Chapter 47 I disagree (two chapters in one, please collect and recommend)
"Principal Space, I have a lot of doubts." Lena stood on the top of a mountain and looked at the scene where the sky should be blue and white, but the sky was full of bright stars.

"Because I am the creator of Kamigawa, I can still communicate with you smoothly." A slightly mechanical voice in the galaxy responded

"Principal, can I communicate with you?"

"Because you are the light of the sun, I was proud of it, and I would like to communicate with you."

"Principal, I have many doubts!"

"I don't want to answer any of your questions, I can no longer understand your questions and the dimension of thought."

"Do you still have doubts?" Reina always thought that the space principal knew everything
"Endless doubts, doubts of billions of years, doubts that cannot be stopped."

"Is it that painful?"


"But how shall I understand you?"

"The distant, endless future."

"Then have you ever protected the world you created?"


"What about now?" Reina asked.

"no longer!"

"What about the Super Seminary?" Reina asked

The space principal says an unexpected name

"What?" Reina yelled when she heard Morgana's name

"why no."

"Can you, describe your current state?"

"Countless mysteries that cannot be deciphered, communication barriers, tens of billions of years of exploration, and mental barriers."

Reina lowered her head for a moment and raised her head, "So you will not give me an opinion on my behavior."

"Anything, does not affect the void dimension."

"I understand. I can't listen to Pan Zhen's opinion. It's ancient and authoritative. And you can't give me more guidance. I'm at the top. Thank you!" Reina said with a smile.

At this time, Li Xiaobai, who was talking with Zhao Xiang and others, suddenly frowned and looked towards the sky, "Dao? No...but it's really mysterious..."

"What's wrong with Xiaobai?" Zhao Xiang asked Li Xiaobai in a whisper when he saw Li Xiaobai frowning suddenly

Li Xiaobai shook his head and continued, "Now most of the funds in the company are used to exchange for food, clothing and other daily necessities."

"The remaining funds will be given to the members."

Zhao Xiang and other senior officials directly waved their hands and said, "No, why do you need money? Wipe your butt? In the current situation, let alone money, no one will want even gold. The main thing is real things like food."

"Well, that's right!" Li Xiaobai nodded and said, "Then try to buy food, clothes and other daily necessities. If the supplies are in short supply, go outside to buy them. In short, I don't want to hear that our soldiers are starved!"

"Okay, okay..." Several people nodded solemnly
"I drew these talisman papers in the past few days. You keep a few and distribute them to the soldiers below. You may save your life at a critical moment." Li Xiaobai took out another stack of talismans and handed them to Zhao Xiangdao. They were taught martial arts by Li Xiaobai, but their realm was not very high.

"In addition..." Li Xiaobai raised his head again and said, "I can't be with you, because there are more dangerous battlefields that I need to deal with. After I leave, the paper figurines are still in your hands. If there is an emergency, you can use the paper figurines to notify me." .”

"Okay, don't worry, Xiaobai."

Li Xiaobai nodded, and in an instant, Li Xiaobai's Nascent Soul separated from the paper man, and a small paper man floated in front of Zhao Xiang and others. Li Xiaobai's Nascent Soul did not appear to say goodbye to them, because it really looked a bit pink and kawaii like a baby...


"Ge Xiaolun, I received your message." In a tent, Ge Xiaolun already had a beard, and he was no longer the youth he used to be. He was wearing a brown leather jacket and sat there blankly. I heard, I don't know what I was thinking...

"Ge Xiaolun..."

"Ge Xiaolun, I'm on your channel."

Ge Xiaolun seemed as unresponsive as a statue
"are you there?"

"Ge Xiaolun, you have done an amazing thing."

"Hey, can you hear me?"


"Can you hear it? Ge Xiaolun!" The voice in the Shenhe channel suddenly shouted

Ge Xiaolun looked up in surprise, "Leina? Miss Leina?"

"Yes, it's me!"

"Where are you?" Ge Xiaolun pressed his right hand to his right ear and asked
"I received your communication channel from a place more than 400 kilometers away."

"Sister, where are you now?"

"Do you dare to step out of the tent?"

Ge Xiaolun turned his head and glanced at the entrance of the tent, and immediately got up and walked out of the tent.

Ge Xiaolun looked at Lena outside with surprise on his face


"Yes, I saw a nuclear explosion in the distance from the shore of the small island, in the direction of the Great Strait, and then our communication system was cut off, and I couldn't fly very far at that time." Ge Xiaolun was sitting in the tent , Xin Zhao, Zhi Xin, Reina, Xin Zhao thought about it and said, "Afterwards, I spent a long time flying away from that small island, and when I arrived at the mainland, I still felt that there was no communication at all, and then suddenly told me that the alien The war between man and the earth has begun in an all-round way."

