Practitioners in the Super Seminary

Chapter 91 Let Her Try It!

Chapter 91 Let Her Try It!

"Qiangwei? What's the matter?" Li Xiaobai turned his body away, but he didn't expect Qiangwei to contact him through a talisman.
"Are you free? I want to talk to you, in the place where you taught us before...Super Seminary!"


In just over ten minutes, Li Xiaobai arrived at a place that was overgrown with weeds and a little dilapidated. This was the original Super Seminary.


Li Xiaobai inspected and saw that Qiangwei was sitting quietly in a gazebo, and walked over the weeds to the gazebo.

Qiangwei, who was immersed in her thoughts, woke up when she heard Li Xiaobai's footsteps walking into the gazebo.



Sitting opposite Qiangwei, Li Xiaobai joked, "Is it alright with Morgana? She didn't bully you, did she?"

"If Morgana bullies you, don't be afraid to tell me!"

Qiangwei, who was still preoccupied at first, smiled when she heard what Li Xiaobai said: "Ruyi Jin almost dismantled Devil One in a few strokes, Morgana dare not mess with you."

Li Xiaobai is like a parent talking about his own child: "Hehe, Ruyijin ran out privately out of fun."

"By the way, do you have anything to do with me?"

Qiangwei's smile gradually disappeared, and she said after a while: "Xiaobai, is Ruyijin already that powerful?"

Li Xiaobai didn't know what Qiangwei was thinking about asking this, so he thought about it and said, "No!"

"All right!"

Qiangwei seemed to relax a bit and hung her head in silence.

Seeing Qiangwei stop talking again, Li Xiaobai felt a bit toothache and thought: "Do all girls chat like this? It's not urgent enough. It's a long time without any beginning or end."

"Xiaobai, how do you feel about Morgana?" Qiangwei raised her head after being silent for a while and asked


Li Xiaobai thought for a while and commented: "It's both good and evil, do whatever you want!"

Qiangwei carefully chewed Xiaobai's pertinent evaluation: "Xiaobai, do you think I can control...Morgana?"

Li Xiaobai glanced at Qiangwei, then looked away to look outside the gazebo, and after a few breaths, he said slowly: "Even if you can control Morgana, you can't control the demon army."

"What do you mean?"

Qiangwei frowned and didn't understand. She didn't know why Xiaobai said that. Isn't Morgana the leader of the demon army?Why can't control the demon army after controlling Morgana.

Li Xiaobai looked back at his left palm, clasped his fingers and said, "Strength! Your strength is not strong enough."

"In that case, even if Morgana hands over the demon army to you, they won't obey you."

"Morgana is willing to support me!" Qiangwei looked at Li Xiaobai and said

Li Xiaobai stood up and said, "So do you want to choose to use Morgana's power?"


Qiangwei said with complicated and uncertain eyes, "Xiaobai, do you understand?"

"En!" Li Xiaobai nodded lightly: "The theocracy let you know that Taotie is just a trivial civilization, and there are many other civilizations like this."

"So you plan to use Morgana's hand to help you become a god, so as to save the earth."

Li Xiaobai turned to look at Qiangwei: "I don't disagree with this path, I just hope you don't become the second Morgana!"

Qiangwei said firmly, "Absolutely not."

Li Xiaobai walked out of the gazebo with his hands behind his back: "Xiao Lun and the others are here, you should talk to them first!"

Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang just got off the plane outside the Super Seminary.

"Brother Bai!" Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang shouted

Li Xiaobai nodded silently to indicate the direction of the gazebo: "Qiangwei is over there, let's go!"

Ge Xiaolun spread his wings happily and flew towards the gazebo.

And Liu Chuang, who can't fly: "Uh... Brother Xiaobai, I'm going over there!

Li Xiaobai waved his hand as a signal.

"System, do you think Qiangwei made the right choice?" Li Xiaobai asked while looking at the defeated Super Seminary.
The system said flatly: "What is right? What is wrong?"

