Practitioners in the Super Seminary

Chapter 220 The meeting begins!

Chapter 220 The meeting begins!
"Don't your triangles only care about the reproduction of the next generation? Why are you also in love?"

Ruyi Jin squinted his eyes and examined the Babu in front of him. Unexpectedly, looking at the black-headed and honest man, he actually already has a partner?

Babu didn't think about it and said a little blankly: "There is no conflict between reproducing the next generation and falling in love?"

How to reproduce the next generation without talking about a partner?
Is it by robbing?
Our triangle is also a top civilization in the universe, how can we snatch it?
At this time, Ruyi Jin, who was just about to say something, came with a beam of spiritual power.


Li Xiaobai's voice rang in Ruyijin and Babu's ears.

Ruyi Jin smashed his mouth and swallowed his words, turned around and called to Babu.


Babu followed Ruyijin back to the stone house.

The originally silent Bazu sea area suddenly became turbulent, as if foreshadowing what was about to happen under the sea thousands of meters deep.

At the same time, under the deep sea of ​​the Ba Clan Sea, the Ba Clan Triangle, which usually hides on the sea stones, gathered in an orderly manner towards the stone house where the Ba Clan chief lived as if he had received an order.

"Be careful, it's a bit abnormal!"

At the border of the Ba people's sea area, three groups of people entered the Ba people's territory one by one. Ge Hao, who was at the front, saw the calm and somewhat abnormal scene of the Ba people, and raised his voice to remind Ge Lu on the side.

Gelu took a look at the depressing situation of the Ba tribe, calmed down his mind, and glanced at the dozen or so senior fighters behind Shu He who seemed to be looking at the scenery, and felt relieved.

"Father, don't worry!"

Gelu didn't believe that the Ba tribe had any means to resist them, a dozen or so high-level triangular fighters.

Behind the Ge clan is naturally the triangle of the Feng clan and the You clan. Since the decline of their descendants, the two families have united. Otherwise, they are caught between the two powerful races of the Ba clan and the Ge clan.

After half an hour.

In front of the stone house belonging to the patriarch of the Ba tribe, Li Xiaobai went somewhere, but instead, Ba Feng was in front of the stone house, and Babu and Ruyi Jin stood beside him.

"I thought you didn't dare to come!"

Ba Fengna's unsmiling expression and tone changed, and he looked at Ge Hao, Feng Na and You Qi, three old guys who had been fighting with him for several years, with a smile.

But after Bafeng's smiling tone, a cold light flashed in his heart.

"Hmph, what's your old man's plot, Ba Bong?"

Seeing Ba Feng in front of him, Ge Hao sneered.

Feng Na and You Qi, the two patriarchs of the Feng and You clans who were close to Ge Hao, looked at Feng Weiyu indifferently, and asked Ge Lu to compete with Ba Feng. They didn't want to get involved .

"Do you think I am you?"

Ba Feng glanced at Ge Hao contemptuously, and then Ba Feng looked at Shu He and others behind Ge Hao nonchalantly.

Feng Na and You Qi, two guys who have been stagnant for many years and haven't made any progress, can't find the people you bring. Do you think I can't find out?
Ge Hao and Ba Feng are enemies meeting each other. Hearing Ba Feng's sarcasm, Ge Hao didn't notice Ba Feng's look behind him, and opened his mouth to curse: "What do you think you are?"

Before Ba Feng could speak, Feng Na and You Qi, who were watching the show, spoke up: "Ba Feng, we came here because you said we were discussing the territory, not to see you and Ge Hao quarreling."

Unexpectedly, Ba Feng and Ge Hao Qiqi turned to Feng Na who were tied together, and shouted loudly.

"What's the matter with you two? Shut up!"

Feng Na and You Qi were stunned by Ba Feng, their minds skipped a beat, I... I can't bear it!You two old things, just to see that there is no one in the younger generation of my two clans...


Ba Feng turned his head to look at Ge Hao, then turned to the stone house with a cold snort.

Ge Hao then took the lead into the stone house, followed by Feng Na and others.

