Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 202 Roger's Knowledgeable and Domineering

Chapter 202 Roger's Knowledgeable and Domineering
What appeared in front of them was an old building.

In Budapest, there are not a few such old buildings.

In fact, in most European and American countries, a large number of old buildings are preserved.

More importantly, these old buildings are still functioning, fulfilling the due role of residential buildings.

"It's here!"

Natasha observed the surrounding environment, and then walked in directly.

Looking at Natasha's vigilance that seemed to have become instinctive, Roger silently praised in his heart.

What is a professional, this is it.

Following Natasha to the door of the so-called safe house, Roger suddenly said, "There is only a man inside."

Natasha turned her head to look at Roger, and let go of her right hand holding the gun.

After opening the door with the lockpicking skills that almost every spy knows, Roger and Natasha entered the room.

Like the exterior of the building, the interior decoration of the rooms has been around for a long time.

The yellowed light illuminates the wall even more old, and at the same time, there is a smell of an old house.

At this moment, a man's voice came from the end of the corridor.

"Didn't you tell you that you have companions?"

Following the sound, a man of partial black descent appeared in front of them.

"He's Roger, you should have heard his name!"

Natasha said casually, and then went directly to the living room.

"Roger? Roger Wayne! Hello, my name is Mason."

Before Roger could speak, Mason took the initiative to walk up and stretched out his right hand towards him.

"Nice to meet you!"

After shaking hands with Mason, Roger also walked towards the living room.

Although this safe house looked like it had been unoccupied for a long time, the living room was clean and there was no obvious dust.

Glancing at Natasha, Roger sat next to her without hesitation.

"You shouldn't have come back!"

Mason sat opposite Roger and Natasha, and said slowly.

"I should come back and finish what I haven't finished." Natasha said calmly.

"Okay, tell me first, how much do you know now?" Mason looked at Natasha helplessly.

Natasha did not answer Mason, and handed Mason the USB flash drive that Roger had given her.

Mason didn't go to pick up the USB flash drive Natasha handed over, and continued: "Okay, I see."

"Drykov and the Red House do still exist, but they are a bit different from your impression. Your betrayal has given Dreykov a big warning."

Having said that, Mason took out a document from his pocket.

"This is some information I collected using my own channels, you can see it after a look."

Natasha looked at Mason suspiciously, but she finally took the document in Mason's hand.

After quickly browsing through the information on the file, Natasha's face suddenly became very ugly.

"Have you confirmed this information?"

"Of course, for this information, I lost several good men."

After getting Mason's affirmative answer, Natasha didn't say anything, and handed the document to Roger.

There was not much content on the document, and Roger read it quickly.

Similar to what he remembered, the Red House had developed a brand new method of mind control.

This is a brand-new control method that uses chemical methods to control the target nervous system. Compared with traditional brainwashing methods, this brain-based control method is safer and more effective.

Unless there is a special chemical countermeasure, otherwise, this kind of mind control can be called unsolvable.

"Can you find Yelena now?"

After more than ten seconds of silence, Natasha asked Mason.

"It's a bit difficult. Yelena hasn't contacted me for a long time. With the Red House providing logistics equipment, she doesn't need to contact me very much."

Mason shook his head helplessly.

Just when Natasha was about to continue asking, he continued, "However, I have a way to lure her out."

"Of course, she may not be the only one attracted, but a whole team of widows."

Having said that, Mason turned to look at Roger.

"What's your plan?" Roger asked.

"The information you just read was given to me by a widow in the Red House."

"For some unknown reason, she got rid of the mind control of the red house. The important thing is that she stole a mind control counteractant from the red house."

"As far as I know, the Red House is now planning to deal with this rebellious widow."

"If you can find her, you can use her to lure the widows of the Red House."

Mason's plan sounded fine, but his expression was not as relaxed as his tone.

"Do you have any clues to find this widow?" Roger continued to ask.

"I only know that she has appeared in Rabat, the capital of Morocco, but the specific location is not clear, and this is already a month ago. I am not sure if she is still there."

Although Morocco is a small country with a small population, there are millions of people living in the capital Rabat anyway.

It is not easy to find a professional spy who wants to hide his tracks in such a city.

What's more, the previous Mason had no plans to find the widow.

"What's the widow's name, do you have a picture of her?"

"Her name is Oksana, and I don't have a picture of her."

Mason spread his hands and said silently.

"I know her. Although I haven't seen her for a long time, I can recognize her if I meet her."

Natasha said slowly.

"Has every widow in the red house been transformed, I mean physical enhancement."

In order to avoid Natasha's misunderstanding, Roger specifically explained that it was a transformation in terms of body strengthening.

"Yes, although our transformation is not as good as the super soldier serum injected by Rogers, we have also injected some special strengthening agents and carried out certain physical strengthening."

Natasha replied blankly.

"That's fine. I will confirm Oksana's whereabouts. As long as she does not leave Rabat, I am confident that I will find her within a day."

If you want to find a professional spy like Oksana, conventional methods will definitely not work.

However, Roger has a very unconventional method.

See the color domineering!
As long as Oksana undergoes physical transformation, he has the confidence to use his knowledge and arrogance to confirm her trace.

"What are you going to do?" Natasha asked suspiciously.

"This is a secret. Anyway, don't worry, as long as she is still in Rabat, she will definitely not be able to hide."

Roger had no intention of explaining his domineering nature to Natasha.

Although he was full of confidence, Natasha and Mason were not as optimistic as he was.

Natasha knows how professional the widow of the red house is.

It's not that she doesn't believe that Roger can find Oksana, she just doesn't think Roger can find Oksana within a day.

Mason originally wanted to ask Roger if he needed any help, but after remembering Roger's identity, he resolutely dismissed the idea.

