I usually ride on. In order to escape, my spaceship and intelligent life... were destroyed."

Yan Ming muttered to himself, then suddenly asked: "How long did it take you to pass the last level?"

Chu Fan replied, "Nine months."

"how is this possible?"

Yan Yan was surprised. With Chu Fan's soul qualification, how could he have such a high level of understanding?
He could tell that Chu Fan wasn't lying, he just couldn't believe the result.

After a while, Yan Ming said: "Perhaps, this is our previous fate. You have such understanding, maybe one day you can reach the height I used to be, even surpass my strength, and avenge me."

"Perhaps, I still have a glimmer of hope of resurrection, even if this hope is extremely slim."


Listening to Yan Ming talking to himself, Chu Fan found that the inheritance is not so simple.

He accepted Yan Ming's inheritance, and also shouldered the task of helping Yan Ming resurrect and avenging him.

There is no free lunch.

Chu Fan has accepted so many benefits from Yan Ming, and it is normal to help Yan Ming do these things.

Yan Yan continued: "My strength is unimaginable by humans on a primitive planet like you."

"Accept my inheritance, you can grow from the weakest human being in the universe to a strong person feared by billions of planets."

"And all you have to pay is to avenge me after you are strong enough."

"If I hadn't happened to live on this primitive planet, my inheritance would have been enough to make countless strong men in the cosmic starry sky flock to them and fight wildly."

Chu Fan asked curiously, "Can you ask me, what level of strength are you?"

Yan Meng paused and said: "You are just a mortal who has not even reached the star level. There is no point in telling you this. You only need to know that the star level is the most basic level in the universe."

"And I am already standing at the pinnacle of cosmic civilization, the highest level."

Chu Fan asked: "Since you are so strong, why are you being hunted down to this extent?"

"Cough cough."

Yan Ming was very embarrassed by Chu Fan's question: "Well, although I am strong, the enemy is stronger. Even if I tell you, you still don't understand."

"You'd better keep your feet on the ground and improve step by step."

"Every conversation will consume a lot of my soul power. In my current state, I can last up to a hundred epochs."

One hundred epochs is 1000 million years.

"If energy is consumed during this period, the time I can survive will be shorter. Next, I will cultivate my soul in your consciousness. I will only appear when your strength is strong enough."

After Yan Ming finished speaking, Chu Fan felt a brief darkness in front of him.

When the light reappeared in front of Chu Fan's eyes, the soul storage crystal in front of him was broken.

He knew that Yan Ming's incomplete soul had entered his body.

Ellie said: "Master, hello. The advanced intelligence Ellie is at your service."

"what's the situation?"

Ellie said: "From now on, you accept the inheritance and become my new master."

Chu Fan scratched his head: "Well, it's a bit embarrassing to call me master. You should call me Chu Fan."

"Okay, Chu Fan."

Chu Fan asked: "After I accept the inheritance, what authority do I have?"

Ellie explained: "It's about my authority, such as adjusting my appearance, image, etc. I can also use various resources of the Silver Front within limits."

"Adjust your image?"

Chu Fan realized something: "It turns out that Yan Ming's taste is so unique, and he set you up as a loli in a maid outfit. I thought you were like this."

Ellie said: "Then do you reset my image? Whether it's voice, appearance, or even race, you can reset it."

"Ahem, you don't need to set it up, it's fine. Hehe..."

"By the way, what are the various resources in the spaceship? Also, what does it mean to be within limits?"

Ellie said: "I will list all the resources in the Silver Front as documents and present them in front of you. The limit means that although you are the new owner, according to the original owner's settings, you must achieve It takes some strength to use some powerful resources."

"There are also the cultivation resources left by the original owner. This is the most important part."

"In order to prevent you from using the Silver Blade's force instead of your own strength when you are weak, this restriction is made."

Chu Fan nodded: "Okay, so that's the case. Then you can give me the data of all resources now."

Soon, Chu Fan got the material receipts in the Yinfeng.

In this huge spaceship, there are many kinds of materials beyond Chu Fan's imagination.

Chu Fan didn't know what most things were and could only learn about them slowly.


Island country, Toyama.

In three months, Toyama's altitude has dropped hundreds of meters.

At this moment, on the top of Toyama, there is a huge black rock.


The black rock suddenly moved, it changed continuously, and transformed into a huge stone man with a height of 200 meters in the air.

It stretched itself and decided to go to other places for some activities.

I saw it flying in the air and flying into the distance.

After it flew away, Toyama suddenly trembled.

Immediately afterwards, a thick plume of smoke burst from the top of Toyama.

Thick smoke billowed and the mountain trembled.

As the smoke became thicker and thicker, the tremors of the mountain became more intense.

After that, the whole earth began to tremble.

Not only Toyama, but even the large island where Toyama is located began to tremble.

Thick smoke covered the sky and the sun, and the smoke and dust billowed.

On the top of Toyama, bursts of fire appeared.

The active volcano that has been silent for hundreds of years erupts again!
(End of this chapter)

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