Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 212 Supreme Wisdom

Chapter 212 Supreme Wisdom
Knowing that Roger had finally started the war against the Kree Empire, Ronan the Accuser became extremely agitated.

After being harassed on the border planet of the Kerry Empire for so long, he finally got the result he wanted.

At this time, he was leading his Dark Star Legion to the assembly point at full speed.

Ronan's flagship, the Dark Star, sailed at the forefront of the legion. Behind the Dark Star, there were dozens of large and small Kree warships.

In terms of the number of battleships, the Dark Star Legion is the one with the least number of battleships.

But in terms of combat effectiveness, the Dark Star Legion is the strongest of the three legions.

Unlike the newly formed Sky Yaksha Legion and Ravager Legion, the soldiers in the Dark Star Legion are either Ronan's former subordinates, or the Kree fighters he recruited when he harassed the border planets of the Kree Empire.

Of course, some of them were Kree fighters who took the initiative to join them.

Because the members of the Legion are basically active soldiers of the Kerry Empire, and have experienced certain wars, although the number of warships and members of the Dark Star Legion is not many, their combat effectiveness is beyond doubt.

It can even be said that before the Sky Yaksha Legion and the Looting Legion received real war training, the Dark Star Legion was the main force in Roger's hands.

After leading the legion to the assembly point, Ronan waited patiently for Roger's arrival.

The universe is huge!

Even if there is an interstellar jump point, flying in the universe is a very time-consuming thing.

After about three days of flying, Roger brought the Tianyasha Legion and the Looting Legion to the assembly point.

Glancing at the Kerry battleship behind the Dark Star, Roger nodded in satisfaction.

As expected of the once supreme accuser of the Kree Empire, Ronan is indeed an excellent military commander.

Roger remembered that when Ronan first started to go to the border of the Kree Empire, there was only one flagship, the Dark Star.

But now, Ronan relied on his own strength to form a real legion.

What is even more satisfying is that during this process, Ronan did not seek help from Xandar, and completed these things entirely on his own strength.

Ronan felt to Roger now that it was a bit like letting a wolf out, and then the wolf brought back a pack of wolves.

After arriving at the assembly point, Roger asked Nami to incorporate Ronan's Dark Star Army into the battle sequence.

Then, the command of the battle was delegated to Carter.

Bucky and Yondu didn't say anything about Roger's arrangement, but Ronan was slightly dissatisfied.

However, Ronan had no intention of rebelling against Roger, and silently accepted the arrangement.

Carter thought that he could only command one of the legions at most, such as the weakest plundering legion.

Unexpectedly, Roger actually handed over the command of the three legions to her.

This is something that Carter, who traveled from the 40s, never thought of.

Although Carter has been in this world for some time, the imprint left on her by the 40s cannot be erased in a short while.

After handing over the command to Carter, Roger became a hands-off shopkeeper, ignoring the specific command process.

After the three legions were assembled, Carter didn't waste any time and directly directed the legions to the Kree Empire.

Although Carter was commanding a military battle for the first time, and it was still an interstellar war, she was already well prepared and quickly adapted to the real command process, and one order after another was issued.

Carter's overall strategy was uncomplicated, if not a bit simple.

According to her arrangement, the three legions will first clear the border troops of the Cree Empire encountered on the way.

After solving these border troops on the way, they will go steadily to Hara, the home planet of the Kerry Empire.

Carter's strategic arrangement is not very clever, but the victory is stable enough.

With the strength of the three legions, as long as they don't fall into the encirclement of the Cree Empire, basically there will be no major problems.

The only downside is that this steady-and-steady strategy takes more time.

But this shortcoming, except for Ronan, no one else would care.

The members of Ronan's legion are all active soldiers of the Kree Empire, and they don't need much training in war.

But Bucky's Ayasha Legion is different from Yondu's Raider Legion. They need these small-scale battles to hone and test the combat effectiveness of the legion.

