Practitioners in the Super Seminary

Chapter 56 This is my home! (For collection, for recommendation)

Chapter 56 This is my home! (For collection, for recommendation)

"Hua Ye, the ancient evil god, just passed through our fleet and joined the Huaxia battlefield. Now Ge Xiaolun, the power of the galaxy, is not very powerful, but he suddenly has a group of black-armored fighters." Pang Chan, commander-in-chief of the Earth region, explained the current battle situation to King Gluttonous
"Also..." Pang Chan thought for a while, "It seems that there has been a young man in ancient clothes haunting us all the time. We haven't figured out who that person is. We asked the devil, but the devil ignored us."

"And the evil god Lena has re-aligned with the power of the galaxy, and the Chimera has already started preparing to withdraw from Luoyang, China, so as not to be bombed by Lena."

"Gods and ghosts..." King Taotie said, "On Earth, a group of black-armored gods are interfering in the war between our civilization and Earth civilization."

"This is the fact. We have also received the support of our god Karl." Pang Chan said with a little helplessness.
"And then my god Karl is a great scholar, loves the highest wisdom, and doesn't even bother to fight with these gods." Chewy said indulging in his belief in Karl
"For the sake of war, I transformed myself like this, but now facing the black armor, the angel is no longer useful." The Eater Deer looked at his mecha body and said,

The gluttonous king Shi Xi in front of him no longer had a trace of flesh and blood, he was more like a pure robot, while Pang Chan just put on a mecha, but Su Xi crazily transformed himself into a mecha!

"Try to let my god Karl install a real void engine for me!"


"Please all formations evacuate the atmosphere!"

At this time, the Taotie fleet on Earth is evacuating into space in an orderly manner.

Taotie Long Diaowen, the commander of the Central Plains region who was evacuating the Chinese battlefield, asked the subordinate next to him, "Wasn't Reina captured by Panmao? How come she came to Luoyang in such a blink of an eye? She killed me in just a few seconds." A battleship."

"It seems that because the Lieyang star discovered it, and then the guardian of the Lieyang star negotiated with my god Karl, and let her go." Said the subordinate next to Long Diao
Long Diao turned his head against the mustache under his nose and asked, "Did you get the key technology of Leina's gene?"

"I don't know!"


"Now let's withdraw from the sky above Luoyang, retreat to the vicinity of Pluto, and then act first, blow up Luoyang, and completely wipe it off the earth. We can't do it well, and we are still good at making a city." Long Diao was unwilling to leave. So he ordered Luoyang to be blown up, thinking that he couldn't beat God, why can't he beat a city?
The subordinate at the side of Long Diao said in surprise, "Using large-scale destructive weapons, this...?" You must know that the demon queen Morgana said before that the use of weapons above nuclear weapons is not allowed, and Karl is not allowed to use star-killing weapons. The officer dared to take a big disgrace.

Seeing his subordinates hesitate, Long Diao snorted, "Just say what I ordered!"

"Prepare to launch an attack on Luoyang!" the Taotie command ship that had just withdrawn from Huaxia Luoyang ordered

At the same time, a small attack warship flew away from the earth.

"The countdown to the launch of the fierce tide begins"





"Launch!" A laser beam on the attack ship directed at Huaxia Luoyang

Li Xiaobai is in the barracks

"I don't know why the gluttonous fleet withdrew after Reina shot twice."

"Look." Lin Lei pointed at the retreating Taotie Fleet in the air.

Li Xiaobai frowned tightly, he had a bad premonition in his heart, he felt that he seemed to have forgotten something important.

"Are you scared?" Ge Xiaolun asked uncertainly.
Lin Lei shook his head and said, "Impossible. We have fought against them many times. They have never been afraid. I am afraid they have taken some measures that we don't know about."

"I don't know the measures? I don't know..." Li Xiaobai's mind kept echoing Lin Lei's words
"What's wrong!" Li Xiaobai suddenly raised his head and shouted. Ge Xiaolun, who was about to speak, closed his mouth and looked at Li Xiaobai.
"What's wrong?" Reina didn't know what happened.
"Taotie is going to use weapons of mass destruction." Li Xiaobai just felt that he had forgotten something. When he heard what Lin Lei said, he remembered that Taotie had withdrawn from the Chinese battlefield and at the same time launched a "fierce tide" to destroy Luoyang.

Li Xiaobai didn't say any more and just jumped up and turned into a sword light and went straight into the air.

At the same time, Lin Lei was dumbfounded and pointed at a red light beam that was about to hit the ground. Seeing this, Ge Xiaolun, Leina and others were stunned. They really didn't expect Taotie to actually dare to use a weapon of mass destruction.

"You can't stop it, why bother to die?" the system called

Li Xiaobai, whose speed was still unabated, had bloodshot eyes, and said coldly, "I have wishful gold, why can't I stop it?"

The system felt that Li Xiaobai couldn't understand and shouted, "Even if Ruyijin can protect you, it can only protect you alone. What he wants to attack is the whole city."

