Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 189 I want S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 189 I want S.H.I.E.L.D.
After thinking about it, Roger finally gave up his plan to attack the Cree Empire in the near future.

There is no deep hatred between him and the Cree Empire, and the person who is dissatisfied with the Cree Empire is not him, but the accuser Ronan.

Although there would be some gains after conquering the Cree Empire, those gains did not arouse his strong interest.

Compared with conquering the Kerry Empire, he now cares more about the attitude of the supreme mage Gu Yi.

He knew that Gu Yi was a good person, but he always felt that Gu Yi's attitude towards him was a bit too friendly.

Not to mention that Gu Yi knew that he was a time traveler from the very beginning, just the attitude that Gu Yi showed when chatting is easy to make people associate.

Knowing that he has a devil's breath on him, and knowing that the devil in hell can easily find him, but Gu Yi didn't do anything, just went to chat with him, and simply reminded him.

This is very abnormal!
Although Roger didn't know what Gu Yi was thinking, as long as he thought of the time gem in Gu Yi's hand, he felt that things were not that simple.

It is very likely that Gu Yi saw something through the time gem, so he was so friendly to him, a time traveler with a devilish aura.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of Ancient One's future successor, Doctor Strange Stephen Strange.

After switching on the hologram on his desk, Roger made contact with Sharon.

"Let the intelligence department investigate a man. His name is Stephen Strange. He is a neurosurgeon in New York. I want to know all his detailed information in the past year."


Although Sharon had some doubts about Carter brought back by Roger, as a qualified private secretary, she didn't delve into this issue too much.

Most importantly, she has confirmed that her aunt is still lying in the nursing home just like before.

Sharon would never have thought that the Carter brought back by Roger was the aunt she had admired since she was a child.

It's just that this aunt comes from another parallel universe.

Just when Roger was about to turn off the holographic communication, he remembered another thing.

"By the way, check the latest situation of Bruce Banner."

"Also, help me contact General Ross and say that I want to meet and chat with him."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sharon silently reminded him.

"General Ross has left the military. His current position is the Secretary of State. He may not accept a public meeting on the surface."

Ross became Secretary of State?

After hearing the news, Roger was slightly taken aback.

In the original timeline, after failing to capture the Hulk in New York, it took a long time for Ross to return to politics and become Secretary of State in one fell swoop.

But now, Hulk has never appeared in New York at all, let alone caused large-scale riots in New York.

If Roger remembers correctly, the last time General Ross had contact with Hulk, he was the one who handed Hulk to General Ross.

"It's okay, just contact him directly. The meeting place will be in New York. As for the time, he will decide."

Roger used to have a pretty good relationship with the American military, and had been a military supplier for a while.

But ever since he helped the aliens conquer Wakanda, especially after the starship Golden Jack repelled the aircraft carrier fleet sent by the American military, his relationship with the military has plummeted to a freezing point.

If it weren't for the inability of the American military to enter Wakanda, he estimated that the military would have sent someone to behead him or secretly arrest him early in the morning.

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away!"

Now that Roger has said so, of course Sharon can only follow his orders.

As for General Ross, no, it should be said that whether Secretary Ross is willing to accept the meeting is not a question she should consider.

After explaining to Sharon, Roger left the office and walked towards Carter's office.

Carter is a very enterprising woman.

In this regard, she is somewhat similar to Jia Ying.

Even in the 40s when there was discrimination against women in the workplace, Carter, who was outstanding in figure and appearance, had no intention of being a canary.

After following Roger to the 21st century where the status of men and women is more equal, of course she will not have the idea of ​​being a vase.

Especially after she knew that the apparent ruler of Wakanda was Jia Ying, her already strong sense of professionalism was further stimulated.

Jia Ying is also a woman, she can become the titular queen of Wakanda, and of course Carter has a higher pursuit.

Especially after she knew that Jia Ying had close contact with Roger at a negative distance, and that Roger also had the same behavior with Jia Ying's two daughters, Daisy Cora, she regarded Jia Ying as a need to go beyond The goal.

