Practitioners in the Super Seminary

Chapter 19 Keisha's Arrival, The Old Celestial Master Is Overbearing (For Collection)

Chapter 19 Keisha's Arrival, The Old Celestial Master Is Overbearing (For Collection)

"Queen Keisha is about to arrive on Earth."

"The location of the Xiongbing Company has been found."

"The location of the power of the galaxy has been located."

"It has been positioned to the position of the God of War of Nuo Xing."

"The position of the sun's light has been located."

"Preparing to enter the atmosphere."

"Let the clouds roll."

"Queen Keisha is here!"


In the Alchemy Pavilion of Longhu Mountain, Li Xiaobai was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed. A muffled groan sounded. Li Xiaobai opened his eyes, got up and walked to the door, looking at the sky. "Such a strong mental power! Is it Kesha?"

Just now Li Xiaobai clearly noticed that a person was scanning the earth unscrupulously, not relying on the computer, but purely relying on his own strength. Under the suppression of mental power, Li Xiaobai had no chance to resist at all. Fortunately, there was a system to cover it.

"Fellow Daoist, what happened?

The Heavenly Master came and saw Li Xiaobai looking up to the sky with a serious look on his face. The Heavenly Master subconsciously looked up and saw nothing.

Li Xiaobai nodded, "A powerful alien has come to China!"

"Then, are you okay?" Master Tian worriedly asked
Li Xiaobai thought for a while and shook his head, "It's fine for now!"

Yes, it’s fine for the time being, but the arrival of Keisha means that the real chaotic war is about to begin. After Kaisha’s fall, the chaotic war will start for a long time in the universe...

"What's the situation with the Xiongbing Company now?" An officer in a military uniform with a white beard asked.

Dukao frowned and said, "Rena's child is not stable yet. Wukong went to Huaguo Mountain because of Su Xiaoli, and Xiaobai went to retreat for treatment because of his injury."

"Xiaobai was injured? Why didn't you report it? What kind of medicine do you need? The state supports it." The white-bearded officer said

Ducao shook his head, "Xiaobai is a cultivator, and his injuries cannot be treated with the current western medicine."

"That's... hey!" The white-bearded officer just wanted to talk about Chinese medicine, but immediately thought of the current situation of Chinese medicine, shook his head and sighed

Beyond the Great Strait
"'s a strong pressure coming." Ge Xiaolun said in a worried voice.

The alarm immediately sounded in the Grand Canyon
"Unknown energy has appeared in the sky above the Juxia, please enter the combat readiness state, please enter the combat readiness state..."

Qilin picked up the sniper rifle and found a good position to stand and aim at the sky above the Juxia
Ge Xiaolun and the others put on their mechs and stepped onto the deck

A group of angels appeared in the sky above the Great Strait, and Kesha sat high above the sky blade series in the middle.

Kesha crossed her legs and glanced at Dukao casually, "War madman Dukao? After seeing you, everything seems to be understood!"

Ducao looked at the high angel and shouted, "You are the holy Keisha? What are you doing here on earth?"


"Damn, I'm really unhappy with the way this condescending old woman looks." Ge Xiaolun muttered in a low voice.
Originally, Ge Xiaolun once felt the heart of an angel for a moment, but now facing the angels who are high above him, Ge Xiaolun can't arouse his goodwill at all.

"Sir, can I say a few words on my behalf?"

Ducao nodded, "Yes."

Ge Xiaolun mustered up the courage to point forward, "Hey, the older one sitting on the sofa, what are you doing?"

Keisha looked at Ge Xiaolun's appearance and felt amused, "Hey, this is the power of the galaxy? It's a little one!"


"Report to the Queen, we have captured the specific location of Morgana, but we are not sure whether it has been upgraded to the fourth generation divine body. If we execute the full-power Heavenly Blade Trial now, it is possible that Morgana will be defeated again, but it will harm the residents of the earth."

