Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 47 Interrogation

Chapter 47 Interrogation
"You are very sincere. To be honest, I am indeed a little moved."

Roger looked at Alexandra and said calmly.

After hearing his answer, the smile on Alexandra's face became more obvious.

But before she could speak, Roger went on to say: "There is a saying, I don't know if you have heard of it."

"That is, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she can deceive people."

Alexandra froze for a moment, but the expression on her face did not change. She continued to brush her hair with a charming movement, and said slowly, "You think I'm pretty?"

What is a human essence?
That's it!

Alexandra very naturally changed the focus of the topic from "deceitful" to "beautiful", without changing her face, and even showed a trace of natural shyness and secret joy.

If Roger was just an ordinary 19-year-old man, seeing Alexandra, a sexy mature woman with a mature female charm showing such a shy look, would be a little bit emotional.

But Alexandra would never have imagined that after seeing her performance that was enough to win an Oscar statuette, Roger not only didn't have any heartbeat, but wanted to laugh a little bit.

In the time traveler training class, their instructor warned them more than once, never let the impulse of the lower body affect their rationality.

Of course, after this warning was circulated several times, it became "women only affect the speed at which I draw my sword".

"Whether it's figure, appearance, or temperament, you perfectly fit the definition of the word 'beautiful' for an adult male."

"As long as men with normal sexual orientation should agree with me."

Roger's tone was still so calm, like an accomplished monk who has seen through the world of mortals.

"Then you don't want anything to happen to me?"

Alexandra wrapped her blonde hair around her fingers and looked at him suggestively.

Although until now, Roger has not lifted the wire armor.

But his voice already revealed that he will not be very old.

Alexandra can even conclude that Roger's age will never exceed 25.

As an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, Alexandra knows exactly what men of this age are thinking, and she also knows how to seduce men of this age.

In fact, in her past years, the little puppies who worshiped under her pomegranate skirt were not a hundred, but dozens of them.

"If I said that I didn't want to, then I would be too hypocritical."

While speaking, Roger stood up, walked to Alexandra's side step by step, and stretched his right hand towards Alexandra's well-maintained face.

Sure enough, he is a mature guy!
The smile on Alexandra's face grew wider and wider.

However, just when his right hand was about to touch her face, Roger's right hand suddenly changed direction, grabbed Alexandra's neck like lightning, and lifted her up.

Alexandra has a height of about 1.7 meters, only about ten centimeters taller than Roger.

But because of the high heels, Alexandra looked only a few centimeters shorter than him.

Just when he lifted Alexandra up, Alexandra's straight and slender right leg kicked him hard.

And the direction of the kick was the most painful part of the man.

Alexandra's counterattack was quick.

But in front of Roger in wire armor, she wouldn't have any chance.

Almost at the moment Alexandra kicked out her right leg, a large amount of silk thread gushed out from the wire armor.

These silk threads that seemed to have life were quickly wrapped around Alexandra's right leg.

Then, it spread to her body, completely binding her legs and hands.

"I do want something to happen to you."

"However, it's not the kind you imagined!"

After completely binding Alexandra with silk thread, Roger let go of his right hand, causing her to fall onto the sofa.

"Don't count on the ninjas outside, you should know that they will never save you in time."

Just when Alexandra was about to shout for help, Roger spoke first, and then sat down on the table in front of the sofa.

"As long as you answer my three questions, I can consider letting you go."

When speaking, Roger raised his right hand, and white silk threads emerged in his hand, like willow leaves fluttering in the wind.

"Yes! But I hope you can keep your promise!"

Alexandra was silent for a few seconds before speaking slowly.

Only this time, her tone was no longer seductive, and her eyes were no longer so affectionate, but she looked like she wanted to eat Roger.

"Very well, I like dealing with smart people without wasting too much energy."

Roger withdrew the silk thread dancing with his right hand, and continued: "The first question, your overseas bank and private bank account passwords?"

Interrogation is a technique.

It is the most unwise approach to ask the most important questions at the beginning.

Starting with some slightly important but not particularly important questions will help break the psychological defense of the interrogated.

Alexandra didn't answer Roger right away, and Roger didn't rush her.

After tens of seconds of silence, Alexandra finally revealed a few bank account numbers and passwords.

When Alexandra mentioned the bank account number and password, Roger logged in with his mobile phone to check it immediately.

Although he was not sure whether Alexandra would tell him all the bank account passwords, but with the baseline of Muramasa, he didn't need to worry about this issue.

Alexandra and Muramasa are both Five Fingers of the Hand, even if there is a difference in the amount of deposits between them, the difference will not be too far.

So with Muramasa's small target as a baseline, he can roughly judge whether Alexandra is lying.

After confirming that the account number and password given by Alexandra are correct, and that the amount of deposits is also in units of small targets, he nodded in satisfaction.

"This is a good start, and I hope everyone can maintain this kind of happy cooperation in the future."

"Second question, where is the keel of the Hand, and how to use it?"

Compared with personal deposits, the issue of keel is obviously more important.

But compared with his own life, the secret of the keel is nothing.

But unlike the first question, Roger now has no way to verify whether Alexandra's answer is true.

After Alexandra finished speaking, he deliberately remained silent for more than ten seconds, pretending to be thinking.

Then he continued: "The third question, how did you control those ninjas?"

After hearing this question, Alexandra's face became extremely ugly.

If personal deposits and dragon bones are still things that can be given up, then the method of manipulating ninjas is the most important secret of the Hand Association, and it is also the foundation of the Hand Association.

To the Hand, the importance of this secret is no less than that of a country's nuclear missile launch code.

 PS: Thanks to Alex Frozen for the reward, thank you for your support~~
  Please collect and recommend tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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