Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 42 Torture

Chapter 42 Torture
At this time, Suowanda was covered in black mist, panting heavily, and his eyes were blood red.

However, Roger's attention at this time was not on Suowanda, but on the vibrating gold shield in his hand.

Judging from the performance of the black mist just now, these strange black mist have a strong corrosive ability.

Muramasa's hands and samurai sword are good examples.

But the vibrating gold shield in Suowanda's hand has not been corroded in any way.

Just looking at the shield, Roger is still not sure whether this is the result of Suowanda's deliberate control, or whether the shield is not afraid of the corrosive effect of the black mist.

To confirm this, he raised his right hand and condensed a silk dagger.

Afterwards, he threw the silk dagger directly at Suowanda.

Facing the silk dagger flying at a very fast speed, Suowanda did not dodge or dodge. He had no intention of dodging, nor did he intend to raise his shield as if.

In the blink of an eye, the silk dagger came to Suowanda.

Just when the silk dagger was about to pierce Suowanda's chest, the black mist wrapped around his body quickly surged up, swallowing the silk dagger whole like a poisonous snake.

The moment the black mist swallowed the silk dagger, Roger lost his sense of the silk dagger.

However, in the next second, he sensed the existence of the silk dagger again.

The dagger formed by the condensed thread of the thread fruit passed through the black mist and was inserted into Suowanda's chest.

It has not been completely corroded, so it seems that things are much simpler!

Roger was a little worried that the thread of the thread fruit would not be able to resist the corrosion of the black mist, but it turned out that he was overthinking.

Although there were some cracks in the dagger inserted into Suowanda's chest, it remained largely intact and did not completely shatter like Muramasa's samurai sword.

Since that is the case...

Without any hesitation, Roger directly condensed the thread knife and attacked Suowanda.

The silk dagger can resist the engulfment of the black mist, and the thread knife and the thread armor can also resist the corrosion of the black mist.

When Roger was attacking Suowanda with a thread knife, Suowanda drew out the dagger on his chest, held Dun in his left hand, and rushed towards Roger with the dagger in his right.

I have to say that people with buffs are more arrogant.

Suowanda, who was determined to escape just now, not only had no intention of escaping after casting this strange magic, but also took the initiative to attack Roger.

Of course, it is also possible that Suowanda saw that Muramasa had been deposed by Roger, and felt that he could do it again.

In the blink of an eye, Roger and Suwanda were fighting together.

I don't know if it's his own illusion, but Roger always feels that Suwanda is stronger now than last night.

Strength, speed, and reaction have all been significantly enhanced.

Roger's melee combat level is not as good as Suowanda, let alone Suowanda with buffs stacked.

It didn't take long for him to be beaten back by Suowanda.

Just when Suowanda was trying to kill Roger in one go, more than a dozen samurai swords made of condensed silk threads pierced him from behind, and the tip of the knife pierced through his chest like a bamboo shoot.

Got it!
Roger is well aware of his current melee combat level.

From the start, he hadn't expected to kill Sowanda in melee combat.

The reason why he rushed up with the thread knife was to lead Suowanda out of the corner and create a backstab opportunity by the way.

Use yourself as bait to attract Suowanda's attention.

At the same time, the control thread went around behind Suowanda from the other side of the passage.

Finally, let these silk threads condense into thread knives and stab Suowanda back.

If Suwanda had stayed in the corner, Roger would never have had the chance to backstab him.

So he could only use himself as a bait to lure Suowanda out.

Although he didn't know what the magic Suowanda cast was, judging from Suowanda's current state, this magic somewhat affected his sanity.

Normal magic will not make people gasp for breath, let alone turn the eyes of the caster into blood red.

What Suwanda looks like now is like injecting a lot of stimulants and adrenaline at the same time.

In this state, he was very careless at first glance.

Suowanda, who was stabbed by more than a dozen thread knives, still did not die, and even wanted to continue to attack Roger.

But before he could raise his hand, the thread knife in Roger's hand cut across his neck.

A sword head!

Suowanda's head flew high, then fell heavily to the floor, and rolled back several times.

The headless body fell in front of Roger.

Blood stained the ground.

After solving Suowanda, Roger didn't waste any time, and quickly came to Muramasa with all his limbs broken.

The current Muramasa, even if he doesn't make up the knife, he will die from bleeding too much.

But before Muramasa goes to hell to report, he still has some things to ask Muramasa.

Looking at Muramasa who had no ability to resist, Roger squatted down, and thin threads gushed out of the line armor.

Under his control, these thin threads came to Muramasa's broken limb and began to stitch the wound.

For the current Muramasa, it doesn't matter whether he sews up the wound or not.

But for Roger, it's important.

If he didn't help Muramasa to suture the wound, it wouldn't be long before Muramasa would die from excessive blood loss.

Although he is not a professional doctor, the current Muramasa obviously has no right to refuse him.

Not long after, the wounds on Muramasa's limbs were stitched up.

After doing all this, Roger said to Muramasa who almost passed out from the pain: "I only ask you two questions. If you cooperate obediently, I can make your death easier."

As soon as Roger finished speaking, Muramasa looked at him with eyes like an idiot.

Make me like this, and expect me to answer your questions?

"You don't need to look at me like this, you will definitely answer my question obediently!"

After finishing speaking, Roger raised his left hand, making thin threads not much thicker than a hair appear in front of the village.

Under Muramasa's gaze, these thin lines flew towards his mouth, nostrils, eyes, and ears respectively.

Then, it entered his body bit by bit from these positions.

"Two questions!"

"First, where are Botu and Alexandra?"

"Second, your overseas bank and private bank account and password?"

When the thin thread just entered the body, Muramasa still carried it hard, without any intention of answering Roger.

But when Roger manipulated the thin thread to move in his body, he wriggled crazily without his limbs, his eyes widened, and he let out a horrible cry.

One minute later, after getting the information he wanted from Muramasa, he manipulated the thin thread to crush Muramasa's heart, ending Muramasa's long life.

"Bounty task: kill the five fingers of the Killing Guild! Task reward: 3000 million Berry, door fruit! Task progress: 3/5!"

(End of this chapter)

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