Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 199 The Soul of the Black Widow

Chapter 199 The Soul of the Black Widow
As the saying goes, a little farewell is better than a newlywed.

Although Roger and Gwen are not husband and wife, this does not affect their deep understanding of the truth of this sentence.

"Why did you hit Jack today?"

At this moment, Gwen asked an inappropriate question.

"He is not a good person. You and him are colleagues. You should know this better than me."

Although Roger only asked Jiayi to investigate Jack's background today.

But he can be sure that a guy like Jack who sneaks into other people's homes will also have some inappropriate behaviors in his usual work.

"He's not as bad as you think, he just has an obsession with superheroes."

Gwen used a more euphemistic term.

"That's bad enough!"

After speaking, Roger's right hand swam over Gwen.


the next day.

Gwen didn't go to work at the base, but stayed with Roger all day in the apartment.

On this day, they didn't leave the apartment a step, enjoying the time alone that belonged to the two of them.

Good times always go by so fast.

After deliberately spending a day with Roger in the apartment, Gwen resumed her usual work mode.

When Gwen left the apartment, Roger sighed with some reluctance.

Then, he took out his cell phone and called Natasha.

It's been so long, it's time to fix Natasha's problem.

"Are you back in New York?"

Knowing that Roger had been away for a while, Natasha asked directly.

"I just came back a few days ago!" Roger said quietly in a calm tone.

"Tell me, what's your business with me?"

Natasha didn't talk nonsense, and immediately asked Roger's purpose.

"Nothing particularly important, just have some news to tell you."

"My people discovered some information about the red house some time ago, and there is a piece of information in it that I think you should be interested in."

As soon as Roger finished speaking, Natasha on the other end of the phone fell silent.

After a few seconds, she said slowly, "The red house has been destroyed, your people must have made a mistake."

"Really? But I don't think so!"

After speaking, Roger sent a photo from his phone.

The phone was still on, but Natasha on the other side was completely silent.

After more than half a minute, Natasha's voice sounded again.

"Where did your people find him?"

"Of course it is Russia. For specific information, let's find a place to meet and talk!"

After finishing speaking, Roger hung up the phone directly without giving Natasha a chance to bargain.

The photo he just sent to Natasha was none other than the photo of Dreykov, the person in charge of the Red House.

Of course, according to the official information on the surface, Dreykov is already a dead person, and he has been dead for more than ten years.

Roger was not sure whether Draykov was still alive, so he asked A to mobilize his staff to check the red house.

Unexpectedly, after this investigation, Draykov was actually found.

Although Dreykov stayed in the red house floating in the sky most of the time, he could not truly isolate himself from the world after all.

When he went out, Dressrosa's intelligence personnel found him.

By tracking Dreykov, the intelligence personnel found the real location of the red house.

Not long after Roger hung up the phone, Natasha took the initiative to call.

In the afternoon, wearing casual clothes, he came to the agreed coffee shop.

This is a very ordinary cafe.

Small in size, average in decor and looks like it has been around for a long time.

As soon as he entered the coffee shop, he saw Natasha who was also dressed in casual clothes.

Although he is wearing casual clothes that don't show his figure, it has to be said that a person with a good figure looks good in anything.

The loose casual clothes did not completely cover Natasha's proud figure.

Especially the pair of proud parts on her chest, there is a feeling that it is ready to come out.

Roger sat opposite Natasha, ordered a cup of coffee casually, and said slowly: "Let Barton come in too, it's boring to stand alone on the roof basking in the sun."

Although Hawkeye Button was hiding well, his disguise was useless in front of the knowledgeable and domineering Roger.

When he first met Barton, Roger memorized his life signals.

Not just Barton, any character with a "name and surname", when they meet for the first time, he will silently remember the other party's life signals.

Natasha was not surprised that Roger could discover the existence of Button, and whispered something into the hidden dialogue machine.

Within a few minutes, Barton, carrying a backpack, walked into the coffee shop and sat directly next to Natasha.

"Where is Drykov?"

Natasha asked Roger.

"You are also a spy. You should know that any piece of information has its value."

Taking a sip of the coffee in front of him, Roger said slowly.

He deliberately asked A to investigate the information about the Red House, not to please Natasha, but to lure Natasha to sign the soul contract.

Unless his brain is flooded, otherwise, he will not give the information to Natasha for nothing.

"what do you want?"

Natasha frowned slightly and continued to ask.

She knew that Roger would not tell her the information in vain, but she did not expect that Roger would ask for payment so straightforwardly.

"It's very simple, I want you!"

If Roger didn't have a serious expression now, Natasha would definitely think he was joking.

Natasha knew that Roger was lustful.

But as far as she knew, Roger wasn't the type to do anything for a woman.

Lust is lust, but when it is time to be rational, he is more rational than anyone else.

"It seems that you don't have the sincerity to cooperate. Forget it, let's stop here for today's business."

After finishing speaking, Natasha gestured to Hawkeye, and was about to get up and leave the coffee shop.

"It's okay, if you want to leave, I won't stop you."

"If only Yelena could have the right to choose like you."

Roger said calmly.

Natasha, who had just stood up, sat down again after hearing Roger's words, and asked with a cold expression, "What do you want to do?"

"I told you, I want you!"

"As long as you are willing, I will give you the information on Dreykov and the Red House immediately."

"If you need, I can even help you rescue Yelena and other widows."

Roger didn't care about Natasha's cold tone, and said calmly.

