Chapter 89

"Liang Bing, are you there?" Carl's gentle voice sounded from Morgana's private channel
Morgana, who was investigating Anisid on Star Fraser, was surprised when she heard the sound, and said a little annoyed: "I changed the password of my private channel, are you still looking for me?"

Karl said in the same tone as his beloved: "Civilizations outside the void can really conquer all civilizations in our universe. Huaye is my first successful experiment."

Carl can say these words, it seems that he still doesn't know that Hua Ye, a successful product of the experiment, was swollen into a bread by Ruyi Jin and escaped from the earth in embarrassment.

But thinking about it, Hua Ye would definitely not tell Carl these things. He still thinks he is the king of the Heavenly Palace even now, so how could he tell Carl that he was beaten by a villain.

"I got five void particles from the black hole of Peacock Star, do you want one?"

Carl, who doesn't even care about the universe, is willing to give Morgana a void particle.

Morgana sneered: "Will you give it to me for nothing? What is the price?"

"Come into the world outside the void with me, and let's pursue the mysteries outside the void together."

Morgana said disinterestedly: "Since you became a phantom, I don't even want to be with you for a day."

Carl is like a little boy who is afraid of Morgana's anger, but wants to get closer to Morgana: "Actually, you should also become... a phantom, so that we can have a common language again!"

Morgana wondered: I have a common language with you? "

"Yes, yes!"

Carl recalled the past yearning in his eyes: "The two of us are discussing wisdom and the universe at the Super Seminary..."

"That was the happiest time for me. After tens of thousands of years, I still don't have anyone in my heart who can compare with you!"

Morgana listened to Carl's words and thought of Carl in the super seminary in the past, shaking her head and laughing: "In the past, you were also a... dick, you didn't dare to touch my hand, and you didn't even dare to look at me wearing a low-cut dress One glance."

Carl rarely smiled: "Since you are no longer by my side, I feel that human desires have no value."

"What do you want me to say?" Morgana sighed after listening to Karl's words

Carl said gently but firmly, "I will wait for you!"

Morgana smiled sweetly: "Well, you touched me."

"Hua Ye has broken the balance now, you have to be careful!" Carl reminded
Speaking of balance, Morgana couldn't help thinking of Li Xiaobai's growth, and then said something that made Karl lose his head: "The balance may have already been broken!"

Karl didn't understand why Morgana said that, but she asked Morgana vaguely.

I'm afraid Karl still doesn't know about a man named Li Xiaobai who appeared out of nowhere on Earth...

On Devil One, Qiangwei was flipping through Morgana's room on "Principles of Time and Space Genes".

When Qiangwei saw the last sentence: "Time and Space Gene is my lifelong love", she finally knew why Morgana was so kind to her.

Rose with a complicated heart looked at another book written by Carl, "The Time-Space Genetic Practice of Liang Bing and Me".

After thinking for a while, Qiangwei picked it up and looked through it. What Karl said let her know the origin of the time-space gene in her body.

One of the lines that makes people have to think deeply is that Carl said: "She loves time and space, just as I love her!"


After flipping through the two books in Morgana's room, Qiangwei looked at the bright space outside the window and sat quietly for a long time before getting up and deciding to look for Morgana.

At this time, Morgana, who had just returned from Frazer, was about to return to the room, and met Qiangwei on the way.

"I want to talk to you, is that okay?" Qiangwei said especially calmly.
"it is good!"

Qiangwei, who was silent for a moment in the coffee shop, looked up at Morgana who was sitting opposite her: "How do you feel about me?"

Morgana thought about how to express it and said uncertainly: "Maybe it's a bit of admiration!"

Qiangwei seemed to agree to follow Morgana, and said directly: "It's the same as the earth, how many shares are you going to give me from the demon group..."

"No! Qiangwei, you have to know that the Devil Group is not a company." Morgana felt that Qiangwei was like a child.

Seeing Morgana changing the subject, Qiangwei said, "Let's do it! The earth is what I say, it's my home."

Seeing that Qiangwei's thinking was still too simple, Morgana shook her head and pointed to the bright galaxy outside the window of the cafe: "You and Xiaobai will both become gods in the future, and you will eventually step into the vast universe, which is your home! "

Qiangwei glanced out the window and said: "No matter how many years pass, I believe that Xiaobai will never regard the vast universe as his home, because the earth is!"

Morgana didn't want to argue about this, she nodded and said, "Okay!"

"Go, I'll take you to the theocratic meeting!"


Hall of Devil One

Qiangwei followed Morgana to attend the theocracy meeting. In the main hall stood Pan Zhen of Star Lieyang, Snow, the subordinate of Karl of Styx, and Howell, the leader of Giant Wolf. Originally, Howell's position should be Chew , unfortunately died.