Of the three territories that Roger currently owns, except for Wakanda, which has a titular queen, the other two territories have no titular controllers.

Carter has no intention of taking Xandar and Muspelheim from Roger, but she doesn't mind being the queen of one of the territories like Jia Ying.

Even if this is only the queen in name, she won't mind.

Roger didn't say anything about Carter's idea.

He is used to being a hands-off shopkeeper, and he doesn't mind at all if someone helps him manage the territory.

In fact, he longed for someone to stand up and help him share the pressure.

Carter's office is also in Roger's elder mansion.

To be precise, it's just downstairs from Roger's office.

When Roger was in the office, he met Carter, who had been busy these days with supplementing the knowledge of Earth's 21st century and Xandar.

I have to say that Carter's learning ability is very good.

In less than a week, she fully adapted to the technologically advanced 21st century, and even mastered a lot of life skills and knowledge on Xandar.

"Why do you come here when you are free? Don't you need to accompany your little girlfriends?"

Since returning to the main world, Carter hasn't teased him about it.

On the one hand, Roger is indeed a bit fiddly.

On the other hand, Carter always felt that he from the 40s was a little older than Daisy Sharon and others.

Although Carter is only in her 20s now, she still somewhat minds this.

Carter's thoughts even appeared on Roger's bed.

She called herself Grandma more than once, and even asked Roger to call him Grandma.

Of course Roger would not agree to her barbaric request.

With her extraordinary physique and the proficiency of the old driver, Carter's brutal demands all ended with her calling her dad without exception.

"They are tired these days and want to take a good rest."

Roger said seriously.

As soon as he finished speaking, Carter rolled his eyes at him with those big seductive eyes, and snorted disdainfully.

Seeing Carter's slightly jealous expression and insisting on pretending not to care at all, Roger felt that it was a wise decision to bring her back.

"Okay, no kidding! The plan to attack the Kerry Empire will be postponed for a while, and I don't plan to formally declare war on the Kerry Empire yet."

Roger came to Carter's office on purpose, of course not to tease Carter on purpose.

"I took a look at the recent military developments on Xandar, and now is indeed not a good time to attack the Kerry Empire."

For Roger's decision, Carter was not particularly surprised.

Although the Tianyasha Legion and other legions have achieved significant development, they still do not have the advantage if they want to fight against the Cree Empire, one of the three great empires in the universe.

Among other things, in terms of logistical support alone, Xandar cannot compare with the Kerry Empire.

Roger did take over Xandar to the greatest extent, and did not cause Xandar to suffer too much damage.

But compared with the Kree Empire, which has many affiliated planets, Xandar has too few affiliated planets, and it is not in the same order of magnitude at all.

Once a full-scale war is launched, Xandar's disadvantages in logistical support will be clearly seen.

"All-out war won't be fought for the time being, but if you want to go to Xandar, or conduct pre-border harassment operations with Ronan's troops, I can help you arrange it."

Compared with Roger's other women, Carter's biggest advantage is that she is the only one who has really experienced war and has a certain military command ability.

Daisy can't do this, and neither can Nami.

So the best place for Carter to play is not on Roger's big and comfortable bed, but on the front line of the war.

"No, I've read Ronan's information, and he can easily handle this kind of small-scale harassment."

"As for Xandar, whenever you go over, I will go there!"

Carter quickly gave his answer.

"Okay, then let's make a decision like this first!"

After finishing speaking, Roger hooked his right index finger lightly, a black silk thread appeared near the office door, and pressed the buttons for closing the door and do not disturb.

Having been with Roger for so long, Carter knew what Roger was going to do the moment he heard the office door close.

"You really..."


Ross eventually agrees to meet Roger.

Although Roger's relationship with the United States is not good at all, after receiving the message from Sharon from Wakanda, Ross did not think about it for too long, and quickly gave his own reply.

The next day, New York, in a coffee shop in Manhattan.

Ross, who had already taken off his military uniform, came to the coffee shop under the protection of Secret Service agents, and met Roger, who had been working with him happily.

