Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 18 Pony

Chapter 18 Pony
Flushing, Chinatown.

Looking at the familiar Chinese signs on the street, Roger's mood improved a lot.

After declining the taxi driver's kind reminder again, he opened the car door and walked down, heading towards Chinatown in front of him.

However, not long after he got out of the car, he noticed something was wrong.

Uh... There are too many eyes on the body.

Although before crossing, he was already used to this feeling of being silently scrutinized while shopping.

But the problem is that the people who looked at him before were all young girls.

Of course, there are also young women in their 40s and [-]s who are of a certain age.

Now, however, it was a group of men, to be precise, a group of black men, who were looking him up and down.

How is this going?

Had I become so attractive that even people of the same sex of different skin colors could not resist?
Roger frowned slightly, and walked towards Chinatown without slowing down.

He thought that when he entered Chinatown, these strange eyes would disappear.

But it turns out that he was thinking too much.

Those black people who seemed to be on the street not only did not look away, but followed him into Chinatown.

After thinking for a while, Roger suddenly remembered something.

He took out the new mobile phone he had just replaced, opened an illegal website with ease, and browsed quickly on it.

"A reward is offered for missing persons, and those who provide accurate information will receive 100 million US dollars."

On this illegal website that has no unhealthy pop-up advertisements, Roger saw a bounty for missing persons released just today.

This illegal website is a communication forum in the New York black market. Just like a well-known plant forum, it is a "professional" website that requires a special invitation code to log in and view.

In New York, there are many illegal websites dedicated to the black market, and the one Roger is logging into is just one of them.

It is said that the actual controller behind these websites is the famous underworld emperor Jin Bing.

Of course, this is just speculation.

Before, some reporters who were not afraid of death and those who were too curious tried to prove this point, but they all ushered in the accidents and scars of "the unbearable weight of life".

After these things happened too much, naturally no one dared to continue investigating these websites.

In this post that was tagged as "Hot", Roger saw the full content of the reward, as well as the photo that he was no stranger to.

It was a picture of him standing on top of a van wearing a Spider-Man headgear.

The sharpness of the photo is not particularly high, and the focus is not particularly good, but overall, this is a decent photo.

The main reason is that the man in the photo has a good posture, with some "superhero" demeanor.

After roughly looking at the meaningless replies below the post, he returned to the homepage of the forum and browsed casually.

Apart from the bounty for missing persons, he didn't find any information about himself on the forum.

So here comes the question, how did those black people stare at him.

Could it be those guys?
Today is the fourth day since he came to this world. During these four days, the only black people he has come into contact with are the gangsters whom he taught.

Except for them, Roger can be sure that he has no contact with any black people.

That being the case, the answer is obvious.

The black men following him now should be the accomplices of those gangsters before.

Of course, it is not ruled out that these guys came here for the bounty for the missing person.

Although he was wearing a Spider-Man headgear in the reward photo, and the clothes he was wearing had already been thrown away by him, but a person with such outstanding temperament, even wearing a headgear, could not conceal his charm.

As for whether he would be found by the Osborne Group, he had already seriously considered it before he took the initiative to snatch Professor Lizard.

The conclusion reached is that there is absolutely no need to worry about this.

In a capitalist society like the United States, if the wealthy Osborne Group wants to deal with him, there are indeed hundreds of ways.

But the premise of all this is that he is just an ordinary person.

Although he is not particularly strong now, he still has the ability to protect himself.

If the Osborne Group really intends to deal with him desperately, then he doesn't mind using the Osborne Group as an early boss.

Don't underestimate the power of a time traveler, especially a time traveler who has seen future plots.

If there is a falling out, Roger can guarantee that he will be the last one to survive.

And strictly speaking, there is no deep hatred between him and the Osborne Group that cannot be resolved.

He did snatch Professor Lizard, but he didn't kill Professor Lizard.

If the Osborne Group wants to capture Professor Lizard, they still have a lot of opportunities.

The only thing that is uncertain is when Professor Lizard will show up.

As for those operatives who died in his hands, this is simply a trivial matter.

While that's somewhat disrespectful to the dead, that's the reality.

Norman Osborn is not a fool. It is not difficult to guess what choice he will make in the face of avenging a group of incompetent men and completely offending a target who has shown certain strength.

The posting of a reward for finding people in the black market is evidence.

If Norman Osborn really hated him that much, the rewards posted on the black market would not be rewards for missing persons, but rewards for life.

Just when Roger had just put away his phone and was thinking about how to deal with these followers behind him, a friendly greeting came from around him.

Of course, the object of greeting is not him.

"Fuck his mother, these niggas are at it again!"

Looking along the sound, he saw a group of Chinese youths no older than twenty.

These five Chinese young men were dressed in hip-hop and stood less than two meters away from him.

And it was the group of black people who followed him into Chinatown that they were watching.

After hearing this group of Chinese young people greet the group of black people in the back cordially, Roger gave up his plan to find a hidden alley to greet these black people in person, put his hands in his pockets, and stood there with an expression on his face.

After seeing this group of Chinese youths, the black people behind Roger stopped and exchanged a few words quickly in a low voice.

It seems that this is not the first time this group of Chinese young people have met these black people.

And judging from their expressions at this time, there should have been some intimate physical contact between them.

"Brother, are you new here? My name is Xiao Ma, from Hong Kong Island!"

"These niggers have been following you for a while, and they seem to be eyeing you. But don't be afraid, here, no one can bully our flower growers!"

The pony, who was only about 1.7 meters tall, came to Roger with a look of quackery, patted his shoulder lightly, and at the same time raised his middle finger to the group of black people behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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