The queen of Wakanda is Jia Ying, but anyone with a little bit of special channels can know that Roger is the real controller of Wakanda.

After Mason left the safe house, Roger waved his right hand casually, and a silk portal to Rabat, the capital of Morocco, appeared in the living room.

After the silk thread portal was formed, Roger walked in first.

Natasha, who had seen the silk thread portal just now, was not surprised at this time, and walked in behind Roger.

After arriving in Rabat, Roger stretched his neck, then turned to Natasha and said, "I may behave abnormally later, so just ignore me and just wait."

After finishing speaking, Roger closed his eyes and exerted his domineering arrogance with all his strength.

His knowledgeable domineering has been promoted to Lv5 a long time ago.

Although he has not yet cultivated the top-level domineering aura that can predict the future, it is not particularly difficult for him to perceive everyone in the entire city.

Of course, there will still be difficulties.

It's just that the difficulty lies not in the large-scale perception of an entire city, but in confirming the specific location of the target from millions of life signals.

After closing his eyes, Roger began to exert his knowledge and arrogance for the first time.

In just an instant, countless life signals appeared in his perception range.

As the range of perception continues to expand, the number of life signals is also increasing.

After confirming that the whole city was in his own knowledgeable and domineering perception, he began to identify life signals.

exclude men's...

Exclude older...

Exclude those who are too young...

exclude sick...

Excluding sub-healthy...

A batch of life signals were quickly eliminated by him, and the targets that needed to be sensed were extremely reduced.

After excluding the life signals that obviously did not match Oksana, he began to perceive more carefully.

Using Natasha's life signal characteristics as a reference, Roger quickly screened the remaining life signals.

Although Natasha didn't know what Roger was doing now, seeing the way he closed his eyes and kept shaking his head, she knew that Roger was displaying some unknown ability now.

Roger's shaking his head lasted for more than three minutes before finally announcing the end.

Damn, I'm exhausted!
Although the person who used his informative arrogance to perceive the whole city didn't consume much of his physical strength, it consumed a lot of his spirit.

Especially when comparing those suspected targets one by one, the knowledgeable domineering feedback the target's emotions back, allowing him to feel joy, sadness, loneliness and other emotions in a short period of time.

"Found it! But the target found is not one, but three!"

When she first heard Roger's words, Natasha couldn't react for a moment.

However, within a few seconds, she fully understood what Roger meant.

Not only Oksana is here, but also the widow of the red house.

"Where are they?" Natasha asked immediately.

"Over there!" Roger said, pointing in one direction.

"Take me there, now, right now!"

Natasha's tone became urgent.

"no problem!"

As soon as the words fell, Roger put his arms around Natasha's slender waist.

I saw a flash of green light flashing past again in front of my eyes.

In the next second, the scene in front of Natasha's eyes turned into an unfamiliar rooftop.

Although Roger sensed life signals similar to those of Natasha, he had no way of distinguishing which of these life signals was Oksana.

So, he chose the one that looked suspicious.

However, it turns out that men's intuition is not very reliable.

The person he chose was not Oksana.


Looking at Yelena who was lying on the roof and concentrating on aiming with a sniper rifle, Natasha froze for a moment.

Yelena didn't realize that Roger and Natasha were less than five meters behind her, reporting the situation of the target to the other widows through a portable walkie-talkie.

"You or I?"

Roger was not worried about getting Yelena's attention, so he spoke directly.

Although his voice was not loud, it still aroused Yelena's vigilance.

Yelena, who was lying on the roof of the building, stood up in lightning, and quickly turned the gun.

Although Yelena's reaction was quick, it didn't mean much in front of Roger and Natasha.

Before the muzzle of the gun was fully turned around, Natasha rushed in front of Yelena, grabbed the barrel of the sniper rifle, and pulled it suddenly.


Almost in the blink of an eye, Natasha snatched the sniper rifle and threw it on the ground.

In the next second, Natasha, who was wearing casual clothes, started fighting with Yelena.

I don't know if it's because they were both trained by the Red House, but Natasha and Yelena's fighting styles are almost the same as those carved out of the same mold.

Pleasing to the eye, concise and effective.

While Natasha and Yelena were engaged in melee combat, Roger was not idle.

He raised his right hand and aimed at the position where another red house widow was.

Laser light!

A golden energy ray shoots out from his index finger, flying like a laser toward the widow in the red house whose name and appearance are unknown.

Although the widow of the red house heard something strange from the earphones, she didn't have time to aim at Roger and Natasha.

The laser-like laser light precisely hit the sniper rifle in the widow's hand, instantly breaking the barrel of the sniper rifle.

With the help of knowledgeable domineering, the laser light is just like turning on the self-aiming hanger, pointing and hitting.

During the battle on the top, the paddling general Huang Yuan can use laser light to accurately break the key in Lu Fei's hand.

Roger, who is also proficient in knowledgeable domineering and shiny fruits, can of course easily destroy sniper rifles.

In any case, the sniper rifle can ask for a lot of keys.

Roger would despise himself if he missed the shot.

The widow in the red house on the opposite side obviously didn't expect that Roger, who was hundreds of meters away, could shoot such a precise shot casually.

When the barrel of the sniper rifle was broken, the widow turned over without any hesitation, and immediately hid behind the wall.

Roger did not continue to attack the widow, and looked at the battle between Natasha and Yelena with great interest.

It has to be said that the close combat between two beauties is much more attractive than the combat between men.

Watching the battle that was impossible to tell the winner for a while, Roger found a place at random and sat down, and took out a can of frozen fat house happy water from the different space in his body.

 PS: Thanks to the cute Park So Yeon for your reward, thank you for your support~~
(End of this chapter)

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