"I can't ignore it...I'm not the Holy Mother, but you made it possible for me to block it, but watched the entire Luoyang people be wiped out, that's impossible!" Li Xiaobai hissed

"Ruyi gold!" Li Xiaobai shouted
Ruyi gold came out of Li Xiaobai's body.

Li Xiaobai stared straight at Luoyang, "Can you protect that city with a shield?"

Ruyijin directly refused, "No, your cultivation level is too low to support such a big change on my part."

"Fuck! Make it the biggest shield I can support." Li Xiaobai cursed and ordered
Seeing that Li Xiaobai was in a rage, Ruyi Jin volleyed into a giant shield without saying a word.

"I want an experience card that can be upgraded to martial arts." Li Xiaobai read
The system directly deducts Li Xiaobai's reputation points gained in the military camp during this period.

"Use it directly!" Li Xiaobai stood within the firing range of the "bad tide" and looked up at the coming "bad tide"

In an instant, Li Xiaobai's aura changed, and a huge wave emanated from Li Xiaobai's body. His cultivation level skyrocketed, his immortality was directly promoted to the level of God Transformation, his martial arts reached the peak of Dharma Realm, and the blood on Li Xiaobai's head solidified into a dragon.

Ge Xiaolun and the others watched from a distance, and the "bad tide" shot towards Luoyang, and a human-like black dot stood in the sky above Luoyang. At the same time, an illusory blood-colored dragon shadow was entrenched in the air, and a huge shield stood above the dragon shadow.

"Brother Xiaobai...can you do it?" Ge Xiaolun murmured worriedly and angrily looking at a thin figure in the sky

"What is that?" Zhi Xin saw a giant appearing in the sky above Luoyang, and a dragon of blood and energy was directly wrapped around the Dharma image.

" Dharma Aspect Heaven and Earth..." Zhao Xin stared blankly at Li Xiaobai's Dharma Aspect standing in heaven and earth and said in a daze

"What is Faxiang Tiandi?"


The Fa behind Li Xiaobai looks like a god to the people in Luoyang, and the Faxiang's back and arms are coiled by a dragon of blood, making the people of Luoyang think he is a god in the temple!
"Hold the shield!" Li Xiaobai shouted when he saw the "fierce tide" close at hand.

Fa Xiang directly held the shield in his hand, and the dragon of blood and energy let out a roar that shook the sky.

The "bad tide" hits Ruyijin.

"Boom!" A roar resounded through the sky.
The clouds that were originally rolling like waves were directly washed away.

Fa Xiang held his shield to resist the "fierce tide" but found that he was hit so hard that he couldn't help but retreat.

Li Xiaobai glanced at the people below Luoyang and the city that had been destroyed by the war, "I can't retreat anymore, the city is below!"

"Ah!" Li Xiaobai struggled with his face, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, he opened his mouth and shouted angrily, blood flowed out of his mouth directly

Faxiang stepped forward with difficulty holding the shield, as if the space had been hit hard.

"I don't believe that I can't stop you." Li Xiaobai's eyes were bloodshot, and he cursed angrily regardless of the blood coming out of his mouth.

Seeing Li Xiaobai's miserable state, the system didn't open his mouth to ridicule. This "violent tide" is a star-killing weapon. As long as the attack is enough, it can kill a planet. What can you do to block it?If it wasn't for Ruyijin, what a fart!Let's sit down.

"Xiao Lun, you fly into space to attack Taotie's launch ship, otherwise Taotie's attack will continue, this is a star-killing weapon." Looking at the red light beam, Zhi Xin thought of what attack Taotie was launching, and hurriedly told Ge Xiaolun
"Okay!" Ge Xiaolun directly spread his wings and flew into outer space along the "bad tide"
Li Xiaobai glanced at Ge Xiaolun listlessly, at this moment his ears, nose and throat were bleeding.

Ge Xiaolun flew out of the earth and saw a small attack ship sending out a "bad tide"

I don't know if Taotie is afraid of Ge Xiaolun or what, the attack ship flickers away.

Ge Xiaolun's eyes turned white as he read hundreds of warships docked outside the earth.

"This... so many flagships?" Ge Xiaolun didn't know whether it took too much mental energy to read too much or something, and he fainted and fell to the earth.

Li Xiaobai, who was resisting the "bad tide", saw that the "bad tide" dissipated, he relaxed his mind, and the Dharma image immediately dissipated.

Ruyijin directly turned into a huge sword to catch Li Xiaobai who was about to fall and flew to the barracks.

On Ruyijin, Li Xiaobai was lying dying. He opened his eyelids feebly and softly said, "System... Haha! I... can't be said to be a gentleman... I also have selfish motives... but I also know what I should do and what I shouldn't do..."

"I have traveled through...maybe this is not my world...but there is also a place called Earth...a country called Huaxia..."

"This is my home!"

"Now I'm tired, I need to take a break!"

Li Xiaobai's eyelids slowly closed...

ps: Book Friends Group: 239253030 (If you have any suggestions for the plot or if you don’t know anything, you can ask in the group, and I don’t know how many people will join, haha.)
Please collect, recommend and vote for me.grateful!
(End of this chapter)

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