"At that time, I was in a daze. In fact, I wanted to escape at first. Forget about hitting me. It's none of my business. Then... then my angel appeared." Xin Zhao smiled with his arms around Zhi Xin.
"I did the nuclear explosion." Reina suddenly said
Ge Xiaolun and the others immediately looked at Leina after hearing this

"I don't want to explain either!" Reina said
Ge Xiaolun said forcefully, "Then you have to explain."

Reina lowered her head and said, "They, the demons, used some methods to control my spirit and activated some irreversible power. I was out of control at that moment. When I woke up, I found myself in the sea."

Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin sighed, blame Leina?It is true that Admiral Ducao was killed because the Lena Juxia was bombed, but it was controlled by demons.

"I am an alien, and I am different from you in terms of consideration of many things." Reina looked at her hand and said, "I have power, unparalleled destructive power, and I can do many, many things."

"Before, I always wanted to leave this place. In fact, it has nothing to do with me." Leina glanced at Ge Xiaolun and said, "Later, I saw Xiaolun being chased by a demon, falling from the sky, and landing in front of me. It is also the guidance of angels.

Lena glanced at Zhi Xin and then at Ge Xiaolun, mocking herself, "The power of the galaxy needs me, you, you fell to the ground at that time, a demon took a sword and tried to tear you apart, you are helpless, you look like you are going to die gone."

Reina looked at her hands, "I can melt all things in the material world, but I don't know if I can defeat that demon, but that demon seems to be very afraid of me, I gave you some energy to let you recover slowly. "


"I'm here this time to discuss a problem with you, and this problem has been bothering me." Reina said squarely
"What's the problem?" Ge Xiaolun asked
"I want to blow up the earth's gluttonous army together."

"Okay!" Ge Xiaolun thought it would not hurt the earth and agreed directly.

Rena said, "But they are close to the ground. If this happens, half of the earth's surface will be damaged. We need to blow them up completely."

Ge Xiaolun shook his head, "That won't work."

"So, I came here this time not because I was the captain of the Xiongbing Company, but because I represent the Fiery Sun Star and the humiliation I suffered as a goddess, sending out a flare of revenge." Rena said sternly.
"" Ge Xiaolun looked at Lena and didn't know what to say.
Reina said calmly, "I also want to ask you the same question as Holy Keisha, you, the power of the galaxy, do you agree?"

"I don't agree!" Ge Xiaolun resolutely said, "No matter how many times I ask, I still don't agree. I don't care what you do outside the earth, but you can't hurt the earth and the people on the earth when you are on the earth."

"You are still so careless and think about problems without thinking." Leina said to Ge Xiaolun.

Ge Xiaolun said seriously, "You want revenge, why should I accept it?"

"Don't you have hatred?"

"I do," Ge Xiaolun frowned, "but I don't accept your way."

"I am now a god, representing the god of Lieyang Star. They have conducted many humiliating studies on me. I cannot accept it. I must prove to the whole universe what kind of disaster it means to hurt my heart, Lena." Lena said

"What kind of disaster?" Ge Xiaolun said seriously.

"The power of the galaxy, put yourself in the right position, so that your earth can avoid a lot of harm and grievances." Reina reminded
"I'm playing."

"It's not enough. They are mortals and can't understand God. If you think about it from their standpoint, the result is that you have been fighting for more than half a year, and you can't do anything." Reina shook her head and said, "You are a god, you can raise your arms and shout , let the gluttonous army collapse, if you are such a god, my heart of the sun is willing to assist you..."

"That's enough," Ge Xiaolun stopped and said to Reina, "That's enough, that's enough. Let's not talk about this after we finally meet."

"Need to talk." Reina said forcefully, "I'm still young, I don't know if my choice today is correct, but as the main god of Lieyang Star, I still have a long way to go, and I made some mistakes along the way, even if... It is not hesitating to sacrifice some civilization."

"I..." Ge Xiaolun thought for a moment and said, "Leina, your mind is not clear right now. I suggest you take a rest. We can find a way to put those..."

Before Ge Xiaolun could finish speaking, Leina said loudly, "You really need a mentor."

"Yes!" Ge Xiaolun twisted his neck and slapped the table and said, "That's why there is a super seminary. Does it teach us to sacrifice our children to protect our children?"

Reina stood up and said, "I'll give you a week to think about it. We'll talk again in a week. No matter what you think, I will activate the solar flare." After saying that, Reina turned around and left the tent.
Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin helplessly watched Leina leave...

