Chapter 73
When the Sandman William Baker escaped by self-destructing, Roger disarmed the domineering and tore off the spider silk on his right hand.

Glancing at the reporter in the distance, he showed a harmless smile.

Then, he came to Spider-Man who couldn't see his expression, and shook hands with Spider-Man.

"It's a pleasure working with you, and I look forward to the next opportunity to join hands with you to fight criminals!"

Roger's voice was not loud, but he was sure that the reporters in the distance would be able to hear his words clearly.

After speaking, he waved to the reporters, calmly took back the suit jacket he put on the car in the distance, and then returned to his car.

"Sir, shall we still go to the company?"

The hand ninja who was in charge of driving turned his head slightly and asked respectfully.

Although Roger quite liked the feeling that these Hand ninjas called him Young Master, but in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, he gave these ninjas a new order.

When pretending to be a company employee, don't call him the young master, but call him Mr.

"Of course, let's drive."

Roger patted his hair and the sand left on his body, and said casually.

Although the appearance of the Sandman William Baker was beyond his expectations, it was not a bad thing.

By beating the Sandman, he showed his own strength a little bit, and at the same time gave himself a reputation.

More importantly, he confirmed that the armed color domineering can deal with special existences such as sandmen just like dealing with natural fruit ability users.

In the ensuing journey, apart from the traffic jam that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, there were no accidents.

When he entered the new company, he saw first-class people in suits and leather shoes.

He rented three floors in this high-end office building and used it as the new office address of Handai Co., Ltd.

In order to make the new company look more decent, he also asked most of the Hand ninjas to disguise themselves as company employees, and asked them to come and commute on time every day.

Although these Hand ninjas are not bad in disguise, just by looking at their current behavior, you can tell that they are not normal employees.

Have you ever seen employees in any serious company study fighting and killing techniques during their work hours.

If it hadn't been for Roger's prohibition for them to carry katana swords and other conspicuous weapons on their bodies, these Hand ninjas disguised as company employees would not be practicing with each other with signature pens, but practiced with real swords and guns.

Of course, in order to avoid the embarrassing situation of being suddenly attacked by the enemy without a weapon at hand, a large number of cold weapons including samurai swords are placed in the office material storage rooms on the three floors.

Although this also has the risk of being investigated by the relevant departments, it is better than building an arsenal in the office.

As a multinational company that mainly imports and exports Japanese small commodities, it is reasonable to have some samurai swords from Japan in the office area.

It's as logical as an auto mechanic playing football with a wrench around.

"How's the recruiting going?"

In the president's office, Roger asked A Yi.

The recruitment work he mentioned did not refer to the recruitment of personal assistants that he ordered in the morning, but the recruitment of real staff.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. lawsuit doesn't know how long it will take. The lawsuit is not over for a day. It is unlikely that S.H.I.E.L.D. will return those peripheral personnel to the Hand.

But the serious business of the Hand cannot stop here, even if it is to make an appearance for the outside world, Roger must maintain this serious business.

"Still recruiting, some candidates will come to interview today, do you need to interview in person?"

"No, you are responsible for this, and recruit the front desk and other administrative staff as soon as possible."

"In addition, get rid of those two big and three rough male receptionists now, don't let them scare away the interviewers."

"Also, don't let those guys study killing techniques and torture techniques in the office area. If they really have nothing to do, let them go to websites like station B and station P."

"We are a serious company now, don't do something unscrupulous."

When A left the office, Roger sighed helplessly.

Although Jiayi has some talents in management, it is still too difficult for him to handle some serious business of the company.

The team is not easy to bring!

Especially if you have to lead a team like the Hand, which usually only kills people.

A morning passed quickly. After reading all the materials of the Japanese branch prepared by Jiayi, Roger turned on the computer and searched for today's news.

Sure enough, reports of him teaming up with Spider-Man to fight the Sandman have come out.

After skimming through the comments related to the news, he closed the page with satisfaction.

As he guessed, the vast majority of ordinary netizens expressed their approval of his actions against the sand people.

He even saw many people analyzing the moves he used in the battle with the appearance of an expert.

Especially the scene where his arms instantly turned purple-black attracted a lot of discussion.

Among these comments, he saw an interesting analysis post.

The landlord said confidently that the reason why Roger's arms turned into metal is because he has a nano-tech suit on his body.

In order to prove this point, the poster also listed a lot of nanotechnology research materials whose authenticity is unknown.

What surprised him even more was that many people agreed with the author's point of view, and said that he had seen similar situations on other occasions.

Good idea!

After the company settles today's lunch for ten people, he plans to go to Dr. Connors' laboratory to tell him that the Osborne Group is no longer chasing him, and take a look at the progress of Dr. Connors' experiments by the way.

Just as he was about to leave the office, a red figure came from the sky and appeared outside the huge French windows.

Spider-Man, what is he doing here?
Looking at Spider-Man hanging upside down outside the window, Roger frowned slightly.

Before he could reach the window, Spider-Man pointed in the direction of the roof.

Spider-Man, whom he had just met in the morning, suddenly came to the door. Although Roger didn't know what he wanted to do, he didn't mind chatting with Spider-Man.

Rooftop terrace.

"What do you want from me?" Roger asked first.

"Did the Lizardman be caught by you?"

Spider-Man Peter Parker glanced at Roger and asked in a disguised voice.

"No, I didn't catch him."

Although Dr. Connors was in the laboratory he arranged, he did not catch Dr. Connors.

"He disappeared recently, I thought you caught him."

Spider-Man spoke again.

Roger thought Spider-Man already knew something, but he didn't expect that he didn't know anything.

This is the limitation of a lone hero with no money or power.

Intelligence is more than 01:30 behind.

 PS: This afternoon, the six-channel recommendation on the homepage will be listed. If you can continue to advance, you can go to Sanjiang for recommendation...

  As long as you can go to Sanjiang, it basically means that you can go through the entire recommendation process...

  If possible, I hope everyone can read the latest chapters every day. Although 6 words a day is not too much, it can still be read for five or six minutes...

  As for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, if you have spares, you can vote for them...

  Whether apprentices can go to Sanjiang and go through the entire recommendation process is up to everyone...


  Finally, let me talk about the most important thing...

  Don't keep books, don't keep books, don't keep books...

  Important things to repeat three times...

(End of this chapter)

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