Time passed day by day, and soon, seven earth days passed.

During these seven days, Roger's three legions ushered in dozens of battles, large and small.

The small ones can be solved by just sending out some fighter planes from a legion.

For the big ones, it even requires three legions to join forces to not lose the wind.

Ronan's Dark Star Legion is without a doubt the best performer.

In these seven days, all the tough bones encountered were basically defeated by Ronan leading the Dark Star Army.

As for Bucky's Ayasha Legion and Yondu's Predator Legion, they can only fight at the beginning, using actual combat training methods to improve the combat effectiveness of their respective legions.

Although Roger was the supreme commander of the legion, he had never been involved in any battle and completely trusted Carter's command.

At the beginning, the Kerry Empire would send someone to contact Roger, trying to resolve this unnecessary war through negotiations.

But after Roger's Legion wiped out all the frontier troops they encountered along the way, the Kree Empire dismissed the idea altogether.

Nothing to say, just hit it.

When the border troops were almost wiped out, the Kerry Empire finally sent out their main force.

On the first day when these main forces appeared on the scene, Roger lost more than 30 warships and nearly one-tenth of his troops were wiped out.

Although the loss was a bit large, Roger still had no plans to make a move or intervene in command.

According to his estimation, there are more than 300 warships. After the war, it is not bad to leave more than 100 ships.

If the battle is fierce enough, there may even be only a few dozen warships left in the end.

With the appearance of the main force of the Cree Empire, the war began to become stalemate.

Roger's troops could not go further, and the Kree Empire's troops could not completely wipe them out or drive them out.

The days passed like this, and the battleships were destroyed every day, and the strength of Roger's army continued to decrease.

Although warships and soldiers are decreasing, it has to be said that war is the best catalyst.

Under the pressure of death, Bucky's Ayasha Legion and Yondu's Raider Legion grew rapidly.

Those soldiers who couldn't grow up in time turned into a series of cold numbers.

Although Ronan was somewhat dissatisfied with Roger's reluctance to attack, at this moment, all he could do was to keep destroying the Kerry troops in front of him.

Time flies.

Unknowingly, Roger's troops fought with the main force of the Cree Empire for more than half a month.

Up to now, the number of battleships on Roger's side is only in the early [-]s.

And the Cree Empire is not much better.

They lost nearly half their troops.

When the number of battleships dropped below [-], Roger, who had been the shopkeeper for almost a month, finally made a move.

On this day, he turned into a flash man and left the Thousand Miles of Sunshine alone, flying towards the troops of the Cree Empire like a laser beam.

When he turned into light and flew towards the fleet of the Kree Empire, the commander of the fleet didn't pay much attention to him.

However, when he destroyed a main battleship in less than three seconds, the commander of the fleet could no longer sit still.

Although the commander of the fleet tried his best, his command had no effect in front of Roger.

After turning into the Flash Man, he only needs to continuously emit laser light to destroy battleships one after another.

Although the warships of the Kree Empire fired energy rays and shells of various colors, in front of him who had activated his domineering aura, these attacks had no chance of hitting him at all.

When Roger faced the main force of the Kerry Empire, Ronan and the others were not idle, and commanded the battleship to launch an attack.

On this day, the main force of the Cree Empire suffered the worst casualties in history.

Except for a few warships leaving through the interstellar jump point, all other warships, without exception, were taken by chance.

Roger originally didn't intend to take action himself, but the stalemate in the battle was more serious than he imagined.

According to the previous situation, if he did not act, it would take at least a month for Ronan and others to deal with the main force of the Kerry Empire, and at least half of the remaining troops would have to be paid.

Although Roger has plans to train in actual combat, he doesn't plan to spend too much time in this war.

One month!

This is the time he has set for this war.

But he didn't expect that the main force of the Cree Empire only lost about half of their strength, and blocked them for more than half a month.

