Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 62 The Scorpion and the Vulture

Chapter 62 The Scorpion and the Vulture

To be precise, he discovered Professor Lizard who was being hunted down.

At first, he didn't pay much attention to the news.

As far as he knows so far, the people and organizations who want to capture Professor Lizard include Spiderman, Osborn Group, S.H.I.E.L.D., and the police.

Among them, there are even some people and organizations that he doesn't know are trying to get Professor Lizard's idea.

However, the news reported by the Hand ninja was completely different from what he had imagined.

What the Hand ninja saw was a scorpion-like figure and a winged guy chasing Professor Lizard.

After hearing the report from the Hand ninjas and admiring their awful sketch, Roger thought of two people.

In other words, I remembered two relatively well-known super villains.

Scorpion, Mike Gargan.

And the vulture, Adrian Toomes.

It could also be Falcon Sam Wilson, though with wings.

But judging from the sketches and related descriptions provided by the Hand ninja, the guy with wings is more likely to be a vulture.

The strange combination of scorpion and vulture reminded Roger of the Osborne Group.

Because there are multiple parallel universes in the Marvel world, he is now unable to determine whether the scorpion and the vulture are the helpers hired by the Osborn Group or a member of the Osborn Group.

However, the appearance of the scorpion and the vulture still made him a little bit interested.

In other words, let him see the possibility of bounty missions.

It has been more than half a month since the last mission.

He now needs new bounties to increase his Berry deposit.

After changing into sportswear that was more convenient for movement, he made himself a new wire armor.

Not a tight uniform like Spiderman, or armor like Iron Man, but a black assassin with a hood.

The inspiration of this assassin team comes from a certain classic game, with its medieval classical style.

In addition to being an assassin, he also made himself a black mask that covered half of his face.

The Hand is currently in a lawsuit with SHIELD, and as the new president of Hand and Co., Ltd., he still has to pretend to be more or less.

He doesn't want his well-planned public opinion advantage to disappear.

After making a good disguise, he pushed open the window which was not much different from the door, and jumped out directly.

Unlike the previous imitation of Spider-Man swinging on the swing, now he no longer swings from building to building like Spider-Man.

Instead, he used what he thought was just an ordinary skill, but it was actually a line-line fruit move.


He thought that Doflamingo just tied the thin string to the clouds and gliding was just a trick.

However, after he really mastered this move, he realized that this move was actually a serious move.

Tie the clouds in the sky with thin wires, and use this to pull yourself to fly and move at high speed in mid-air.

Compared with swinging around like Tarzan the ape, the Kongdao move is more pleasing to the eye.

Of course, empty roads also have disadvantages.

That is, when there are no clouds in the sky, it is impossible to pursue.

However, this shortcoming is not a shortcoming in New York, which has a large number of high-rise buildings.

There is no way to pull yourself through the clouds, so tie the building to pull.

Although the effect of being tied to the building for traction is not as good as that of clouds, it is better than moving forward like swinging.

Through the empty passage, Roger sped to Hell's Kitchen like a bat in the night.

Hell's Kitchen, located on the west bank of Manhattan Island, was a famous slum in the early years, known for its messy and backward living quality, serious ethnic conflicts, and high crime rate.

Hell's Kitchen is a little better now, but it's still a gangster favorite.

Taking advantage of the flying effect of the airway, Roger, who was wearing a black assassin suit, easily came to Hell's Kitchen and found his subordinates.

After dismissing the ninjas, he flew towards the apartment where Daredevil Matt lived.

Just when he was about to reach the apartment where Daredevil Matt was, he saw Matt in a dark red uniform appear on the roof of the apartment building, and then moved quickly in one direction.

Where is he going?

Daredevil Matt has not acted for more than a week. Roger did not expect that just when he was about to fulfill his promise, Daredevil suddenly acted.

Seeing Daredevil walking fast on the roof, he did not hesitate and followed from afar.

Although he didn't know what Daredevil was going to do, his instinct told him that there would definitely be unexpected gains if he followed up.

After more than ten minutes, he watched Daredevil enter an old apartment that looked older than his age.

He thought Daredevil was back on what he called a vigilante operation, cracking down on crime in Hell's Kitchen.

But soon, he realized that he had guessed wrong.

Not long after Daredevil entered the old apartment, more than a dozen ninjas wearing ninja suits of various colors appeared in the streets and alleys near the apartment.

Then, without saying a word, he entered the apartment.

The ninjas of the Holy Society, why are they here?

Although there was no stick man wearing a green hat among these ninjas, Roger recognized their identities at a glance.

In the Marvel world, there are only two well-known ninja organizations.

One is the Hand, which has become his subordinate, and the other is the Holy Society, which is against the Hand.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are some ninja organizations that he does not know.

However, the only ninja organizations that can be related to Daredevil are the Hand and the Holy Society.

When the ninjas from the Holy Society entered the apartment, Roger thought for a dozen seconds, and then went directly to the roof of the apartment.

The moment he came to the roof of the apartment building, white silk threads emerged from under his feet one after another.

Under his control, these silk threads quickly enveloped the entire apartment like a spider web.

After finishing all this, he opened the silk thread of the door on the roof, and walked in with a calm face.

Then, seal the silk thread again to such an extent that humans cannot pass through it absolutely.

The apartment is quiet and dark.

Going down the stairs, Roger came to the room where Daredevil and others were.

There was no sound in the room, but he was sure that Daredevil and others were inside.

If he guessed right, they should have picked up their weapons and were ready to attack at any time.

Although Daredevil Matt is blind, his other four senses have been greatly enhanced.

Roger even suspected that Daredevil had sensed his presence the moment he landed on the roof of the apartment building.

After a few seconds of silence, he raised his hand and knocked lightly on the door.

However, the moment he knocked on the door, several sharp samurai swords pierced through the wooden door and stabbed at him fiercely.

 PS: Apprentices made a mistake when checking the information about this move of Kongdao. They thought it was a skill to use, but they didn’t expect that it was actually a move...

(End of this chapter)

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