Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 3 The Fruit of the Line

Chapter 3 The Fruit of the Line
Near New York's Central Park, in a Chinese restaurant called "Lucky Panda".

While eating unauthentic Chinese food, Roger recalled the identity information in his mind.

More than ten years ago, "he", who was still in primary school, lost his parents and was shot dead one night.

Boss Qiao was not the chief of the police station at that time, he was "his" father's partner.

Since then, Joe has adopted "him" and became "his" guardian, and this adoption has continued until high school.

A year ago, at "his" birthday party, "he" who was in his rebellious adolescence quarreled with Joe Boss, and then left Boss Joe's house and became a gangster wandering the streets.

He is said to be a gangster, but he is actually doing odd jobs in various places to support himself, and by the way, he is looking for the murderer who does not know if he is dead or not.

The murderer that even the police can't find, of course "he" is even more impossible to find.

Just after "he" lived alone for nearly half a year, Joe boss found "him" again and gave "him" a fairly official job.


This is what Boss Joe gave "him".

It is said to be an informant, but from Roger's point of view, it is purely that Boss Joe changed the way to give "him" living expenses, so that "he" would not starve to death on the street.

However, Boss Qiao is a good person in society after all. He knows that "Roger" will not accept his help for no reason, so the tasks he gave are all real.

It's just that he doesn't have any requirements for the information given by "Roger", even if it is nonsense, he will give a fairly good informant fee.

Three months ago, the original owner of this identity reached a deal with Boss Qiao, exchanging information for "his" father's case information.

Boss Qiao was reluctant at first, but finally agreed, so the previous scene happened.

Simply put, this is a story between a rebellious and self-respecting guy and a serious but caring guardian.

Of course, this guardianship relationship will automatically end after "he" turns eighteen.

After figuring out the relationship between the original owner of this identity and Joe's boss, he began to recall information about his "ex-girlfriend" Gwen.

Living in someone else's house, he also gave away the cabbage that he raised carefully.

Although this little pig looks very pretty, but this approach is still a bit unethical.

After recalling the information in his mind over and over several times, Roger couldn't find any pictures that were not suitable for children.

Wrong, this is a pig with good morals.

Roger retracted his previous evaluation.

After sorting out his identity information, he turned his attention to his only fruit now.

Whether the little pig has morality or not is a thing of the past.

The thread fruit is what he will rely on in the future.

Thread fruit, superhuman, eaten by Don Quixote Doflamingo.

The fruit ability is free control line.

Threads can emerge from the body, and the threads can be used as weapons or tools to attack and defend, or to manipulate others.

After awakening, it can affect the external environment and be used as a natural fruit.

According to the system's explanation, awakening is the state after the fruit level exceeds Lv5, which is still a long way from the current him.

In order to allow travelers to better use the fruit ability, all fruits have passed the initial habit and development stage by default, reaching the Lv1 that can be used initially.

But the care of the system ends here.

As for further development and combat, it depends on the user's own ability.

Turning his head and looking around, after confirming that no one was paying attention to himself sitting in the corner, Roger raised his right hand and pointed his index finger at the cup in front of him.

Come out and show me your true form.

Under his control, a thread so thin that it was almost imperceptible to the naked eye sprang out from his index finger and flew towards the transparent glass that was only more than ten centimeters away from him.

When this transparent thin thread entangled the glass, he hooked his fingers, trying to pull the glass into his hand.

However, he overestimated his micromanagement ability.

The moment he hooked his index finger, the glass entangled in the thread exploded with a bang, turning into glass shards of various sizes and flying around.

What the hell!

Before the other guests in the restaurant turned their heads to look at him, he instantly withdrew the thin line from his index finger, put down his meal bill, got up and left the restaurant.

It seems that you need to find a place where no one is around and practice well.

After recalling for a few seconds, he walked towards the "Fifth Avenue" subway station.

Manhattan is the wealthiest and most densely populated district in New York.

It is not easy to find a suitable practice place here.

So Roger plans to go to the Bronx, which borders Manhattan, is located in the northernmost part of New York City, and has the most park land.

Of course, that wasn't the most important reason he chose the Bronx.

What really impresses him about the Bronx is that it has one of the highest crime rates in the country and is a well-known slum in New York City.

Residents living in the Bronx are mainly of African and Latin American descent. In that place, even if there are any bizarre events, they will not attract too much attention.

As a time traveler who has received a complete time travel education, Roger knows exactly what kind of place is most suitable for him now.

After arriving in the Bronx through New York's well-connected but not-so-good subway, he randomly searched for a park with not many tourists, and came to a corner of the park.

There are still five or six hours before dark, and I hope to complete the initial adaptation before dark, so that the line fruit can have the most basic combat function.

After confirming that there were no tourists around, Roger began the first fruit ability practice after crossing.

With a senior like Doflamingo, he doesn't lack development ideas, only lacks proficiency in application.

After recalling Doflamingo's moves, he chose three moves as his early practice targets.

Elastic thread, five-color thread, and, parasitic thread!
The cultivation difficulty of bouncing thread and five-color thread is not high, as long as you can skillfully control the thread conjured by your body, you can get started.

As for when he can reach Doflamingo's level of power, it depends on how far he can control the string fruit.

Even if it is the same move, the power displayed by different people will be completely different.

The degree of development of the fruit, one's own strength, combat experience and skills, etc., will all affect the final power of the move.

Just do it, Roger completely calmed down, and began to recall the description of "stripping the thread".

String flick is a long-range attack move that makes thin strings made by fingertips shoot out at high speed like bullets.

When using it, you can lift the index finger and put the other fingers away. If you don't like the index finger, you can use the middle finger.

If it is the projectile thread used by Doflamingo, it can penetrate the bones of the enemy with one blow, and even produce a terrifying impact that makes the building explode.

(End of this chapter)

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