At this time, Roger was wearing a casual outfit and a pair of sunglasses. He looked extremely relaxed.

Needless to ask, Ross also knew that Roger must have entered the country secretly.

For a superpower like Roger, entering the United States without attracting anyone's attention is no more difficult than drinking water.

"long time no see!"

Ross, who was wearing a gray custom-made suit, spoke first.

Then sat directly across from Roger.

"Indeed, it's been a long time since I saw you! The enhanced serum that was provided to the military before should be quite easy to use, right?"

Roger took a look at Rose, whose complexion had obviously improved a lot, and his aura had also restrained a lot, and he said slowly.

"It's okay, but unfortunately there is no follow-up supply."

Ross's expression at this time was also very relaxed, as if sitting in front of him was not Roger, who was once listed as the number one target by the military, but an old friend of his.

"The serum provided by the Osborne Group is not effective. With Norman's character, he should not let this cake go easily."

"The research and development strength of the Osborn Group is not bad, but when it comes to strengthening the serum, their technicians are far inferior to yours."

The military is also an existence that pursues cost performance. The serum Roger provided to the military at the beginning was far more cost-effective than the serum of the Osborne Group.

Otherwise, Roger would not have been able to snatch this order from the Osborne Group.

"I have an online meeting in half an hour. We can talk about greetings later."

"Tell me, what's the matter with you looking for me this time?"

Now Ross is not only responsible for capturing the Hulk and being responsible for the Super Soldier Project Air Force Lieutenant General.

After being promoted to Secretary of State, he has much more to do now than before.

"Okay, then I'll be straight."

"I'm here to discuss a deal this time. If you want, I can directly open Wakanda's vibration gold products to you."

Roger took a sip of the coffee in front of him and said slowly.

"what do you want?"

After hearing Roger's words, Ross frowned and asked vigilantly.

It wasn't the first time he had dealt with Roger, and he wouldn't believe that Roger would suddenly be so kind.

Since the news of vibrating gold in Wakanda appeared in the world, almost all countries want to buy vibrating gold and corresponding vibrating gold products from Wakanda.

If the American military had not sent an aircraft carrier fleet to Africa before, the United States should also appear on Wakanda's sale list.

But unfortunately, since the military tried to rob and failed tragically, they lost the qualification to buy Vibration Gold through normal channels.

In order to obtain vibration gold, they can only buy it from the black market or from other countries.

Normally speaking, with the capabilities of the United States, it is not difficult to acquire Zhenjin and related products from other countries.

After all, other countries will give them a little face.

However, Wakanda did not give them this face.

After knowing that some countries secretly sold vibration gold to the United States, Wakanda directly stopped the sales from those countries, fundamentally eliminating the possibility of these countries being second-hand traffickers.

Since then, the United States can only purchase vibranium and related products from the black market.

Not to mention the sharp increase in the purchase price, the source has also become extremely unstable.

Although the United States is very strong, the battle on the African coastline made the whole world see the military strength of Wakanda.

Under the deterrence of Wakanda, vibrating gold transactions in the black market have also become extremely rare.

However, now, Roger is willing to take the initiative to open the purchase channel of vibrating gold to the United States, which is tantamount to good news for Ross.

"It's very simple, I want S.H.I.E.L.D.!"


Ross had already planned for Roger to open his mouth, but he didn't expect that Roger's request would be this.

"SHIELD does not exist now, and your Don Quixote Group did not accept their technicians at the beginning. You should know this better than me."

Ross frowned.

"The officially supported S.H.I.E.L.D. has indeed been disbanded, but S.H.I.E.L.D. has not completely disappeared, it has just gone underground."

"I had a cooperation with the underground S.H.I.E.L.D. led by Nick Fury."

Hearing this, Rose finally knew what Roger was going to do.

"You want to take full control of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"That's right! Although the disbandment of S.H.I.E.L.D. has nothing to do with me, but now, I plan to make this S.H.I.E.L.D., which no longer belongs to you, my private property!"

(End of this chapter)

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