Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 6 The first bounty task

Chapter 6 The First Bounty Mission

Regarding the origin of this "lizard monster", there are currently three main views circulating on the Internet.

The first point of view is that this "lizard monster" is some kind of prehistoric creature. The drastic destruction of the earth's environment by human beings has awakened this prehistoric creature that has been sleeping for many years.

This view is Godzilla!

The second view is that this "monster lizard" is the product of illegal human experiments, from a biotechnology company.

Some people even believe that this "lizard monster" is the latest biological weapon developed by the military.

The third point of view is that this "lizard monster" is an alien creature from other planets, and is an envoy sent by other planets to destroy the earth.

These three viewpoints have many supporters, but the most supported one is the second viewpoint, that is, this "lizard monster" came from a biological laboratory.

Although there is no evidence to prove this, many news media have begun to use the very obvious title of "lizard man".

After browsing through the report on the match between Spider-Man and the Lizardman, Roger turned off the computer.

As a time traveler, he certainly knew what this lizardman was all about.

To some extent, he even knows the truth of the matter better than the current Spider-Man.

Lizardman, also known as Professor Lizard, whose real name is Kurt Connors, is a top expert in the field of cross-species genetics, mainly researching the regeneration technology of human severed limbs.

If he remembered correctly, Dr. Lizard was also a member of the Osborne Group.

Whether the current Dr. Lizard is really what he remembers remains to be verified. After all, this world is somewhat different from the Marvel world he is familiar with.

All night.

At noon the next day, he came to New York's Central Park again, waiting for Joe's arrival.

Although he didn't have much interest in finding the identity of the original owner who killed his father and enemy, but in order to better integrate into his current identity, the main reason is to prevent Boss Qiao and others from discovering that he is no longer the "Roger" he was before. Came here as agreed.

Of course, if given the chance, he wouldn't mind avenging the original owner of the identity, which would be considered a small reward for occupying his identity and destiny.

While waiting for Joe's boss to come over, he saw the silly golden retriever dog chasing his tail in circles yesterday.

Similarly, next to this silly dog, there is still a pair of young lovers who are mouth-to-mouth.

Huh, there was a replacement?
The girl is still the girl from yesterday, but the boy is no longer the same as yesterday, but a different person.

As expected of a young man, he can play!
The time slowly came to twelve o'clock at noon, but Roger did not wait for Joe's boss to arrive.

In "his" memory, Boss Qiao is a person with a particularly strong sense of time, and it is basically impossible for him to be late or something.

After waiting for half an hour, he still didn't see any sign of Boss Joe.

Just when he took out his mobile phone and was considering whether to call Boss Qiao, his mobile phone rang.

The caller ID shows that this is from Joe.

"I'm here, when are you coming?"

After pressing the connect button, Roger said slowly.

However, it was not Boss Qiao who spoke on the other end of the phone, but a voice that "he" used to be familiar with, but he hadn't heard for a long time.

"Roger, where are you?"

This is a very gentle female voice.

It wasn't Boss Joe who called, but Boss Joe's daughter, "his" ex-girlfriend, Spider-Woman, Gwen Stacy.

"I'm in Central Park..."

"Dad is injured, and is now at Mount Sinai Hospital, you... If you have time, come here..."

Although Gwen tried hard to control her tone, the experienced Roger immediately recognized the unnaturalness in her voice.

This is the sound change brought about by crying just now.

"I'll go right now."

After speaking, Roger hung up the phone and took a long breath.


Mount Sinai Hospital is not far from Central Park, only more than 10 kilometers away.

More than half an hour later, Roger came to this reliable hospital that appeared in the list of "Best Hospitals in New York" all the year round.

Outside the ward, he saw Gwen with pale golden curly hair and teary-eyed makeup, and her mother, Helen Stacy, who also looked worried.

After nodding to Aunt Helen, he stood by the glass window outside the ward, and said slowly to Gwen, "When did this happen?"

"Last night, Dad and the others went to capture the 'lizardman', and then...the doctor said that Dad has passed the critical period, but it is not sure when Dad will wake up."

Gwen looked at Roger suspiciously, and then said slowly.

When she called Roger just now, she felt something was wrong.

After seeing Roger, this feeling of something wrong is even more obvious.

Although they haven't seen each other for a year, they used to be "couples" after all, so compared to Joe's boss, Gwen knows the former "Roger" better.

And after Roger approached her, her spider sensor "rang" like an alarm clock, crazily issuing an early warning.

Although Roger didn't go to see Gwen, he knew that Gwen was looking at himself in detail.

Now Gwen is not an ordinary female college student, but a Spider-Woman with a spider sense.

Her observation and concentration are not comparable to ordinary people like Boss Qiao.

Just as he was looking at Boss Joe who was relying on a ventilator to assist his breathing on the hospital bed, a silent system message came to his mind.

"Bounty mission: Capture Professor Lizard! Mission reward: 500 million Berries!"

As he guessed, his first bounty task was indeed related to the lizardmen.

He had a hunch of this yesterday when he saw reports of Spider-Man stopping the Lizardman.

All bounty tasks issued by the system are accepted by default, and there is no option to accept or not.

Although there will be no punishment if you don't do it, if you don't do it all the time, the system will issue fewer and fewer bounty tasks, or even no longer issue tasks.

"I still have something to deal with. If there is anything, you can call me at any time."

After speaking, Roger left the hospital under the dissatisfied eyes of Gwen and Helen.

After leaving the hospital, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Gwen didn't do anything just now, he knew that Gwen had already noticed something was wrong with him.

If she continued to stay, maybe she would see something.

This identity still has a certain value at present, and he does not intend to give up on it.

If his guess is correct, this identity will bring him some unexpected gains in the future.

After calming down the thoughts in his mind, he began to think about how to complete his first bounty mission.

(End of this chapter)

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