Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 99 Tracking and Protection (3 updates for subscription)

Chapter 99 Tracking and Protection (Subscribe for the third watch)
Thinking of this, Roger shook his head helplessly.

The previous tasks were performed so smoothly that when he saw this task, he unconsciously used the information in his memory.

Jessica looked at him suspiciously, but Roger didn't take the initiative to speak, and she didn't dare to ask anything without authorization.

After returning to the presidential suite of the hotel, Roger told Jessica, "Let A take a group of people over here, and let Luke Cage come over by the way."

When he was in the car, he roughly made a plan for the next step.

But because the driver was an ordinary employee of the local branch, he didn't directly order Jessica in the car.

Only in New York is he driven by a driver disguised as a Hand ninja.

"Okay, sir!"

Although Jessica didn't know what Roger was going to do, she still notified Ayi and Luke Cage immediately.

The Hand does not have a branch in Los Angeles.

In fact, with the exception of New York, there are no Hands in any other city in the United States.

So if Roger wants to do something, he can only transfer people from New York.

The night is fleeting.

The next morning, Roger saw Tony's press conference live on the news.

Tony, who was injured in his right hand and was wearing a jib strap, publicly stated his decision to close the Stark Industries Weapons Department at the press conference.

As soon as he said these words, the scene of the press conference became endlessly lively.

At the same time, Obadiah, with a bright forehead, immediately came to Tony's side, took over the task of speaking from Tony, and tried his best to downplay Tony's decision just now.

Stark Industries, which started as a weapons industry, decided to close the weapons department.

This is no different from Goose Factory, which started out as a social network, announcing the closure of its social business.

After publicly announcing his decision to close the weapons department, Tony left the press conference.

As always, throw the mess of the scene to Obadiah.

After seeing Tony "speaking amazingly" in the press conference as he remembered, Roger turned off the TV and came to the French windows.

Judging from the current situation, the development of things was no different from what he remembered.

But his intuition told him that things would never be that simple.

Although he rejected Obadiah last night, the expression behind Obadiah was not very regretful.

Obadiah definitely has other backups ready!
This is also the main reason why he asked people from A to come over.

He wasn't worried that Obadiah would kill Tony, he was only worried that he missed the fight between Obadiah and Tony.

A man of destiny like Tony, if nothing else happens, will never die in Obadiah's hands.

But Obadiah is different, he is a "supporting role".

The "supporting role" will never be the opponent of the "protagonist".

Whether it is in comics or movies, this is an undoubted truth.

Once a fight broke out, Obadiah either died on the spot or knelt down on the spot.

Regardless of the outcome, it means that there will only be one battle between Obadiah and Tony.

And this battle is the only time when he can complete the task.

in the afternoon.

In the presidential suite, Roger saw Luke Cage and the first class who rushed over.

"You are divided into two teams. One team is responsible for tracking Obadiah 24 hours a day. I want to know where he has been and who he has seen."

"The other team is responsible for protecting Tony Stark, and don't let some guys who come out of nowhere hurt him."

"Go to Jin Bin to buy the equipment needed for the operation."

Judging from the meeting last night, Obadiah obviously didn't intend to deal with Tony himself.

And what Roger has to do now is to find a way to make Obadiah only choose to take action himself.

Because he was not sure who Obadiah would entrust to deal with Tony after he refused, so he could only ask his men to protect Tony for a while.

In short, neither of them can die before Tony and Obadiah fight.

Even if it is death, he must die after he completes the task.

Roger has a little obsessive-compulsive disorder. He doesn't want an unfinished record to appear on his task resume.

Especially this task that he didn't think was difficult at first, as long as he waited patiently for the right time.

After Ayi left with Luke Cage and others, he and Jessica came to the Los Angeles branch.

Although the development of the mission has begun to deviate from his expectations, judging from the current situation, Tony and Obadiah will not be able to fight for a while.

At least not for a short time.

Compared with the group headquarters in New York, the branch in Los Angeles is not only smaller.

However, compared with the group headquarters, which is a serious company on the surface, the branch office is much purer.

The Los Angeles branch does not conduct any informal business other than legitimate business as permitted by law.

In the name of visiting the branch, Roger started working in the branch.

It's work, but it's actually listening to the branch staff report various summaries and future plans.

Time passed day by day, and the first-class person responsible for tracking Obadiah and protecting Tony would report the latest progress to Roger every day.

