Chapter 40
Five almost transparent thin silk threads descended from the top of Muramasa's head like a "leaf rake".

Roger didn't expect the foot shaved thread to hurt Muramasa in the first place.

Since Muramasa, who is skilled in swordsmanship, can block the five-colored thread, he can also block the foot-shaved thread.

So from the very beginning, the foot shaving thread was just a feint to attract Muramasa's attention.

As Roger expected, Muramasa focused on the sudden foot shaving line, ignoring the rogue line coming from above his head.

The five sharp silk threads of the rogue line were struck by lightning and pierced through Muramasa's shoulders and back without any suspense.

After the extremely sharp silk thread penetrated Muramasa's body, its power remained undiminished, piercing the ground under Muramasa's feet together.

When Roger suddenly raised his left hand, Suowanda, who was watching the battle, noticed something was wrong, and immediately raised Captain America's shield and attacked Roger.

However, Roger was prepared early on to be flanked back and forth.

Although Suowanda's explosive speed is not as fast as that of Muramasa, it is also much faster than the ninjas of the Hand.

But even so, when he was only the last two or three meters away from Roger, he was stopped by a spider web-like wall of silk.

Spider Nest!

At the moment Suowanda ran towards him, Roger raised his right hand and aimed his palm at Suowanda.

Afterwards, almost transparent silk threads shot out from the center of his right palm, forming a cobweb-like defensive wall on his right side.

Suowanda, holding a shield in his left hand, slammed into the spider's nest heavily, and was blocked by the spider's nest.

Although it was the first time for Roger to use Spider Nest, he was very confident in the defense of Spider Nest.

Doflamingo's Spider Nest can easily block Luffy's punch.

Although he is not Doflamingo, Sowanda is not Luffy either.

And in the current environment, even if Suowanda wanted to jump over the range of the spider's nest, he couldn't do it.

The silk thread of the spider's nest was connected to the wall and the ground of the passage, sealing off the entire passage.

Unless Suowanda can break the wall or the ground, he can only watch Roger deal with Muramasa on the other side of the spider's nest.

After defusing Suowanda's attack, Roger once again set his sights on Muramasa.

At this time, Muramasa no longer had the style of an outsider like before, and the white kimono on his body was dyed bright red by the blood flowing out of his body.

What's more troublesome is that the "Leaf Rake"-like rogue line nailed him in place.

From the moment the rogue line penetrated Muramasa's body, Muramasa was doomed to die.

The current Roger only needs to move his fingers a little, and the rogue line on Muramasa's body can completely tear him apart.

But Roger didn't do that.

Muramasa is already doomed to be unable to escape the fate of death, but letting him die like this is not in line with Roger's character of making the best use of everything.

He stretched out his right hand, shooting out dozens of almost transparent silk threads from his fingers and palm.

Under his control, these silk threads wrapped around Muramasa who was crucified on the spot like poisonous snakes.

Parasitic line!
In just a second or two, Roger completed the display of the parasitic line, turning Muramasa into a puppet that he could control.

It wasn't until this time that he lifted the rogue line in his left hand.

Although the tactics were formulated by himself, Roger himself did not expect that the tactics would go so smoothly.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the upgrade of the fruit and the arrogance of Muramasa.

If the fruit hadn't been upgraded, he wouldn't be able to perform moves such as the foot shaving line and the rogue line without practice.

If Muramasa hadn't been so arrogant and hadn't chosen to face him alone, he wouldn't have been able to complete the tactical arrangement so quickly.

After being possessed by the parasitic thread, although Muramasa did not give up resistance.

But he soon discovered that his resistance was pointless.

These parasitic threads wrapped around his body completely deprived him of control over his body.

Now, let alone resisting the control of the parasitic thread, he can't even let go of his right hand and throw away the samurai sword.

After confirming that he had completely lost control of his body, Muramasa showed a wry smile.

it's over!
everything is over!
As an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, it is impossible for him not to imagine what will happen next.

After controlling the village to come to his side, Roger released the spider's nest blocking Suowanda.

The spider's nest was released, but Suowanda, who was holding the US team's shield, not only did not attack Roger, but silently stepped back a few steps.

Although he didn't know what Roger had done to Muramasa, he was sure that Muramasa had become Roger's puppet.

Don Quixote Doflamingo!
When she heard the name for the first time, Suowanda didn't take the name to heart.

Even after hearing about the battle between Roger and the Hand ninja from Ronald, he still didn't take Roger seriously.

In his opinion, Roger is nothing more than a guy who has mastered some unknown special abilities and then doesn't know the heights of the world.

But now, he realized how wrong his previous judgment was.

Use Ronald as bait to find his secret base.

Lure S.H.I.E.L.D. and the police to the factory and lure the two sides into war.

He tied Captain America's shield to him, released the photos and videos taken to major news media, and used the pressure of public opinion to force S.H.I.E.L.D. to deal with the Hand with all its might.

During the S.H.I.E.L.D. attack, break into the building and decapitate.

Before the two parties even met each other, he had already planned everything and personally promoted every link of the plan.

In the years since escaping from Kunlun, Suowanda has encountered opponents with more scheming plans.

But those people, without exception, are all existences who have made a name for themselves.

And this guy who claims to be the young master of the Don Quixote family, according to Ronald, is only in his early twenties.

"Before I do it, I have a question, I wonder if you would like to answer it."

"The Hand should have no grievances with you, why do you have to make trouble with the Hand?"

Looking at Roger in the wire armor, Suowanda asked the doubts in his heart.

He would not believe Ronald's statement.

How can a person who can have such a scheming plan have trouble with a so-called subordinate.

"It's nothing special, it's just that someone paid for the five-fingered head of your Hand."

"And, I'm willing to pay for it!"

Roger was not interested in revealing the existence of the system to Suowanda, so he made up a reason.

"I see!"

After hearing Roger's explanation, Suowanda smiled.

Then, under Roger's gaze, he turned and ran without any hesitation.

Want to go, it's too late!

As soon as Suowanda took a few steps, Muramasa, who was controlled by the parasitic line, came behind him like a ghost, and the samurai sword in his hand slashed directly at Suowanda's back.

(End of this chapter)

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