Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 64 The first bounty task

Chapter 64 The Third Bounty Mission

Hell's Kitchen is big or small.

It is not an easy task to find Professor Lizard who intends to hide here.

Even if Roger knows that Professor Lizard has an innate charm to attract small lizards, it doesn't mean that he can easily find Professor Lizard.

And the people who know this now, besides him, are Spider-Man.

Professor Lizard may not have noticed this problem before, but after the battle in the underwater passage, he will definitely find a way to prevent these little lizards from revealing their tracks.

After coming to the place where the Hand ninja found Professor Lizard, he checked the surroundings a little.

The ninjas of the Hand had witnessed the scene where Professor Lizard was hunted down by scorpions and vultures two days ago.

Although two days have passed, there are still traces of the battle left here.

Hell's Kitchen can't even manage the security environment well, let alone the sanitation environment.

After checking the traces left on the scene, he sighed helplessly.

See the color domineering!
If he had the domineering power of knowledge now, even if he couldn't immediately determine the location of Professor Lizard, he wouldn't be as clueless as he is now.

Thinking of this, he became more and more looking forward to the new bounty mission.

At the same time, I despised the mall that has not been refreshed for a long time.

It has been more than half a month, and the products in the mall are still the same as last time, which also broke his fantasy about whether the update time of the mall will be advanced from one month to one week.

Since he couldn't find any useful clues at the battle scene, he could only use the simplest and most brutal carpet search.

Glancing at the leaving direction indicated by the battle traces, he once again cast the airway, flying in the night sky like a black bat.

Time passed by little by little, and when he was considering whether to call the ninjas from the guild to search together, a green figure suddenly appeared in his sight.

The moment he saw this green figure, he directly ended the empty passage, landed on the roof of a building, and looked at the bird-like figure.


Although the night was a bit dim, Roger still recognized his identity at a glance.

Vulture Adrian Toomes is wearing a green flight suit with bird wings.

From a distance, it looks like those angels with wings on their backs in myths and legends.

It's just that compared with the legendary angel, the vulture without a hair on its head is more than 01:30 worse in temperament.

After seeing the vulture hovering in mid-air, Roger looked along the streets and buildings in the direction of the vulture.

Sure enough, after searching carefully for more than ten seconds, he saw the vulture's partner, Mike Gargan, the scorpion.

Like Vulture, Scorpion Mike Gargan wears a green battle suit.

To be precise, it was a scorpion-like green battle suit.

If you only look at the outline, Mike Gargan in the scorpion combat suit looks somewhat similar to Professor Lizard.

Both have a huge tail that humans don't have, and a green appearance.

The vulture Adrian Toomes and the scorpion Mike Gargan are both here, which shows that he is looking in the right direction.

However, judging from the current performance of Vulture and Scorpion, they have not yet determined the final whereabouts of Professor Lizard.

Just as he was looking at the vulture and the scorpion, trying to follow them to find Professor Lizard, the bounty task information that hadn't appeared for more than half a month came to his mind again.

"Bounty task: defeat and subdue vultures and scorpions; task reward: 2000 million Berry, knowledgeable domineering; task progress: 0/2!"

Defeat and subdue?
Looking at the description in the mission, Roger frowned slightly.

Defeating vultures and scorpions, he can understand.

But subduing the two of them was a bit beyond his expectations.

Requirements such as capturing, killing, and defeating are all requirements with clear standards, and it is clear at a glance whether they have been completed.

But subduing is different, and it cannot be judged immediately.

More importantly, what is the criterion for judging successful reining.

After thinking for a few seconds, he gave up thinking.

If the system can provide this requirement, then the system must have criteria for judging.

That being the case, let the system judge.

As for how to subdue vultures and scorpions, Roger recalled the third rule of traversal in his mind, and convincing talents with "reason" is the kingly way.

After giving up thinking about the criteria for subjugation, he began to calculate the reward for this mission.

2000 million Berry, although this reward is not as good as the previous 3000 million Berry of the Five Fingers of the Hand.

However, there are only two vultures and scorpions, so after calculation, their average "worth" is still higher than Mrs. Gao and others.

As for the knowledge-colored domineering, judging from the purchase price of the armed-colored domineering, it should also be 2800 million Berry.

In the category of domineering, there are only two products in total: armed domineering and knowledge-colored domineering.

Although Bawang color domineering is also domineering, it is not in the product list of the mall.

According to the explanations of those programmers, domineering look is inherent, so the mall does not support purchases.

If you want to be domineering and domineering, then practice hard.

Of course, the most important point is to watch fate!
Xuan does not change nonsense, krypton does not change fate!
No matter which world you are in, this is a universal law.

Even the time traveler is the same.

The 2000 million Berry reward, coupled with the domineering arrogance of knowledge, in total, the reward for this bounty mission reached 4800 million Berry.

Although it is not as good as the bounty mission of the Hand Guild, it is not bad.

After turning his attention away from the bounty mission, the way he looked at the vulture and scorpion changed.

In his eyes, vultures and scorpions are no longer the so-called super villains, but mission rewards on the move.

Without any hesitation, he immediately used the empty path and quickly flew towards the vulture.

In combat, air supremacy is crucial.

Therefore, compared with ground units, air units will always be the priority target.

It didn't take long for Roger to perform the empty path, and the vultures circling in mid-air found him.

Before the vulture flew towards him, Roger pointed the palm of his right hand at the vulture.

Over the whip line!

A white thread column with a diameter of two or three centimeters flew towards Adrian Toomes the vulture.

The speed of the white line column is not bad.

But the vulture's speed and agility are not bad at all.

The vulture made an extremely beautiful maneuver to evade, and instantly escaped the attack of the white line post.

At the same time, he quickly shortened the distance between himself and Roger.

After passing the whip line and failing, Roger took his time and retreated a certain distance with the empty way.

Although the airway gave him a certain amount of flying ability, compared with the vulture wearing a flight suit, his maneuverability and speed in the air were far inferior to the vulture.

In a few seconds, the vulture came to him, grabbing him fiercely with its sharp claws like a falcon.

 PS: The images and settings of vulture and scorpion are all adopted from the comics...

  There will be no Dutch brother Spider-Man in the movie universe, and of course there will be no Vulture in a mechanical flying suit in the movie universe...

(End of this chapter)

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