89 Advice
Trapping the target in the green space of the door fruit is just a relatively gentle fighting move developed by him.

In addition to this, he also developed several more brutal and bloody moves.

However, he doesn't intend to use these moves on Hulk.

The task was only to ask him to capture Dr. Banner, not to kill or maim Dr. Banner.

That being the case, of course he will not kill Hulk and Dr. Banner.

After all, he is just a devil fruit capable user, not a demon.

"Then when can he come out?" General Ross' voice sounded again.

Before deciding to invite Roger to join the arresting team, he investigated Roger in detail.

These include his abilities, his relationships, and his psychological evaluation.

That's right, General Ross also specially asked someone to analyze Roger's past and behavior, and asked those psychologists to make a detailed psychological evaluation report.

It was precisely because of these investigation conclusions that General Ross decided to pull him into the arrest team.

However, now, General Ross discovered that the information investigated was not very perfect.

At least the strange ability that Roger just displayed did not appear in the relevant reports.

"It depends on his physical strength. After he returns to normal, I will go in and get him out."

Although Hulk was locked in the green different space, Roger himself didn't know how long Hulk would be able to jump.

But this is not a big problem, he just needs to go in and have a look at it every once in a while.

After chatting with General Ross, Roger took back his coat on the mobile vehicle and walked towards the city alone.

Time passed day by day, after Hulk was locked in the green different space, he would enter the different space every 12 hours.

I have to say that Hulk's physical strength is indeed amazing.

After bouncing around in that empty green space for three full days, Hulk finally returned control of his body to Dr. Banner, turning back into the weak scientist with little fighting ability.

In the green different space.

"You don't need to look at me like this. It's all just a deal. I don't have any opinion on you personally."

"But you are related to something that is very important to me, so I will come here to deal with you."

After opening a space door on his body, he took out a bottle of frozen mineral water and threw it to Post-Dr. Banner who was only wearing pants, Roger said slowly.

ton ton ton...

After drinking most of the bottle of mineral water in one breath, Dr. Banner raised his head.

"Who are you?"

"It's just an insignificant person. If you can return to New York, we should have a chance to meet again."

When answering Dr. Banner, Roger looked him up and down with his bare upper body.

Afterwards, he opened the space door on his body again, and took out a set of loose sportswear from inside.

"Put on this suit, don't worry, I haven't worn this yet."

After speaking, Roger turned his head directly.

He wasn't interested in watching a man change clothes, but if it was a woman, he might be a little interested.

However, it depends on whether the woman changing clothes has a good figure and a pretty face.

A rustling sound came from behind him.

"I advise you not to have any thoughts that you shouldn't have. You can't be my opponent."

Although his back was facing Dr. Banner, Roger could clearly sense that Dr. Banner was sneaking towards him, and raised his hands, trying to grab his neck from behind.

Roger's words made Dr. Banner put away his hands in embarrassment.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense."

"Wait a minute, I will hand you over to General Ross, who has prepared a very strong metal cage for you."

"But I believe that with Hulk's ability, that cage can't trap you, and I won't stop you from leaving."

"After you leave, don't return to New York for the time being, at least don't go back until you have mastered how to control the transformation."

"Also, don't contact that Mr. Lan again. There is no way to solve this problem on your body. This is your life."

As soon as Roger finished speaking, Dr. Banner looked at him suspiciously.

"How do you know his name is Hulk?"

Dr. Banner was not surprised that Roger knew that he was in contact with Mr. Green. After all, his computer had already fallen into the hands of General Ross.

But about Hulk, he never told anyone.

"You don't have to worry about this. Anyway, remember, don't return to New York immediately after you escape."

After speaking, Roger didn't care whether Dr. Banner was willing to accept it or not, he directly grabbed his shoulder and opened the door to leave the different space.

The handover of Dr. Banner to General Ross went extremely smoothly.

When Dr. Banner was locked in the special metal cage, the notification sound of the completion of the bounty mission rang in his mind.

After opening the system page that only he could see, Roger showed a satisfied smile.

"Bounty mission; capture Dr. Bruce Banner; mission reward; magma fruit; mission progress: completed!"

"Devil Fruit (Deputy): Gate Fruit Lv1; Magma Fruit Lv1."

"Bounty: 3000 million Berry."

The first natural fruit was obtained, and the bounty was increased from 500 million Berries to 3000 million Berries.

Not bad!

He is very satisfied with the result.

After completing the mission of defeating and subduing the scorpion and the vulture last time, his bounty has not been increased in any way.

And now, his bounty has finally changed.

3000 million Berries, exactly the same as the first bounty offered by the man who will become One Piece.

After delivering Dr. Banner to General Ross as agreed, Roger declined General Ross' proposal to return to Washington on a military transport plane.

The experience of riding a military transport plane left him with an extremely bad impression.

Moreover, whether it is before or after crossing, it is the first time for him to come to Brazil.

He intends to enjoy the enthusiasm of the Brazilian people here, and get used to the magma fruit he just obtained by the way.

When Roger, who was wearing beach shorts, a flowered shirt, and flip flops, disappeared from sight with his hands in his pockets and walked with an arrogant pace that he did not recognize, General Ross did not hesitate and immediately gave the order to return to the base.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Time flies, this is already the third day after Roger completed the bounty mission.

In these three days, he has basically adapted to the use of magma fruit.

Although the current level of the magma fruit is only the lowest Lv1, it has to be said that the natural fruit is indeed the strongest of the three devil fruits.

Even at Lv1 level, Roger can now "elementize" his body.

Although it wasn't elementalization of the whole body, he was already very satisfied.

 PS: Thanks to dlfjxtys and Huang Kuangren for their rewards, thank you for your support~~
  There are two more chapters today, which will be released later...

(End of this chapter)

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