"She wants to use the power of demons to help the earth stand outside the war of the gods. Of course, she can also choose to work with Ge Xiaolun and the others, but the theocracy made her feel that it is not enough to rely on Ge Xiaolun's efforts."

Li Xiaobai, who was on the playground of the Super Seminary at this time, shook his head and laughed: "You said that if I just said that Ruyi Jin is actually that powerful, would she be another choice?"

This time it is the system's turn to laugh: "The key is that the wishful gold is really not that powerful, because it is sealed, and the result of blindly relying on the wishful gold is that the experience card can't break the seal."

Li Xiaobai stopped walking and squatted down to look at the crack on the ground, which seemed to be caused by Li Xiaobai's foot.

"The space and strength of the earth in the super-god world don't seem to be very strong."

Li Xiaobai glanced at the crack and said: "That's why their space wormholes can be easily solved. If it is in the cultivation world, it may not be so easy to solve wormholes, right...system?"

But Li Xiaobai thought he was going to prevaricate his system again, but said: "Yes, so you can almost tear open the space of the super god world when you reach Huashen, but your strength is too low to comprehend many laws of space."

Speaking of cultivation, Li Xiaobai frowned slightly: "My martial arts cultivation is already far behind that of immortals. If there is no way to improve, I will choose to use settlement to remind martial arts cultivation."

Li Xiaobai's current martial arts cultivation base is only at the seventh turn of the golden body, and the immortal path is already in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. If he still chooses the immortal path for the next settlement, then the martial arts will really not be the slightest drop.

The system suggested: "After this matter, go to retreat!"


At this time, a quarrel came from the pavilion
"Do you know what the earth will be like in the future?" Qiangwei shouted and asked

Ge Xiaolun didn't understand why Qiangwei didn't choose them: "Chuangzi, we are all working hard, why can't you work hard with us?"

"I'm also working hard, maybe in a better way." Qiangwei explained
Ge Xiaolun asked: "How do you prove that it is a better way?"

"What about you? How can you prove your way?"

Ge Xiaolun shook his head and backed away, changing the topic and said softly: "Then you and I, can't we be together well?"

"We are not in the same world at all, how can we be together?" Qiangwei hissed
"What do you want?"

Qiangwei still stubbornly said: "Control the devil, and thereby control the future!"

Ge Xiaolun heard that Qiangwei said that he wanted to control the devil, and pointed angrily: "How did General Ducao die, have you forgotten?"

Speaking of Ducao, Qiangwei suddenly had a storm: "My father only knows how to create gods but can't control them. As a result, the supreme commander can't even carry a god-killing bullet. How can we fight an interstellar war?"

Liu Chuang said angrily, "Are you just giving in to Morgana like this?"

"What have I surrendered to?"

Qiangwei looked at Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang plausibly: "You are passionate men, what have I surrendered to?"


Liu Chuang raised his arm and pointed at Qiangwei but put it down angrily, turned around and shouted to Li Xiaobai who was in the distance: "Brother Xiaobai, Qiangwei betrayed the country..."

"I didn't!" Qiangwei said forcefully, "I never betrayed, I just chose a different path!"

Qiangwei raised her palm and swore: "I, Qiangwei, swear that I will never betray the country. No matter whether you oppose me and hunt me down, I will never fight back, unless you betray the country!"

"The ways are different, we don't conspire with each other! Farewell." Qiangwei turned around and used the space to leave

And the slow Li Xiaobai walked over to look at Ge Xiaolun who was kneeling on the ground.

"Brother Xiaobai, Qiangwei is already like this, you didn't say a word just now." Liu Chuang said with a bit of blame in his words

Li Xiaobai looked up at Tianwai and said softly, "Let her try it!"

The system suddenly sounded: "Then what if you become a demon?"

Li Xiaobai said in his heart: "Let's see if she will touch the earth at that time!"

The system laughed and said, "Then what if... you touch it?"


The system continued: "Kill it!"

Li Xiaobai smiled calmly: "It's okay to seal it..."

(End of this chapter)

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