Natasha was also considered an experienced top spy, but Roger's way of playing cards that did not follow the routine completely blinded her.

After exchanging glances with Hawkeye, she continued, "I can't agree to your terms for nothing."

"Even if you really want me, you have to show stronger evidence."

As expected of a professional spy from the Red House, Natasha's expression changed as soon as she said it. She, who was still as cold as ice just now, immediately became charming and charming.


Roger had expected Natasha's reaction early on.

Under the gaze of Natasha and Hawkeye, he handed the phone to Natasha.

"This is the latest action of the widow of the red house, and there should be a few faces you are familiar with."

The phone is currently playing a video.

Although this video has undergone some editing, with the eyes of Natasha and Hawkeye, it is not difficult to see that this is a real live video.

"I now believe that you do have information about Dreykov and the Red House, but you said you want me, so I want to know how?"

After watching the video on the phone, Natasha continued to speak in a seductive voice.

"You will know this after reading this."

After speaking, Roger took out a scroll imitated by modern industry from his coat pocket.

The shaft of the scroll is made of metal, showing a golden yellow color similar to gold.

The paper used for the scroll also looks normal.

The originally blank scroll has now been written on, only the place where the signature is signed is still empty.

Roger handed the toy-like scroll to Natasha, and at the same time handed over a signature pen.

A puzzled expression appeared on Natasha's face, but she finally took the scroll and signature pen handed over by Roger, and began to browse carefully.

There is not much content on the scroll, so it will be finished soon.

Simply put, this is a signing similar to a contract.

According to the above statement, Roger will give Natasha the information about Dreykov and the Red House, and when Natasha deals with Dreykov, he will provide the help she needs, including but not limited to personnel, Equipment, intelligence, and even personally.

In return, Natasha will return to Dressrosa with Roger and work for him wholeheartedly for a year, including but not limited to building a professional spy force for him and Inquire about intelligence.

On the surface, there is nothing wrong with this contract, and there are no literal and grammatical pitfalls in it.

After reading the contents of the scroll, Natasha even double-checked the structure and materials of the scroll.

However, she still didn't find any problems.

When Natasha checked the scroll, Roger's expression was as calm as ever, without any abnormality.

When signing the contract with Gwen, Roger gave the parchment scroll and quill.

In addition, he also told Gwen the full effect of the contract without any concealment.

This time, however, he did what a devil should do.

Or, something that fits the devil's behavior.

The scroll and signature pen in Natasha's hand are essentially the same as the parchment scroll and quill pen used by Gwen at the time. They were all made by Roger with the power of the devil.

If there is any difference, it is that the scroll and signature pen in Natasha's hand are more in line with the aesthetics of this era.

Roger, who was half a month ago, didn't know that the power of the devil could be used to change the shape of the scroll and quill. He always thought that the parchment scroll and quill were the fixed props for signing the contract.

However, after studying Karma Taj for half a month, he realized how naive his previous thoughts were.

Earth humans are not the only race tempted by the devil.

Any life with a soul is on their list of temptations.

Under such circumstances, how could the props used to sign the contract be limited to parchment scrolls and quills.

As long as it is a contract made with the power of the devil, no matter what the contract looks like, it will not affect the effect of the contract.

After repeatedly checking the scroll and the signature pen several times, Natasha said slowly: "As long as I sign this, you will give me information about Dreykov and the Red House?"

"That's right!"

"Okay, I hope you can keep your promise!"

After speaking, Natasha signed her name on the scroll without any hesitation.

Although she didn't find anything wrong with the scroll, she knew that there must be something wrong with this scroll.

After signing, Natasha returned the scroll and pen to Roger.

After pretending to check Natasha's signature, Roger put away the scroll and signature pen solemnly, and took out a USB flash drive from his pocket.

"All the information collected by my people is inside, including the location of Dreykov and the red house you want most."

Natasha directly picked up the scroll that Roger handed over, and then left the coffee shop without looking back.

Seeing the back of Natasha and Hawkeye leaving, Roger showed a satisfied smile.

nailed it!
Natasha's soul is here!

Natasha confirmed that she had checked the scroll and the signature pen, but she still didn't find the trap left by Roger.

In fact, if he hadn't understood the devil's writing, Roger himself wouldn't have been able to find out what was wrong with the scroll.

Around the paper of the scroll, there is a circle of patterns that seem to be used for decoration.

These seemingly useless patterns are the key content of the contract.

What Natasha saw was only part of the contract, and it wasn't the most important part.

What is really important is what Roger wrote in devil's language.

The content of those devil words is very simple, and can be described in one sentence, that is, the moment the name is signed, the soul of the signer will belong to Roger.

Regardless of whether he has completed the other contents of the contract, it will not affect the ownership of Natasha's soul.

Not long after Natasha and Hawkeye left the coffee shop, Roger received a message from the system.

"The bounty task has been completed, let's start judging the task completion..."

"Mission Completion: Red!"

"Send the red achievement crystal!"


Although it was not a golden task completion degree, Roger didn't care too much about it.

According to the system's explanation, the task completion degree from high to low is five levels: gold, red, purple, blue, and green.

To be able to get a red rating that is only one level lower than gold is already considered a pretty good rating.

After all, this is just a leisure mission, and the mission reward is only 5000 million Berry.

"Berry: 1 million (Golden Achievement Crystal*6700, Red Achievement Crystal*1)"

After opening the system and taking a look at his current number of Berrys, Roger closed the system page and returned to his apartment in Manhattan with the flash of the door fruit.

(End of this chapter)

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