Morgana stood in front of the throne and said to Pan Zhen: "Let's discuss the ownership of the earth. If you go to the countryside, say that we demons want to hold 70.00% of the shares. This will be the covenant of the gods."

Qiangwei frowned and disagreed, saying: "The earth belongs to the people of the earth, and you have no right to divide it."

Morgana and Qiangwei, who looked more beautiful after washing off their makeup, introduced: "This burly uncle is the Lieyang civilization of Tiandao Star, and he can easily keep the sun away from the earth."

"And this black one belongs to Styx, he can easily cause natural catastrophe."

"So..." Morgana looked at Qiangwei, hoping she would understand, "So they all have the ability to easily wipe out life on Earth, how do people on Earth decide?"

Qiangwei was silent for a while listening to what Morgana said

Morgana continued: "The devil wants 70.00%!"

Pan Zhen thought rationally and said: "I want 30.00% for Reina!"

Snow put his hands in his arms and said as it should be: "Styx needs 50.00% one, and most of the gluttons in the Styx galaxy have been sacrificed!"

"What do you want from carving up the earth? Do you want to exploit oil?" Qiangwei doesn't understand why so many people want the earth.

Snow pointed at Qiangwei and said with a smile, "Morgana, what are you doing with this child? She thinks so naively!"

"Pay attention to your attitude, Karl has never treated me in such a tone!"

Morgana carefully explained to Qiangwei: "In the thoughts of the gods, there are known universes, but there are also unknown universes, and what the gods want is the future of the earth!"

Snow said reverently: "My god Karl once said that we belong to the life of the main creature world, but in ancient times there were more advanced creatures..."

Pan Zhen raised his hand just as he was about to interrupt Snow, but unexpectedly there was a crashing sound


A hole was opened in the main hall of Devil No. [-], and everyone heard the sound and saw a villain with golden skin and wearing golden pants fly into the main hall.

This golden-skinned villain is Ruyijin who is wandering outside privately. Ruyijin, who has wandered around in space, found a spaceship.

How could Ruyi Jin's gossip mind not go in and have a look?So this scene happened.

Ruyijin flew directly from the broken hole to sit on Morgana's throne and stepped on the edge of the throne with her calf, then put her arms on her knees and looked at Morgana and the others.

Ruyi Jin raised his finger and pointed at the people in the main hall: "You are quite tigers! If someone wants to carve up the territory of the human race on our side, it will probably be wiped out in a short time!"

Morgana looked into Qiangwei's eyes for a moment and asked, "Is this wishful gold?"

Qiangwei glanced at the golden villain who was number one in the world sitting on the throne, and nodded in bewilderment.

"Morgana, who is he?" Snow asked, pointing at Ruyijin.

Before Morgana could answer, Ruyijin on the throne appeared in front of Snow and floated in an instant.

Ruyijin stretched out her little hand and grabbed Snow's head before hitting the ground of the hall.


Morgana and the others retreated from the impact. After the impact disappeared, Morgana and the others saw that Snow's entire head was pressed to the ground by Ruyi Gold, and the ground was dented.

"Have you been asked to speak?" Ruyijin grabbed Snow's head and raised

Snow was knocked so dizzy that he couldn't speak, but Ruyijin didn't know if it was on purpose or he was a little naive, he frowned and said, "Ignore me?"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

Ruyijin grabbed Snow's head and threw it on the ground like a sandbag.

Pan Zhen's eyelids twitched, and Ruyijin seemed to feel unhappy that Snow hadn't reacted when he hit it, so he turned his head to look at Pan Zhen and grinned: "You are very strong!"

Ruyijin ran towards Pan Zhen and punched him. Pan Zhen blocked it with his hands folded, and his whole body was protected by the sun's rays.

"Fuck, so fierce!"

Seeing Ruyi Jin's three slaps, Morgana fucked Snow and Pan Zhen hard, mainly because she had the upper hand.

Ruyi Jin looked at Pan Zhen and smiled with his gold teeth: "You have a lot of energy in your body. Do you want to blow yourself up and see if you can kill me?"

"Who are you?" Pan Zhen stared at Ruyi Jin with fear, even though Pan Zhen blocked it just now.

But Ruyijin actually asked Pan Zhen to blow himself up to see if he could blow himself up. These words made Pan Zhen feel dignified. You must know that Kaisa can be blown up, but this golden villain actually wants to try. How dare he try if he is not sure? ?

"Master, my name is hehehe..."

Morgana and the others stared at Ruyijin, who wanted to declare his name, pawing the ground with both hands, as if someone was pulling him from behind...

"Woooooo!" Ruyijin scratched the ground with both hands, but it was a pity that he was still going to be sealed back, so he could only cry bitterly
The ground was turned upside down by Ruyijin, but he still couldn't stop it from sealing it back. The whole person flew out of the hall like a meteor, and Ruyijin's voice gradually went away from outside Devil One:

"I'll be back again..."

(End of this chapter)

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