Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 177 Trading with the Red Skull

Chapter 177 Trading with the Red Skull
Rogers didn't waste any more time here, and hurried towards Colonel Phillips' office.

Touring and all that was completely out of his mind now.

In his mind, there is only one thought now, and that is to determine Bucky's situation as soon as possible.

Seeing Rogers disappearing quickly, Roger had no intention of following.

Although he didn't ask Colonel Phillips specifically, if nothing else happened, Bucky would definitely not die so easily.

In any case, Bucky is an elite soldier, and the possibility of him surviving will not be too low.

Of course, the most likely thing that happened is that Bucky was caught by Hydra and taken to the Fort Claus base as in the original timeline, waiting for Rogers' rescue.

"If Bucky wasn't dead, would you help him get Bucky out?"

When Rogers' figure completely disappeared, Carter looked at Rogers and said.

"It depends on the situation, it's hard to say now."

Roger did not give a definite answer.

In fact, he is now struggling with whether to intervene in Rogers' first move.

If everything develops according to normal conditions, Rogers should be able to successfully complete this rescue mission.

But the problem is, things are not normal anymore.

Among other things, Carter wouldn't be fully on Rodgers' side right now.

This leads to a small problem, that is, it is impossible for Rogers to establish any connection with Howard now.

Without Howard's help, Rogers could only choose to walk or drive to the Hydra base in Clausburg.

Of course, you can drive or walk there, but I don’t know if Rogers’ good friend Bucky can carry it until that time.

They didn't wait long before seeing Rogers walking back with a serious face.

Before they could speak, Rogers took the initiative to say: "Bucky should still be alive, I'm going to save him."

After speaking, he began to prepare the equipment needed for the operation.

A pistol, an iron shield for performance, a steel helmet, and a suit of outerwear.

Seeing Rogers preparing things in a hurry, Roger thought about it seriously, and finally decided to make a move himself.

This time the rescue mission is not only Rogers' fame battle, but also his first meeting with Red Skull.

If there is not much change on the Hydra side, the Red Skull and Dr. Zola are now in the Clausburg base.

And, of course, that gleaming cosmic cube.

"Carter, go tell Colonel Phillips that I'm going to Clausburg."

Roger did not offer to help, but asked Carter to tell Colonel Phillips the news.

After hearing his words, Carter and Rogers were stunned at the same time.

Just when Carter was about to say something, Roger hugged her and kissed her ruddy and alluring lips.

Kissing Carter in front of Rogers was something Roger had planned for a long time.

Not for anything else, just to stimulate Rogers, and even remind him not to call Carter's attention.

Sure enough, Rogers was stunned after seeing Carter's unresisting and somewhat intoxicated appearance.

"Wait obediently for me to come back!"

After a meaningful French kiss with Carter, Roger said slowly.


Carter nodded silently.

After doing all this, Roger ignored Rogers and left the stage directly.

When he left, Rogers glanced at Carter with a complicated expression, and left without looking back with his backpack in his hand.

Rogers had planned to part ways with Roger, but when he saw Roger walking towards the tarmac, he immediately changed his mind.

Driving there will not only waste more time, but also be more difficult.

The Hydra base at Clausburg was thirty miles behind enemy positions.

To get there, one had to pass through the most heavily defended area in all of Europe.

He didn't like Roger very much, especially after witnessing the scene where Roger kissed Carter.

However, considering that his good friend Bucky was in a cell at the base, he decided to ask Roger for help.

Just do it, Rogers did not hesitate, ran to Roger with his backpack, and said slowly: "Are you going to take a plane there, can I go with you?"

Although Rogers is officially recognized as Captain America, he has no authority at all here.

But Roger was different.

Here, he has full authority to mobilize resources.

Not to mention just mobilizing a plane to take them there, even if he intends to lead a team to raid the Hydra base directly, Colonel Phillips will not stop him.

Or rather, Colonel Phillips wished Roger would do the same.


Roger did not refuse Rogers' request, but directly agreed.

There is still a difference between proper suppression and blind rejection.

Now that Rogers has taken the initiative to take a step back, Rogers doesn't mind giving him a little face.

