Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 71 Sandman

Chapter 71 Sandman
After "watching" for more than ten seconds with a learning mentality, he ended his domineering display of knowledge and knowledge.

At night, as a single man, watching too much of this kind of picture can easily affect sleep.

The next morning, after waking up, he first turned on his mobile phone to log in to his overseas bank account, and checked the balance on it.

Norman Osborn was very trustworthy, and he didn't play any tricks with him, and paid the promised [-] million US dollars.

Looking at the string of numbers similar to phone numbers on the account, he smiled with satisfaction.

Although he is not particularly rich now, for a long time, he no longer needs to worry about money.

People are heroes, money is courage, and a penny suffocates a hero to death.

If you have money, you can do what you want to do.

For some reason, when he manipulated the puppet to serve him to wash and dress himself, Roger suddenly felt that the puppet that had been used so well suddenly became not so pleasing to the eye.

Although he can now perfectly control the puppet with the parasitic thread, the puppet is not a real living thing after all.

How about some maids?

For him now, let alone hiring a few maids, even if he hires dozens of maids, there is no problem.

After fantasizing about those young girls with double ponytails, blond curly hair, and long black hair in black and white maid outfits, he finally dismissed the idea.

Now is not the time to enjoy the life of degenerate capitalism. As a man with lofty aspirations, he should not disperse his energy on these pink skeletons.

"Ayi, help me recruit some personal assistants in the name of the company."

"Female, alive, good-looking and in good shape."

"Absolutely not dark-skinned!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

He is the president of Tewa Co., Ltd., and it is normal to recruit a few assistants.

And always staying with big men like A Yi is not good for his mental health.

After instructing Jiayi, he came to the modified practice room and started the daily keel strengthening.

Every time the keel is strengthened, he can feel the changes in his body.

I have to say that this feeling of taking drugs to strengthen one's physical fitness is indeed quite addictive.

After the keel turned into powder and dissipated completely in his palm, he moved his limbs.

In an instant, his figure disappeared, and he came to the other side of the training room.

After feeling the feeling of performing shaving, he performed shaving several times in a row.

Exactly as described by the system, shaving is a body technique for high-speed movement through the explosive reaction force generated by stepping on the ground dozens of times at high speed in an instant.

The role of this kind of high-speed moving body art that breaks through the limit of naked eyes' capture is self-evident.

But shaving also has disadvantages, that is, there is no way to move at high speed over long distances.

In fact, it is not impossible, just use shaving to run long distances, the cost performance is not very high, and the consumption of physical strength will also increase significantly with the increase of distance.

To put it simply, shaving is only suitable for short and medium distance combat.

After finishing today's daily practice, he took the elevator to the underground garage, and took a car to the company that had just changed its address.

The headquarters building of the Hand Association is still under the control of S.H.I.E.L.D., and he is not interested in working in a building where so many people have died.

So with a big wave of his hand, he asked a group of companies to find a new address.

However, because none of the peripheral members of the Hand have been released by S.H.I.E.L.D. and the police, the new company only has employees disguised as Class A.

On the way to the company, he closed his eyes and thought about the next plan.

Overall, he's doing pretty well so far.

Double fruits and double domineering are enough for him to deal with ordinary enemies.

As long as he doesn't encounter those hidden bosses who are like hanging on the wall, he basically doesn't need to worry about his own safety.

At this stage, if he plans to spend his whole life as a small rich man, there will be no problem at all.

But he didn't think about it at all.

He doesn't know what the other fellow travelers will choose, but he will definitely not choose to live a normal life.

Just when he was about to arrive at the company, unexpected traffic jams and panicked crowds suddenly appeared on the road ahead.

Looking at those pedestrians who were yelling and fleeing frantically, he silently activated the domineering arrogance that he had acquired last night.

this is……

In the street ahead, he sensed two auras that were completely different from normal humans.

"You stay here, I'll go ahead and have a look."

After speaking, he in a business suit opened the car door and walked out.

After advancing tens of meters against the crowd, he saw the two non-human beings.

One of them was Spider-Man, whom he had met in the sewers before.

The other one was a middle-aged man wearing a green striped top.

Just looking at the appearance, there is nothing worth noting about this middle-aged man.

However, he, who is fighting Spider-Man, has shown a side that is not human at all.


This man is manipulating sand!

No, not just manipulating the sand, this man is the sand himself.

Sandman William Baker!

The man's name and related information quickly appeared in Roger's mind.

William Baker was originally just a street gangster. In the process of escaping from the police to escape from prison, he accidentally fell into a particle accelerator. The radiation changed his life form, giving him the ability to control sand and incarnate into sand.

In one universe, Sandman William Baker is also the murderer of Spider-Man's uncle Ben Parker.

As for whether the sandman in this world is the murderer who killed Ben Parker, Roger is not sure for the time being.

This world is different from any Marvel world he knows, so even if there is something different, it is normal.

After observing the battle between Spider-Man and the Sandman, Roger took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the Sandman.

After possessing armed color domineering, he has been thinking about a problem.

That is his armed domineering, whether he can deal with those incorporeal enemies like he can deal with natural fruit ability users.

The Sandman is a good test target.

In addition, dealing with the sandman is also conducive to improving his Guild of Cleansing Hands.

While he doesn't intend to be a superhero, he also doesn't intend to stay hidden forever.

Unlike the people of the flower growers, the people of the United States have a serious obsession with strong thinking.

So in this country, humility and friendliness are useless, and big fists are the best way to get recognition.

After rolling up his sleeves and taking off his watch, Roger disappeared in place without any hesitation.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed in front of Spiderman and Sandman, and waved his right hand forward casually.

Five color lines!
(End of this chapter)

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