Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 49 Everything Can Be Disked

Chapter 49 Everything Can Be Disked


It is the most common and basic way to use armed color domineering.

As long as someone who has learned to be armed with domineering color, there is nothing that cannot be hardened.

The only difference is how high or low the strength is, how much the amount is, and how much coverage there is.

Although Roger's current armed domineering color is only Lv1, there is still no problem in using it for partial strengthening of limbs and body.

Looking at his black right fist with purple in it, he nodded in satisfaction.

Although he looked down on blacks, he had no dissatisfaction with the color black.

In fact, he kind of likes black.

Like black silk or something.

What he hates is that shameless race who only talks about skin color and demands different treatment all over the world, as if the whole world owes them.

After adapting to the use of armed domineering, he removed the hardening of his right hand, and at the same time let the wire armor cover it again.

The second bounty task is completed, and the armed color domineering is also in hand!

Today is indeed a beautiful day.

However, he has no intention of leaving here immediately.

Although Alexandra is dead, he has not yet received all his rewards.

When Alexandra's five fingers died, the Hand lost all its leaders.

The Hand is not a good organization, but it is a very useful one.

After recalling the secret method that Alexandra had just told him, he took the ordinary ring from Alexandra's hand.

The reason why the ninjas of the Hand are so desperate for Alexandra and the other five fingers.

Besides the fact that the five of them are the founders of the Hand, there is another very important reason.

That is the original demon "beast"!
Or rather, some of the magic provided by the "beast".

Faith, magic, plus brainwashing.

This is the main reason why the Hand ninjas will be loyal to Alexandra and others.

The ring that Roger just took from Alexandra's hand is a ring with a constant magic effect.

By activating the magic on the ring with specific words, he could make the ninjas of the Hand behave like hounds.

After figuring out how to use the ring in the office, he took the ring and left the office.

Outside the office door, a large number of Hand ninjas gathered.

After quietly activating the magic on the ring, he said to the Hand ninjas: "From now on, the Hand will no longer have five fingers, and I am your only master!"

Under the power of magic, these Hand ninjas didn't think there was any problem with his words.

Instead, it feels like it should be.

"Now, I give you new orders."

"First, bury Alexandra well and give her a decent funeral."

"Second, go to the following locations, take the contents inside to the 'safe house', and wait for my next instruction."

"The specific location is..."

These places are all secret places where the keel is hidden.

To be precise, it is the secret place where the keels of Alexandra and Botu are hidden.

Suowanda, Mrs. Gao and others, of course, also have their own hiding places.

"Third, contact all the ninjas outside, tell them that I am the new owner of the Hand, and let them go to the 'safe house' together to wait for my next order."

"If anyone objects, kill them on the spot!"

After speaking, he pointed to a hand ninja in front of him and said, "What's your name?"

"My lord, my name is..."

As soon as the Hand ninja opened his mouth, Roger interrupted him: "You should be called Jia Yi. From now on, you will be their leader. When I am away, you will be in charge of them."

"Okay, that's all for now, let's act!"

When he finished speaking, the hand ninjas who wanted to eat him alive before bowed down respectfully towards him.

Then, act quickly according to his instructions.

The feeling of having subordinates is different!
One word, cool!

Although the Hand is now on the blacklist of S.H.I.E.L.D. and various official organizations, it is also besieged by S.H.I.E.L.D.

But this is not a problem for Roger.

He has never considered cooperating with S.H.I.E.L.D., let alone becoming a lackey of S.H.I.E.L.D.



It didn't take long for the warehouse, which had gathered a large number of Hand ninjas, to become empty.

To be precise, everyone left except him.

Bury Alexandra, transfer dragon bones, contact other ninjas...

Except for the relatively easy matter of burying Alexandra, the other two things are somewhat difficult.

When he was the only one left in the warehouse, he came to Botu's body and took out the ring that belonged to Botu.

After wiping the blood-stained rings on Botu's white shirt, he returned to the warehouse office and took out all the monitoring hard drives.

Then, it was cut with silk thread into a completely irreparable crushed state.

After doing all this, he whistled and left the warehouse.


Queens, the top floor of the Forest Community Building.

After completing the system's bounty tasks and taking the half-disabled Hand as his own, he first ate a seven-person lunch at a Chinese restaurant outside, and then returned to the building contentedly.

After traveling through the first week, he completed two bounty tasks, obtained 3500 million Berry, and increased the bounty to 500 million Berry.

More importantly, during this week, he raised the main fruit line fruit to Lv2, and successfully got the first secondary fruit door door fruit.

Of course, the armed domineering that cost him 2800 million Berry is also indispensable.

Double fruit plus armed color domineering!
He can already imagine a bright future waving to him again.

No, it's a little swollen, and you will cross your waist for a while!

After calming down his somewhat inflated mentality, he began to think about the next thing.

In terms of deposits, he now has several small goals in hand, and he doesn't need to worry about them in a short time.

In terms of power, he has a half-disabled Hand Society that is being hit by S.H.I.E.L.D.


He doesn't seem to have any friends yet.

Although Gwen is the ex-girlfriend of the original owner of the identity, this is all due to the original owner of the identity and has nothing to do with him.

Pony from Hong Kong Island...

This is a young man with a bit of loyalty, but he only met once.

Take your time, and who said that you must have a companion to develop better.

The world's number one swordsman, one of the Seven Martial Seas under the King, Hawkeye Joracle Mihawk likes to wander the sea alone.

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered the second generation ghost in the mall.

2000 million Berry to buy a big sharp knife 21 workers, which is a bit wasteful no matter how you look at it.

However, that doesn't mean he doesn't want a knife of his own.

Since buying from the mall is too wasteful, then buy it yourself.

Everything is available!
All knives can become black knives!

These are the words of Hawkeye Joracle Mihawk himself.

That being the case...

Roger came to the study room, which he rarely came to usually, picked up a piece of white paper and quickly sketched it on the desk.

A few minutes later, a knife that was exactly the same as the Supreme Knife Twelve Workers "Ye" appeared on the paper.

 PS: Thank you 丨Shuimei丨 for your reward, thank you for your support~~
  New month, continue to seek ****~~
  Today is April Fool's Day, you shouldn't tell me that you will be sure next time...

(End of this chapter)

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