In fact, there is nothing special to report.

Since the press conference, Tony has been staying in his seaside mansion all day.

And Obadiah, as before, handles various businesses of Stark Industries.

Of course, what he mainly dealt with recently was the mess left by Tony at the press conference.

This kind of day passed for more than half a month.

Just when Roger began to consider whether to call Erica to Los Angeles, the hand ninja following Obadiah and Luke Cage, who was responsible for protecting Tony, sent back news at the same time.

The tracking team suddenly lost Obadiah, while Luke Cage and others hiding near Tony's mansion saw a UFO flying out of Tony's garage.

Roger was not surprised by the UFO reported by Luke Cage.

As long as Tony didn't give up on optimizing the steel suit, then Luke Cage, who was hiding near the mansion, would definitely witness some strange flying objects.

Tony wasn't the type to wait until everything was fully tested for safety before actually doing it.

As long as what flew out of Tony's mansion wasn't Thor wrapped in lightning, or something like a spaceship, he wouldn't have any accidents.

Nothing special on Tony's side, everything is pretty much as he expected.

But Obadiah suddenly lost track of the Hand ninja, which is very unusual.

Although Roger looks down on the strength of the Hand Society ninjas now, they are all experienced ninjas anyway.

He doesn't doubt that Obadiah has the ability to get rid of the stalkers, after all, there are professionals around Obadiah.

But at this moment, Obadiah suddenly and uncharacteristically threw off the Hand's stalking.

If he was just going to meet some ordinary people, or go to some unusual places, there was absolutely no need for Obadiah to deliberately hide his whereabouts.

After being tracked by the Hand ninjas for a period of time, Roger even knew which high-end apartment Obadiah's blond secretary lived in.

And also knowing how long Obadiah would stay each time he went by.

After thinking for more than ten seconds, he asked the men following Obadiah to withdraw.

Although he still doesn't know where Obadiah went, nor who Obadiah asked to meet.

However, Obadiah's abnormal behavior has revealed enough information.

Obadiah is going to do it to Tony!
After arranging the tracking team to protect Tony, Roger waited patiently.

Two days later, A Yi, Luke Cage and others, who were in charge of secretly protecting Tony, sent back news.

There is a heavily armed combat team trying to sneak into Tony's mansion secretly in the middle of the night.

However, before this combat team had time to approach the mansion, they were stopped by Luke Cage and others.

A fierce conflict broke out between the two sides, the combat team was repulsed, and Luke Cage and others also suffered considerable losses.

To be precise, more than half of the staff was cut.

In the news reported back, Luke Cage provided a very useful piece of information.

In that combat squad, he met a man with a metal left arm.

That man exploded with strength beyond normal humans, and displayed extremely superb fighting skills.

Even Luke Cage, who has super strength and super defensive ability, failed to gain the upper hand in a one-on-one situation.

If it weren't for the help of a first-class person, Luke Cage wouldn't be able to stop that man.

After listening to Luke Cage's report, Roger frowned.

There is only one super soldier with a metal left arm in his memory.

Bucky the Winter Soldier!

Obadiah actually found Hydra?

Knowing this, Roger lowered his opinion of Obadiah a bit.

Norman Osborn, who is uncompromising in the Osborne Group, only dared Hydra to carry out some limited cooperation.

But Obadiah, who is the second in command of Stark Industries, dared to ask Hydra directly for help.

Asking God is easy and sending God is difficult!
Obadiah couldn't have missed that.

In order to obtain absolute control of Stark Industries, he did not hesitate to borrow the power of Hydra.

Obadiah's approach is no longer a question of whether he is cautious enough, but a tightrope stepping on the edge of a cliff, and he may ruin his life at any time.


In a manor in Los Angeles.

"The attack failed? How is this possible? Didn't I already hand over all the security information to you!"

"There are only two people and an artificial intelligence butler inside, can't you solve this?"

Obadiah tried hard to control his emotions and didn't let himself scold on the spot.

"There is a problem with the information you gave. Our people were stopped by a special team before they could get close to the house."

"This matter, you have to give us an explanation!"

A middle-aged man in a black combat uniform said to Obadiah with a cold face.

"Impossible, Tony didn't hire any security team at all."

"If you Hydra only have this strength, then I have to reconsider our cooperation."

Speaking, Obadiah stood up directly, and left the room without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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