After all, his purpose of suppressing Rogers is only to facilitate the later building of trust.

"Thank you!"

After hearing Roger's answer, Rogers immediately expressed his thanks.


"This base of Hydra is located between two mountains and should be an arsenal."

"The pilot will let us get as close as possible to the target, but the Hydra people are not idiots, and their anti-aircraft fire will not let us in, so you better be prepared to parachute."

In the cabin, Roger roughly talked about the next plan.

According to the normal development, it should be Howard who brought Rogers there now, and Carter was the one who introduced the situation to Rogers.

But now that Roger is here, things are unlikely to go as normal.

"Okay, I'm fine."

After speaking, Rogers began to arrange the parachute.

At this time, he was wearing a blue steel helmet that originally belonged to a cheerleader.

On the helmet, an obvious capital letter A is branded.

In addition to this, a windshield visor hangs from the helmet.

While Rogers was packing the parachute, Roger was thinking about what to do with the Red Skull in his mind.

In the normal timeline, Rogers failed to stop the Red Skull and could only watch him leave.

But for Roger, as long as he wants, he can stop the Red Skull at any time and completely end the Red Skull's life.

But killing Red Skull now is obviously not a very wise decision.

To complete the task of "The Blackening of Captain America", Red Skull is the key figure.

At least for now, the Red Skull must not die.

"You don't need a parachute?" Rogers looked at Roger suspiciously and asked slowly.

"No, I have a special landing method."

Roger replied calmly.


Not long after, there were explosions in the air.

The anti-aircraft artillery on the ground fired wildly at the plane.

"It seems that we can only go here, prepare to skydive, Captain America!"

After speaking, Roger opened the hatch directly and glanced at the dense forest below.

Then, under the gaze of Rogers, he jumped down with a calm face.

Seeing that Roger jumped out without a parachute, Rogers frowned slightly.

He thought that he and Rogers should be the same kind of people, both super fighters whose physical fitness has been significantly improved.

But now, he found himself thinking too much.

Roger is not a super soldier at all, but a superhuman in the true sense.

A few seconds later, he came to the hatch and jumped down.

"Why didn't you come to rescue them before?"

After regrouping in the forest, Rogers asked the question in his heart.

"Two reasons, first, I'm busy! Besides rescuing them, I have a lot to do."

Roger has been very busy lately, but he is not busy with any business, but busy with Carter to discuss techniques.

"Second, I plan to give you this opportunity!"

"Give it to me? What do you mean?"

The puzzled look on Rogers' face became more obvious.

"I have enough credit and reputation here, but you are different, you have no credit at all now."

"Unless you want to go back to being a bond salesman, you need an opportunity to reasonably stay on the front line."

"The task of rescuing prisoners is very suitable for you."

Roger said calmly.

"Why are you helping me?" Rogers continued to ask.

"I'm not helping you, I just don't want Dr. Erskine's efforts to go to waste, you understand?"

After speaking, Roger ignored Roger and walked towards the nearby road.

Looking at Roger's back, Rogers had some thoughts in his heart that he had never had before.

Perhaps, he is not so annoying?
Rogers didn't say anything, and followed silently.

When they came to the side of the road, Roger said again: "This is the main road leading to the Hydra base. If there is no accident, there will be a Hydra transport convoy coming. You can use the convoy to sneak in." base."

Rogers keenly captured the key information, and asked quickly, "Aren't you going in together?"

"Of course I want to go in, but not with you, I'll use other methods to get in."

It's not convenient to do some secret things with Rogers, so Rogers plans to get rid of him here temporarily.

After a few seconds of silence, Rogers said slowly: "No problem, then we will meet after entering the base, pay attention to safety!"

After hearing Rogers remind himself to be safe, Roger shook his head helplessly.

"It seems that you still have a little misunderstanding of my strength!"

After speaking, Roger quickly disappeared in front of Rogers and returned to the forest.

After confirming that Rogers was still obediently hiding by the roadside with his knowledge and arrogance, Roger opened the space door leading to the Hydra base.


Hydra base, main control room.

Before coming out of the green space, Roger had already seen the Red Skull and Dr. Zola.