According to intelligence, apart from the border troops and the main force, the Kerry Empire also has the most powerful imperial guards on the home planet Hara.

Although the number of the imperial guards is small, their combat power is stronger than that of the main force.

According to Ronan, this Imperial Guard is the last trump card of the Cree Empire, the last force of the Cree Empire to protect the mother planet, and also the most powerful force.

After finishing off the main force of the Kree Empire, Roger and others finally came to the star field where the Kree Empire's home star Hara is located.

As soon as they came out of the interstellar jump point, they saw the heavily armed Imperial Guard.

Perhaps because they did not want the flames of war to spread to the planet Hara, the imperial guards came to the outer space of the star Hara, waiting for the arrival of Roger and others.

Glancing at the imperial guards, Roger directly gave the order for the whole army to attack.

At the same time, he left the Wanli Sunshine and became the Flash Man again.

This Imperial Guard is indeed the trump card of the Kree Empire. Even when Roger personally made a move and the entire army of the three legions attacked, they still blocked Roger and others for most of the day.

Halla Star, the Supreme Temple.

After disposing of the Imperial Guard, Roger received a statement of surrender from the Supreme Intelligence.

After leaving the Tianyasha Legion and the Ravager Legion in the outer sky, the Wanli Sunshine and the Dark Star landed on the capital of the Kree Empire on the star Hara.

Supreme Temple.

After arranging Ronan to take over the ground forces, Roger came alone to the Supreme Temple where the Supreme Intelligence is located.

The magnificent Supreme Temple stands like a mountain, and a large group of Cree Empire politicians stand on the square around the temple.

Roger ignored these blue-skinned guys and walked straight into the temple.

Compared with the square outside, the quietness in the temple is like another world.

In the huge hall of the temple, Roger didn't see a single person.

To be precise, no living creature has been seen.

"Come out!"

Although there was no one in front of him, Roger still spoke slowly.

In a few seconds, a holographic Cree projection appeared in the void in front of him.

"You won, the Kree Empire is yours."

Although the projection of the Cree is very realistic, there is no expression on the face, and no emotion can be heard in the voice.

"You didn't call me here to say this to me, did you?"

"Also, put away your machine-like tone."

The one who spoke to Roger was the ruler of the Cree Empire, the supreme intelligence of the Life Computer.

After Roger finished speaking, the Cree holographic projection in front of him disappeared, replaced by a white-skinned Earth male image.

Of course, the projections of the Supreme Intelligence may also be races from other planets, not necessarily the people on Earth.

After changing his image, the Supreme Wisdom continued: "How do you plan to deal with the Kree Empire, is it the same as Xandar?"

This time, the tone of Supreme Intelligence was much more normal, at least it sounded somewhat different from normal humans.

"That's for sure! You can't expect me to continue to let you be the ruler of the Cree Empire!"

Roger said calmly.

"Of course I wouldn't have such a naive idea, but I know that you will definitely keep me!"

Supreme Wisdom said swearingly.

"Where does your confidence come from? In terms of performance, Xandar's world heart is no worse than yours."

"Besides that, the only advantage you have is that you have all the civilization and knowledge of the Kree Empire in your database."

"But these data, in addition to your database, I believe there are backups elsewhere."

Although he does have the intention of retaining the highest intelligence, it does not mean that he must be the highest intelligence.

The Supreme Intelligence is, after all, just an artificial intelligence.

While it has developed its own personality and mind, it's just an artificial intelligence anyway.

And such an artificial intelligence, Roger already has one.

Besides, even if he can't bring back the supreme wisdom, he only needs to bring back all kinds of knowledge of the Kree Empire, and it will also give the Heart of the World a chance to further improve.

"I am indeed not unique, but if you are willing to come here to see me in person, it means that you have a certain need for me."

"I may not be able to completely surpass Xandar's 'Heart of the World', but I can do what he can do."

"For example, become your subordinate."

(End of this chapter)

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