'Hehe, Bob! '

As soon as the patriarchs of Bafeng walked into the stone house, Gelu on the side looked at Babu sternly, gloating at his misfortune.

Babu, who was standing with Ruyijin, glanced at Gelu Weiyu with disdain.

"You..., you wait!"

Seeing Babu belittle his eyes, Gelu felt angry in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Gelu looked at Shu He and others behind him from the corner of his eyes, signaling Shu He with his eyes.

Shu He nodded secretly.

Immediately, Shu and several triangles around him seemed to be shifting their positions, as if they were planning to surround the stone house with the triangle guards of various ethnic groups, and then catch them all in one go.

"Bub, do you know those triangles behind this silly hat, Golu?"

Ruyijin leaned against Babu, and asked with a voice from his spiritual thoughts

Babu moved his body slightly, looked at Shuhe behind Gelu, and shook his head slightly.

Ruyijin's next sentence surprised Babu.

"They are all triangular bodies with the same strength as yours, or even a little higher than yours."

When Babu heard the sound, he wanted to raise his head and look at Shu He and the others again, but Ruyi Jin's divine sense held him firmly, and even Ge Lu and Shu He who were beside him didn't notice anything strange.

"Don't move, the triangle behind Gelu is quite strong."

"Don't use your mental power to transmit your voice. Your strength is lower than his, and he will notice the fluctuations in your mental power."

Ruyi Jin Shen Nian sends a sound reminder.

Babu moved his head lightly, then glanced at Shuhe.

Jian Shuhe seemed to notice Babu's gaze, and looked at Babu head-on.

In Babu's eyes, Shuhe smiled like an executioner.

Ruyijin touched Babu, and said in a voice: "Don't worry, your master has made arrangements!"

Ruyijin has already discovered some patterns carved on the stone houses of the Ba people.

It was probably left by Li Xiaobai, so you don’t hide it, don’t you know the bully?

The array pattern has not been activated yet, so there is no energy emerging. These triangles are probably caused by some small triangle playing around.

At the same time, inside the stone house.

"Bafeng, how do you want to re-divide the territory?"

Ge Hao floated to the left side of the stone house, looked at Ba Feng who was looking at the direction of the owner of the stone house, and asked directly.

He would like to see what kind of medicine this old fellow Ba Feng sells in his gourd?

As Ge Hao asked, Feng Na and You Qi, the two conjoined patriarchs, also looked at Ba Feng.

Feng Na and the others were the most uncertain. Before coming here, they thought that Ba Feng would unite with Golu to destroy their two clans, and then the Bago and Golu clans would divide their territories, right?
But Feng Na and You Qi felt that Ba Feng would not do this, after all, they are not dead yet!Could it be that Ba Feng couldn't bear it now?

So the two of them were very apprehensive along the way.

Weakness is the original sin!
Bafeng, who was floating in the main direction, made a sound.

I saw Ba Feng glanced at Ge Hao and Feng Na, and said jokingly:
"it's actually really easy!"

"It means that your three clans regard our Ba clan as the main one, and your territory is integrated into our Ba clan."


Before Ba Feng could finish speaking, Ge Hao and Feng Na on the side immediately yelled:
"Ba Feng, you are dreaming!"

After a burst of drinking.

Ge Hao looked at Ba Feng as if looking at a fool: "Ba Feng, are you old and confused? Why do you regard the Ba family as the main one?"


Bazu pretended to be puzzled with an "oh" sound, and looked at Gehao with a half-smile: "Why should I? Then you want to rely on the dozen or so latest generation of high-level triangular body fighters you brought?"


Hearing Ba Feng's words, Feng Na and You Qi immediately stared at Ge Hao: "Ge Hao, you...? What exactly do you want?"

At this moment, the two old fellows, Feng Na and You Qi, feel that their heart can't take it anymore. What are Ba Feng and Ge Hao going to do?And Goho

This sea area has been silent for so long, is it really necessary to divide it again today?

ps: Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets.grateful

(End of this chapter)

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