Practitioners in the Super Seminary

Chapter 224 A Universe with Dark Tide! (seeking subscription)

Chapter 224 A Universe with Dark Tide! (seeking subscription)

In the City of Angels, the capital city of Merlot Heaven.

In a palace, Angel Yan, who was leaning over his desk and flipping through the blueprints, suddenly heard the voice of Angel Chase.

"Queen, a change has been found in Star Styx."

After hearing this, Angel Yan put down the drawing in his hand, raised his hand and pointed his slender index finger towards the table.

A bright light appeared from the fingertips of Angel Yan, and the projection of Angel Chase appeared.

"A Zhui, what happened to Styx?"

Angel Yan looked at the projected Angel Chase and asked.

Some time ago, Angel Yan sent Angel Chase to monitor Styx to prevent Karl from playing tricks again.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long to discover the situation.

At this time, the angel continued: "In the past few days, I found that people from the giant wolf civilization in Styx and other civilizations have been going to the Death Song Academy."

"I speculate that they may have received Karl's order."

Angel Yanxiu frowned and said, "You go back first, Karl is very dangerous."

Even if Angel Yan doesn't know what those civilized people are doing at Death Song Academy for a while.

But Angel Yan guessed that Karl must be doing something extraordinary, otherwise he would never need so many people.

Queen Keisha said back then that although Karl has no physical body, Karl's mental power is very strong.

In addition, there is a big clock behind Karl, out of safety considerations, Angel Yan intends to let Ah Zhui go back first.

Angel Yan's right-wing bodyguard Mo Yi has fallen, and she doesn't want anything to happen to Angel Chase again.

However, Angel chased after seeing Angel Yan's worry, and said without fear:

"Queen, I can do it!"

"No!" Angel Yan shook his head, and said with no refusal: "You go back immediately, Karl may even know that you have been watching outside the Styx."

"There is a big clock behind him, the top celestial body in the universe, which should not be underestimated!"

After hearing the words, the angel had no choice but to take orders.

"Obey! I will return to Tiancheng immediately."

Angel Yan nodded and waved his hand to close the communication.


Angel Yan leaned back on the golden chair, bent over the desk with one hand, raised his finger and tapped the table with the other, thoughts flashed in his eyes.

Angel Yan was thinking about why Karl sent so many people to his Death Song Academy, it couldn't possibly be teaching them, right?
"A lot of people... Death Song Academy..."


Angel Yan muttered to himself, and the thoughts flickering in his eyes wanted to connect these together.

Suddenly, Angel Yan's pupils opened, and a voice came out of his mouth.

"Hua Ye!"

Angel Yan thought of Hua Ye who was evolved by Karl before.

She didn't have time to show up during the battle in Melo's Heavenly Court.

But she heard Ah Zhui briefly talk with Li Xiaobai, and she remembered that Li Xiaobai mentioned to him afterwards that the evolved Hua Ye seemed to have the power of void creatures.

But Hua Ye didn't know how to use his own power.

A terrifying thought popped into Angel Yan's mind.

Couldn't Karl be using the civilized people of Styx to experiment with merging void creatures?


Angel Yan shook his head and sighed, with a sad look on his brows.

Now Angel is a bit overwhelmed, even if Karl is really doing such a crazy experiment, Angel Yan can't do anything about Karl.

Her wisdom is not as good as Tianji Wang Hexi, and her strength is not as good as Queen Kaisha.

For a moment, Tian Tianyan only felt that he was a little useless, and felt lonely.

"Li Xiaobai...where did he go?"

Angel Yan couldn't help thinking of the powerful Li Xiaobai, if Li Xiaobai was around, he probably wouldn't be so passive.

Unfortunately, Angel Yan also used his own Sky Blade computing group to scan the universe to find Li Xiaobai.

However, the results were similar to those found by Devil One, and Li Xiaobai seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

No matter how they searched, there was no trace.

At the same time, the Death Song Academy that Angel Yan studied.

"My god, why do you need so many soldiers?"

In the main hall of Dead Song Academy, Karl was still sitting in front of the desk in the hall, and Snow was at the side. The one who just spoke was Howell, the commander of the giant wolf civilization in the hall.

Since the First World War on Earth, the Gluttonous Legion has been stationed outside the Earth's solar system and has not left, while Howell returned to the Styx because of his addiction to evil.

A few days ago, Howell received a notice from Dead Song Academy to send some soldiers over.

Howell didn't think too much, so he sent a small team of giant wolf civilization warriors.

But not long after, Howell received a message from Snow saying that he would send some more people over. Now Howell was a little confused, what are you doing here?
So Howell came with the team sent this time.

Because of too many losses in the First World War, Holway questioned why Karl let those gods end.

This time, Howe came forward again, expressing the doubts in his heart.


Carl, who was holding a quill, kept writing and shouted.

Snow, who had been with Karl for a long time, immediately understood.

Immediately afterwards, Snow turned and left the hall.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Snow led a man with a beast body and a humanoid giant wolf civilization.

"Show it to your officer."

Snow stepped aside, and gave instructions to the approaching giant wolf civilization.


Seeing the person led by Snow in front of him, Howell shouted
This is the first batch of members of the team sent by Howell, named Sutani.

"Commander Hao!"

Suya nodded.

The next moment, Howell saw an incredible scene.

I saw Su Gu flying up out of thin air, and energy balls gathered in both hands.

"This... this... this is?"

"My god, have you equipped them with a gene engine?"

Howell pointed at Sugani and looked at Carl, who was still writing, and stammered:

Their giant wolf civilization has always relied on technological battleships, but there has never been such a technology to upgrade genes and improve physical fitness.

Unexpectedly, the first person in the giant wolf civilization to upgrade his physique and equip it with a gene engine was actually one of his own soldiers?

Why didn't they say that they were here to equip the genetic engine?If I had said earlier, I would have come by myself!
"Now do you still have any questions about sending people to Death Song Academy?"

Si Nuo, who was standing beside him like a loyal servant, asked faintly

"no no!"

Howell waved his hands again and again.

Then I saw Howell rubbing his hands and saying with a bit of embarrassment on his face: "My God, do you think you can... install a gene engine for me?"

Carl didn't know whether he just finished writing, or when he heard Howell's words, the quill in his hand paused.

"Okay, but it will take a while."

Karl raised his head that had been lowered and responded.
"Thank you my God!"

Howell dropped to his knees.

"Go down!"

Carl's face was calm.


Howell and Sutani retreated.

"How's the remodel going?"

Carl turned to Snow and asked
Snow crossed his hands and hung down, and said, "The first batch has been remodeled, but most of them couldn't bear it and died."

Carl looked indifferently, nodded and said: "Then let them send some more people. If you want to be strong, you need to sacrifice."


Snow responded respectfully.

I don't know what the transformation Karl is talking about. Is it true that Karl is really experimenting with people from Styx, as Angel Yan thought?

At this time, in the mottled blue star that is not known how many light-years away from Styx.

Since Li Xiaobai's last appearance, he has been staying in the Ba tribe's stone house to practice and enlightenment in order to find his own 'Tao' as soon as possible.

Because of the meritorious service of the Ba tribe in helping to subdue the Ge, Feng, and You tribes, Bafeng got the method of condensing the spirit and began to practice the spiritual power that had been stagnant for a long time.

And the other three races are silently invading other triangular body races around them.

The choppy waves on the surface seemed to foretell what was happening under the sea.

But this universe is surprisingly peaceful, so peaceful that it makes people feel uneasy!

ps: Please recommend and vote monthly.grateful!
(End of this chapter)

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