At this time, the Red Skull, wearing a mask for camouflage, did not show his monster-like appearance.

The illusory space door took shape instantly behind Dr. Zola.

Before the short Dr. Zola realized anything, Roger hit the back of the neck with a sniper knife and completely passed out.

At the moment when Dr. Zola was about to fall, the Red Skull, whose back was turned to Dr. Zola, seemed to sense something, turned around suddenly, pulled out the energy pistol at his waist, and pointed the muzzle at the Come out Roger.

"It's you?"

After seeing Roger, the Red Skull almost instinctively pulled the trigger.

But he eventually gave up.

"Although it's our first meeting, I don't think I need to introduce myself."

As if Roger didn't see the pistol in Red Skull's hand, he sat down on the chair casually.

"As expected of the famous Roger Wayne, he was able to sneak in here without anyone noticing."

Red Skull's tone was calm, but the pistol in his hand was always pointed at Roger.

"Put the gun away, if I really want to deal with you, you won't even have the chance to draw the gun."

Roger pointed to the chair next to him and said slowly.

Although his words are not so pleasant, but the Red Skull knows that this is the truth.

If Roger chose to attack himself instead of Dr. Zola at the beginning, then he would be the one who fell to the ground now.

After thinking for a few seconds, Red Skull put away his pistol and sat down straight.

"You came here on purpose, probably not to show off your strength. Let's be honest, what do you want to do?"

"I want to make a deal with you, a deal that is good for you and me."

At this time, Roger is like a devil who tempts others to sacrifice their souls.


After more than 20 minutes, Roger left the main control room satisfied, leaving behind a red skull with a pensive face.

In order for the Red Skull to be as compatible with his mission as possible, he portrayed himself as a man with an extreme thirst for power.

According to the agreement, he will then provide the Red Skull with some information about the Allied Forces, and minimize the attack on Hydra.

When the Red Skull needs it, he can also help the Red Skull solve some unsolvable things.

In return, when Red Skull successfully conquered the world, Red Skull will lend him the Rubik's Cube to study.

Of course, in order not to arouse Red Skull's suspicion, he pretended not to know the existence of the Rubik's Cube at all, but said that he wanted to study the mysterious energy in Hydra.

To put it simply, he is willing to become Red Skull's spy and secret thug within the Allied Forces, so as to gain the opportunity to study the Rubik's Cube.

This is not a particularly advanced plan, but it is enough to lure the Red Skull.

The reason is simple, because the Red Skull himself is a person who has a strong desire for mysterious power.

This is the same reason that when I am an LSP, I instinctively feel that other men are also LSPs.

Coupled with his impeccable acting skills, Red Skull doesn't think this is anything out of the ordinary.

On the contrary, Red Skull felt that Roger's choice was wise.

In his view, it is only a matter of time before he succeeds in conquering the world.

It is not particularly strange that a person like Roger, who has a strong desire for power and possesses extraordinary abilities, will stand on the side of the final winner ahead of time.

So, after a detailed exchange, Red Skull agreed to Roger's request.

Yes, in Red Skull's view, Roger is someone who begged him, and he generously agreed to his request.

Although Roger didn't know exactly what Red Skull thought, but he could see that Red Skull enjoyed the feeling of being admired.

Especially the person who admired him was a strong man with extraordinary abilities.

In order to prove his sincerity, and mainly to further confuse the Red Skull, Roger told the Red Skull that Rogers was about to sneak into the base to rescue the captives, and suggested that he better abandon the base.

Red Skull didn't intend to give up the base, but after hearing that Roger had a mission to destroy the base, he finally followed Roger's suggestion.

The higher Roger's status in the Allied Forces, the more valuable intelligence he can obtain.

Compared with this, a base that can be completely rebuilt elsewhere is nothing.

Before leaving the main control room, Roger also kindly reminded Red Skull not to forget to take away information that might reveal the location of other bases.

Not long after he left the main control room, Rogers finally waited for the transport convoy to the base.

Roger left the main control room, but he did not leave the base, but came to the roof of the base through the space door, waiting patiently for Rogers' arrival.

(End of this chapter)

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