A two or three-year-old kid stood outside Ge Xiaolun's tent with his hands behind his back, watching Leina leave.

The soldiers passing by didn't seem to see this little kid, yes, they went straight through this little kid's body.

This little boy is Li Xiaobai's Nascent Soul. He was still a baby, but Li Xiaobai has gradually grown in size these days, probably because his cultivation has improved. He has broken through the Nascent Soul for many days. It's still at the back of Longhu Mountain.

Li Xiaobai has been here for quite a while, and after listening to Ge Xiaolun, Lena and the others talk the whole time, he still wants to see how Ge Xiaolun has transformed.


"We almost know everything about it." Lin Lei, who was wearing a combat uniform, went to Ge Xiaolun who was standing by the car and took off his helmet.

"What do you think?" Ge Xiaolun looked at Lin Lei and said

"You gods or something, I can't understand." Lin Lei sighed.

"Don't say that, actually I can't understand it either." Ge Xiaolun said

Lin Lei looked at Ge Xiaolun and said, "From your point of view, to be honest, if you can really burn them all in one wave, it will be considered revenge. Fuck this and that." Lin Lei's eyes darkened and he said, "So many brothers have died. As their chief, I can't avenge them."

"Revenge is a good thing. Do you think it is a good thing? Everyone thinks it is not, but when it happens to you, you are so angry!" Lin Lei said angrily thinking of his comrades who died.


At night, Ge Xiaolun and an officer were sitting by a bonfire, and the officer next to Ge Xiaolun said, "Xiao Lun, don't listen to that idiot Lin Lei."

"War really doesn't matter. We can fight. We are all soldiers. How can God save us? Earth's problems are solved by the earth. Don't make trouble."

"Hey, I can't represent the earth either." Ge Xiaolun laughed
The officer next to Ge Xiaolun said, "We are really not afraid of death, brother, if you are willing to lead the brothers to fight back to their dignity, you can represent the persistence for so long, these soldiers, really."

"Lin Lei's thinking is different from ours. He doesn't want to interfere with your thoughts." The officer next to Ge Xiaolun paused and said, "Actually, in his heart, he must also hope to fight openly and win back what belongs to us! "


"Leina, in fact, she is a child at heart, a girl who hopes everyone loves." Xin Zhao said through Shenhe channel outside the tent and Ge Xiaolun inside the tent
Inside the tent, Ge Xiaolun was lying on the bed and looking at the top of the tent, "She looks so serious."

"I don't know if aliens are less capable than earthlings or something, but I don't think she would do this, mainly because she was stimulated." Xin Zhao took a sip of wine and said

"How should I choose?" Ge Xiaolun turned over and said

"Anyway, I definitely don't agree." Xin Zhao said his thoughts

"Hey, I don't know either!" Ge Xiaolun sighed
"Will Brother Monkey agree?"

"Will Chuangzi agree?"

"Will little white brother agree?"

Suddenly there was a sound that startled Xin Zhao and Ge Xiaolun.

"I don't agree!" A childish voice sounded
Xin Zhao looked directly at a kid who suddenly appeared outside the tent.

Ge Xiaolun jumped out of bed and opened the tent. "Who?"

"Hey, kid, why are you here? Where are your parents?" Xin Zhao walked towards the kid and asked

"Here, whose child is it?" Ge Xiaolun asked, looking at the child outside the tent.

"I don't know, it just popped up out of nowhere!" Xin Zhao scratched his head.
"Why do you feel that you look a bit like Brother Bai?" Ge Xiaolun looked at the child and read

Xin Zhao took a closer look and said, "Hey, don't tell me, they look a bit alike!"

"Isn't this Brother Xiaobai's son?" Ge Xiaolun asked in surprise.
"Stop!" This child is Li Xiaobai's Nascent Soul, and he stopped immediately after listening to the conjectures of the two of them, "I am Li Xiaobai, this is my Nascent Soul, do you know the Nascent Soul? The kind of Jindan Nascent Soul in novels."

Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin looked at each other and then at Li Xiaobai.

Li Xiaobai directly condensed out a spirit sword, and now the two were overjoyed, "Brother Xiaobai, where have you been? Why did you appear?"

"It's a long story, let's go in first, otherwise it won't be good for others to see me." Li Xiaobai said, after all, he looks like a kid...

"I've been here for a day, but I didn't show up. I heard everything Reina said." Li Xiaobai said while sitting on a big chair in the tent.

"Brother Xiaobai, what do you think?" Ge Xiaolun asked
Li Xiaobai patted the table with his small hands and said, "I definitely disagree, are you willing to let someone set your house on fire?"

ps: Please bookmark, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets.grateful!
(End of this chapter)

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