"The choice can be left to humans themselves."

"Stop, stop..." Ducao hurriedly stopped Kesha's trial

"You have no right to choose." Keisha glanced at Ducao contemptuously,

Instead, he looked at Ge Xiaolun and said, "Ge Xiaolun, you are the heir to the power of the galaxy, you are the god of the future, you should learn how to make choices like a god."

On the other side, Morgana ordered, "Hurry and move the fleet to the sky above the Grand Canyon City. Earth civilization will stop them. In addition, calculate a safe position."

The old Tianshi who just came back from the Alchemy Pavilion in Longhu Mountain looked at the news on his mobile phone and hurried back to the Alchemy Pavilion, "Daoist, Daoist, something big happened, aliens are going to slaughter Juxia City!!!"

Li Xiaobai, who was preparing to make elixirs, stopped suddenly when he heard Master Tian's words and looked at Master Tian who was panting at the door. "Where did you see it? Who said it?"

Hearing what the old Heavenly Master said, Li Xiaobai subconsciously thought that the angel was really desperate to kill Morgana, but it was impossible for Kesha to offend the power of the galaxy because of this?You must know that Keisha attaches great importance to the power of the galaxy. If Keisha really sacrifices the people of Grand Canyon City to kill Morgana, then Ge Xiaolun will definitely draw a clear line with the angel in the future.

The old master pointed to his mobile phone chat software "Fetion" and said, "I just saw a lot of people saying this. I think it's a bit serious, so I have to notify my fellow daoists no matter what."

Li Xiaobai looked at the old master Feixin and said helplessly, "It's just a rumor, it's okay, the angel won't really do it."

"No, fellow daoist, I think you'd better take a look. What if the aliens do something? After all, they are not of my race, so their hearts must be different!" The old master shook his head and persuaded, after all, Huaxia This is a cultivator, so it's good to go to town.

If Li Xiaobai knew that the old heavenly master wanted him to go to the town, he would definitely scold him, "I didn't go because I couldn't do Kesha. When I was not injured, the golden core level was about the same as that of the angel. Open the Judgment of Fire. There are so many angels now. His injured body can be beaten until he screams without Kesa taking action..."

Li Xiaobai looked at the worried old Tianshi and couldn't help but say, "It's useless for me to go! I can't beat Kaisha either! Kaisha doesn't give me face!" He could only think of a way to fool the old Tianshi. "Old Heavenly Master, you know I'm hurt."

"Yeah." The old master nodded, "But you can't ignore the people of the world."

Li Xiaobai took a deep breath, and called the system in his heart, "System, give me a Zhang Daoling's invitation talisman of similar level, I'll buy it."

Li Xiaobai really didn't want to show his head and be targeted, but the old master was aggressive, so he could only bear the pain and krypton gold.

The system has a mall, and the reputation points can be used to buy things. Li Xiaobai sighed as he saw that he had just bought a bunch of medicinal materials.

"Old Heavenly Master, I have an invitation talisman here to invite the gods. Are you willing to use this talisman to solve the difficulties of the people in Juxia City?"

The old Heavenly Master blinked and looked at the crystal talisman paper held in Li Xiaobai's hand.

Before the old celestial master could answer, Li Xiaobai said again, "This talisman can please Zheng Yijing Ying Zhenjun."

The Heavenly Master was stunned when he heard this familiar name, "Who are you inviting?"

"Master Zhang Daoling!"

"Yes, I am willing!" Without saying a word, the old master nodded immediately

Just kidding, I haven't grasped the opportunity to meet the patriarch.

"it is good."

Li Xiaobai put the talisman on the palm of his hand, tapped the talisman with his right hand in the air, and said a spell in his mouth.

Li Xiaobai pulled his left hand, and slapped the old Tianshi on the forehead. The old Tianshi felt that a force was connecting with him from far away.

"What are you calling me for?"


(End of this chapter)

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